Red Lines
All Idiots of the world talk about “RED LINES” in the war of Israel and USA against the Arabs in GAZA, when in fact it IS a RED LINE for the destruction of Jews and their chances worldwide – in the world - for all Times.
There are some other fine RED LINES in history and I want explain some of them.
Red Line in Finances
When the Jews introduced the neoliberalism in their rotten industry of cash and took over all power in Fed, WEF, Wall Street and City of London with clocks of debts in all countries, it was clear that one day the whole industry of finances will crash in future. The day of truth comes near and nearer and then, no values will sustain in the world – the whole of humans will be broke and bankrupt for all times.
Red Line in Economics
When it was decided that the cheap land China should take over all productions of the WEST and when technology allowed a billion produced bullshit for10 billion of idiots, it was clear that some day in future the whole building of commerce will break down in pieces and all nations will tumble down and even China or USA or India and EU tumble