Acapulco high 10
What today experiences Acapulco will be the destiny of all Cities of the globe – but hight 10 in force - within the next 50 years.
It’s simply the way the CLIMATE-Collapse will extend in the next future and therefore, humans will go to death for all times.
Help will the JEWS and Pinker and WEF and Chicago School with their finance collapse, the USA with the worldwide neoliberalism collapse and finally the corrupt Elite with their collapse by stupidity of folks and experts and Chiefs of States.
But learn more about you DEATH coming up very soon – your sons and daughters will have no chance of life anymore – Stupid!
René Delavy - Côte d’Azur
Oct. 2023
Alternative energy and TESLA
A History of Holocausts and Extermination
The History of humans was in fact a history of Holocaust and of Exterminations.
Since many years I am predicting that the 21st Century after Christ will be the final century of the self-elimination of our human kind - all over on our planet.
The reasons and chain of origins and effects are given in my oeuvre and in fact, it does not matter if I am right or wrong. The following text will show, why the final extermination and perhaps destruction of a planet is a good thing - and not one God will shed a tear over this golden end of a terrible World-Theatre.
But let's go into the funny details of an animal, to say a human race, all our folks are so proud about.
A History of Racism
Yesterday, ZDF INFO brought a documentary of 2 hours about the whole history of RACISM in the world. It was in fact not a story of remembrance in racisms, but rather an endless Tale on what did humans to other humans in matters of extinction, slavery, torture, wars and crimes.
And we got that we should not talk of humans being like animals or being some beasts, but rather since the Stone Humans until today, the Species of the homo sapiens was a permanent string of pearls in behaviourism of the worst - below any other animal given on Earth.
It is said that the last great Holocaust on Jews under Hitler was so important, that all other holocausts in history risk to be forgotten for all times. But I must say that this fact is not of relevance, since by 2099 the whole history will be ended for all times - and we should read now, why this is a real Grace.
The last Step
The final step of humans in holocaust is the self-destruction by matters of collapses in finances, economics, stupidity of human minds, end of resources, tumbling down of infrastructures and mega-towns, massacre of the 99 per cent on the rich and powerful, extinction of animals and nature, death of oceans, woods, climate and weather-machine, to say the final days in matters of ecology.
There is a justice by the End on humans themselves, who were clever enough to destroy in 200 years of technology and capitalism, their own paradise by explosion of pops and of cash and of cars, with the aim to be sitting in a TGV, accelerating since 1975 into the final wall at the end of the valley, somehow around 2099.
The perpetrators and the victims
The perpetrators were mainly the powerful and the rich folks, in the first place the WHITE RACE. But there was no exclusivity, and least the one of the white race of Arians around Hitler, some years ago.
All colours in all continents, Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America and Australia had their own history in extinctions of original folks of any colour and of any kind.
And the massacre did not start in Vietnam or Chile, it lasted from the first Ape becoming the Man until the slaughtering today in the Congo, Afghanistan, low folks in China, India, Bangladesh, USA and Spain, short before the greatest holocaust of the globe, the one of Globalisation, will start NOW.
Naturally, like with paying taxes, the victims were those today of the 99 per cent, paying taxes, when the rich and powerful have laws allowing to live for free. But here we have to hear our philosophers.
The role of philosophers
It is completely unknown that from the Old Greek until Habermas and Huntington, all had texts about some sort of racism, telling that slavery and killing idiots should be a normal and natural thing to happen.
You can take any philosopher of all times, you will find some matter in their theories, like with Immanuel Kant and Hegel and Hume and Locke and Adam Smith or Friedman and whatever, telling things like:
- The role of God was it to determine, that the highest race is the one of Whites, below come the Asians, below the Niggers, below the Red Indians and below the Aborigines.
Now, it would have been a good thing and true to turn it the other way round, like is done by Delavy, but this is another story, to be explained what are matters like:
- Hitler should have gassed all Jews of the Globe - or -
- Soon the 99 per cent will eliminate all rich and powerful VIPs of the globe.
Lets' talk of good reasons, to eliminate not only socialists, niggers, natural slaves, original folks in Asia or Africa or South America by colonialists out of Britain, Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, USA, China or Japan, let's talk later of the final holocaust, well justified. And learn first, what was the Role of our God, before explaining the facts around the 99 percent.
Religions’ role
It is dead funny that most of the time, even myself, we are talking of the crimes of Christianity, which was a pure accident, because of fool with name of Jesus, some 2000 years ago in Israel, made terror against the Romans and same Saint Paulus was able to bring a wave of coincidence over the western world, ending with a Pope FRANZ in a huge Cathedral in Rome, when I was telling some crimes on women as witches, on original folks worldwide - wiped out by Catholicism.
Well - the Hitler folks were not all Catholics and the U.S. Idiots around Palin are in fact some Jews and Evangelicans, and the killers in Asia and South America before our time of Western and European power, were all Powers and Colours you may think of.
There was not one single religion with their 1000 Gods who would not have killed masses by the rich and powerful perpetrators and MINORITIES with less folks as slaves and victims.
An idiotic philosopher out of India, blamed recently the White western power, to have forbidden by European idiocy the cultural great deed, to burn widows alive when their husbands died in India. And this idiot shed tears about the fact that this fine habit was only stopped by the White from Britain saying: "We kill all the men, when you continue burning women alive" and this alone stopped the finest crime we can think of. And it had nothing to do with Popes or Luther or Calvin and GW Bush and Ronald, it was one good idea of Indians, Chinese, Aborigines, Red Indians and of the Tea Party, to have highest intellectual power in all Cultures you ever found on this rotten Globe. Any documentary of FOX and ARTE TV pretend that Shit of mind.
We could establish a Hit-Parade of the worst Racism of Gods in history, but this will not explain the nature of humans, to kill each other in any ways you may think in their beautiful cellars of Mechanic Schools.
The Voice of God
It is sure that in view of 1000 Gods and 1000 Religions, a God never existed on our Earth, and if there is one some 10000 billion Light years away, he couldn't care less about all what is written above. He was always on the side of the rich and tax-free Skunks of humanity, which proves that Religion was some matter of invention by the Upper Class of humans.
The Poor accepted the idea of a God, of paradise, of there-afters and so on, to accept the deeds of Popes, of JFK, of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Obama, if you can read my lips, with a brain full of shit.
Now, there is a voice of God in the sense, that by the years 1750, our God said: "Let's them invent some technology and cash, let humans spread that shit over the globe, let's allow him to explode in matters and destroy their planet, and finally I have no longer to care about the greatest idiots I have ever seen in my Universe..." - and so it happened.
Logics about the final run
I promised before that I shall come back on the final holocaust of humans from the year 2000 to the year 2099 - ending in self-destruction and elimination of a Fool from the face of our Earth:
1. Holocaust on Jews
There is the question of me writing: Had Hitler gassed all Jews on the Globe in Auschwitz, this would have been a great deed and grace.
Now, first this is hypothetical and a theory and I must confirm that the Holocaust on the Jews around 1940, was one of the greatest crimes, well better stupidity, humans ever were able to do. But think of the following:
The whole shit with neo-liberalism, the crimes of banks around WEF and Fed and IMF were a pure invention of the Jews, mainly in the USA around the Jews Popper, Friedman and Greenspan, possessing all banks and inventing any atom bomb of cash. Now, it is a fact this greedy race did end up capitalism, followed by collapse of economics in the world and then gigantic riots and revolutions, killing some 3 billion of folks, we may by the end ask the question: "What would have happened, if Hitler would have killed ALL Jews of the globe?"
The usual Scrap of Mind of
these days would say that this is a question of Antisemitism and against
"Political Correctness". Delavy says more precisely: The total
killing of Jews would have extended the final days of humans by around 50
years, not more - because the human nature is dependent on Systems and Idiocy
of the human race in ALL colours, and not on politics of Hitler, Mao, Stalin,
Xi, Singh, Ronald and Margaret, Berlusconi, Obama, Merkel and other idiots,
being the Slaves of the Finance Jews around the final days on Earth.
2. The establishment of the 99 Percent
It is rather funny that 30 years after my "ORAKEL 2099" the idiots around OCCUPY come up with their 99 percent, without knowing what they mean by 99.
I explain: The coming Crash of finance and economics will establish for the first time in history, that some 99 per cent of the human mass on Earth will fall into misery and then, they will start to massacre all the perpetrators, the rich and powerful VIPs of our Society - and this shall happen before 2050, and this is fact if Delavy writes such texts or not. It is some sort of Automatism just as were Socialism, Capitalism, Neoliberalism and the Technology World of wanted self-destruction and elimination of the fools.
And there are some other fine Mechanics comparable to the story of Hitler Holocaust, around the Role of the 99 per cent, to be read in my books, not taken note so far by an intellectual world, dead for all times to come.
What were the Humans?
When you have read so far, and if you have a brain of some value, you may conclude:
- Humanity was the
greatest shit, ever seen in our Universe, but covered up by the heroic tones in
all books, literature, philosophy and religion, about the great deeds and the
wonder of intellect of humans, who came from the former animals to achieve to
be the great masters of the universe and we get toward the best days, this
rotten Race has ever seen under diverse beautiful religions and esoterics,
given by our Gods.
It is a shame I must conclude:
Humans have been the greatest shit a God could ever have placed on any Planet in eternity of times and endlessness in space - and it was time for him to go.
I liked it in all of my oeuvre, to build some PYRAMIDS about the crimes, the reasons for fundamental self-destruction and of best cultural achievements ever and of important games done by perpetrators and their victims - such as:
Pyramid of Self-destruction
1. Natural stupidity of humans. 2. Aggressiveness of men. 3. Lack of abstract thinking of women. 4. The role of Esoterics and Religions. 5. The explosion of pops from one to 10 billion. 6. The age of technology. 7. The Inventions of wheel, fire, motor, cars, planes etc. 8. The building of mega-towns. 9. The tumbling down of capitalism. 10. Racism, holocaust and other fine war games of an Ape.
And there is no question about the major guilty:
Sometimes ago it was the simple majority of power with some groups of Stone Humans. Then came the Old Greek and said to be humans, the rest being slaves, then came the western colonialists and Pope murderers, then some fine Hitler, Stalin and Mao and by the end the U.S. Empire bringing the best ideas, how to finish with humanity - with the Jews, the Tea Party and other WEF Shit, a rotten theory taken over by Indians, Chinese, Niggers and Japanese and some other origin folks of the 20th Century who did no longer want to be living without banks, cars, planes, cash and the idiocy of the American way of death.
It is pure coincidence that not Hitler or Mao finished up with our Civilisation, but the Americans out of USA, with zero Red Indians, but having some dirty Nigger President, under influence of NSA and some other dirty influence of Jews and newest Chinese Power. Orwell and Huxley were pure idiots.
Well finally, this terrible story and history ends up in peace of greatest laughter ever seen in the heavens of our invented Gods - and there is just time to wait for the last Ape or Human, to keep shut his mouth for ever.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on October 27, 2013
Book “Philosophie der Realität – Alltag des Wahns»
Destroying all intellect of humans ever:
This book “Philosophy of Reality – Craziness of Every day”
makes all other books, the Bible, Coran, religions, science and philosophies, all VIPs ever, all writers of books. all theories and any intellectual efforts of 3000 years
to be destroyed and worthless.
The book proves how humanity goes NOW down the drain forever and has not the slightest chance to survive the next 50 to 100 years.
Will explode all principles and reality in finances, world economics, destruction by climate collapsed and missing water and nourishment and anyhow, the train of TGV with exponentially be accelerating speed runs into the final wall of collective death – and there we see:
Not one human will be at life by about 2099.
Read also here, what’s all about.
1st Chapter
This is the planet Earth as we know it in general:
It consists of all activities and news and history of all Times. All professions, all what normal people know about politics, culture, economy, ecology, progress and technology of Today.
This world is a complete CHAOS and all activities are made to destroy slowly our planet and the future of humanity - although all books and news pretend the contrary.
This FACT is proven by the comments under SYSTEMS.
What we conceive as happening in reality is a bluff, given by politicians and experts, who do only overlook about 10 percent of what in reality is destroyed every day, more and more at present times.
Water and Food
Humanity will die from lack of Water. There
is no groundwater under Mega-Cities. By the next huge drought, they die per
millions. In fact, by 2099 will billions be dead (most of Megapolis) - because
of missing Water and Food and no God or Allah will prevent the disaster. These
inexistent religious idiots will grin their heads off.
Sea sand
Towns and infrastructure are made of
concrete (Beton). Lack of sea sand will let go rotten all buildings and
infrastructure in the next 20 to 50 years.
Oil and Gaz and Coal
US Fracking is slow suicide of USA and water
reserves. Each drop of oil spread worldwide in billions of tons - driven by an
explosion heap of pops - will destroy our climate and lead to terrible weather
catastrophes in the next future.
Energy Craze
Idiots want to maintain the illusion of a luxury world with 10 billion of folks. Now take what you want: Atom for death, coals and gas destroying climate forever, water destroying rivers, wind and solar energy using up all raw material for nothing - and future generations - even before 2050 - can starve without any further chances.
Seldom Earths
Alternative energy depends on such material, becoming priceless very soon. Technology (also based on Seldom Earths) is the reason for our downfall to hell. Electro- and TESLA Cars are the greatest SHIT of progress, worse as Petrol- or Diesel Cars.
Atom works of nations will not be
"built back" by trillions of Dollars. This would ruin all States.
Death danger of AKW will remain for eternity where these are today, as SIGN of
a deathly neoliberal shit-world - not recognized by the Apes of masses.
Waste Removal and Dismantling
Removal and Dismantling of AKW, mines of all sorts, oil fields, Fracking,
wind mills, cruizer ships, electro-batteries for cars etc. will cost trillions
and send all States in their ruin, in addition to all other damage. And then,
all responsible apes can cry me a river, because their heads will be cut off
and perpetrators eliminated in 1000 ways.
the final count with billionaires and politicians,
blood will flow until the
last day of humanity...
Cash has no value. It is a belief like
religions for a God. It will soon decay when banks tumble to hell like Domino
stones. When the global and Jewish Crash of world finance industry, banks and
States under neoliberal capitalism occurs, we shall learn that currencies were
pure intellectual shit to destroy our planet and humanity in the 21st Century.
Capital gains are never taxed (realized and
unrealized) and rich folks and companies such as conglomerates prevent all
taxes by help of 50 Tax Fraud States. Rich VIP and Enterprises do not pay their
true taxes on worldwide income and live on cost of middle class and poor, being
forced to pay taxes on any dime of income. This is the greatest injustice in
the present reality of stupid neoliberal fake-capitalism.
Cars are cheap, airlines are cheap,
computers are cheap, Cruise ships are cheap in 2018 - and they destroyed the
planet and used up all resources. Weak intellect of folks is grounded and
intelligence became cheap and already today, cheapness killed our future.
Computers and Digitalisation
A minor problem wanted by 90 percent of
humans. Total control on individuals and consumption. Late change not feasible.
Great number of professions will get down the drain without any other and new
The explosion of populations going on and
on, it is the major reason for the death of humanity during the 21st Century.
No resources anymore for 10 billion of crazy idiots.
The model democracy is the most ineffective
and stupid system of all sorts of governments. In times of dull majorities,
above all in the USA, it is nothing but a "Dictatorship for dull
majorities", unable to resolve the gigantic world problems of the future.
Death-Perpetrators for migration from
Africa, Middle East or Mexico were USA, Israel, Switzerland, neoliberalism,
WEF, Worldbank, IMF, AIPAC and worse. Those folks should stay at home and try
the best instead of migrating to Europe or USA and organise an economic chaos.
All religious Jews and Islamists should be exterminated from the face of the
GROWTH and Progress
The attempt to produce further growth in
China and all nations will lead to killing humanity before the year 2050. It
uses up all rest-resources, accelerates the climate collapse and together with
digitalisation and progress and growth, we have the major reason for the
forthcoming breakdown of our species in the 21st century.
Philosophy and Science
In all times, philosophy based alone on
"Behaviourism" and human stupidity. Science tried to create growth
and speed and founded the base for the final destruction of our planet and
humanity in the 21st Century.
The present is under dictate of our idiotic systems, not by human behaviour.
2nd Chapter
1st Catastrophe - DEBTS in the World
Humanity has immense DEBTS in all Nations that can never be paid back.
This means: Our nations are in fact in
Take USA:
It is meant that USA have debts of 20
trillions of Dollars. This is wrong:
USA have debts of 250 trillion, taking all 50 States, towns, rotten infrastructure, under-covered rental systems, Chapter Eleven, all not covered mortgages on all real estate, the crimes of the banks etc. USA are dead and out, like China, Japan, England, Italy, Greece and even tax-fraud oasis Switzerland.
The whole world has debts of about 2000
trillion of Dollars,
nevermore to be paid back.
There are only 3 methods to pay back debts:
1st method - Debt-cut
This would destroy several times (highest accounting rules by Delavy) the assets and fortunes of the globe - method impossible to be implemented.
2nd method - Inflation and Deflation
Same as deathly and stupid debt-cut - but over long period of time. As I proved in an article, deflation is even worse in effect as inflation.
3rd method - Huge State profits
If tried and done to get the contrary of deficits, the neoliberal systems would implode. Nations can no longer try to produce State profits. The system would be tumbling to hell.
2nd Catastrophe - Neoliberal Capitalism
The mainly Jewish economists invented the
system of neoliberalism,
to fight the communist system according to ideals of Thatcher and Ronald and Donald.
It produced rich VIP and great conglomerates, paying no taxes with help of the "Big Four", tax oasis, tricks and capital gains being not taxed.
Middle Class and Poor
financed alone the States and the infrastructure, used by the rich class for free. Therefore, those rich criminals have to be eliminated - just as banks, WEF and other destroyers of our economy.
3rd Catastrophe - DULLNESS OF MASSES
99 percent of folks are dull, paranoid, ignorant to systems, they are blind.
According to my "8 Steps of Thoughts" only step 1 and 2 are capable to understand your systems or read the future - about 10000 persons on our planet Earth. The rest is the mass of idiots.
4th Catastrophe - Explosion of Pops and Climate-collapse
The explosion from 2 to 8 billion of humans in the 20th century was the major reason for the coming final climate-collapse (not "Climate-change").
Each year more exponential weather catastrophes will occur:
- century droughts
- century floods
- super-storms
- and next to come: monster waves in oceans
and this will make life impossible towards
the end of the 21st century.
Increase in world-degrees however
is purely incidental and adds almost nothing to the future catastrophe. Our
death will be our deathly and irrevocable weather collapses - idiots.
5th Catastrophe – Guaranteed DEATH in the 21st Century
In my text “10 Commandments of Death”, there is explained why humanity shall be destroyed in 10 different methods. Each of them is independently fit to kill billions of folks on Earth - before the year 2099 has come.
These FACTS are irrevocable and guaranteed.
3rd Chapter
The real World was never understood by 100 % of dull Folks on our Planet.
All our wrong-turned brains will never know what there are:
- The universe, the world, is there a God, where do we come from, what is life and death, what is infinity and eternity, what is time and space, what is a brain, an eye or whatever is not made by human's technology etc. etc.
Get the only valid knowledge of humans that makes sense:
There has never been any beginning or end in whatever we could think of, the Big Bang is a fairy tale such as a million of other craziness of a sick mind, we know nothing about how and why there is a universe, why and how life and nature can exist, why and how sperms can bring in existence a living creature to die any time, why the creation of humanity was a crime, why our brains are full of stupidity - and why our nature always was struggling for death and wars.
Note that, human science and philosophies
and religions were a fake
in any period of history.
We know nothing about, how and why the development and evolution of humans will end in a complete and deathly breakdown within a very short time and if such an invention as God or technologies would have made any sense at all, except to destroy ourselves and our planet Earth.
To live in an unknown world, means to be a mouse in an AKW and believing to know God personally.
We understand right now that we know nothing and will die and starve during the 21st Century and there is no existing hope or any Plan B:
Our dullness and mistakes killed us - our humanity and our planet. The death-effects are irrevocable. By 2099 all will be done for all times.
Humanity has
gone over the Abyss and is
in his Free Fall.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
Written on March 15, 2018
Why can I pretend that ALL Folks are
DEAD today?
1. In the first World of Every Day, 99,999 percent of persons have no idea about reality and that by 2099, all humans will be dead on this planet.
2. People have no idea about the 2nd World of SYSTEMS and how we will kick the bucket by technology, finances, missing food and water and resources and climate-collapse, the masses to kill themselves and why the imminent CRASH will wipe out any hope for the future.
3. Humans have not the slightest idea about the 3rd World of the Unknown and such are crazy, paranoid and schizophrenic and have shit in their brains.
4. The life as such is a nano-second to live and then there will be eternal silence and death. People have no idea that life must be defined from death.
5. Folks have killed each other for nothing, for religions, nationalism, race and shit in brains of the rich class and the elite. When billions of masses die by stupidity, the elite must be massacred by all means – very soon.
This is – why we are all dead – today.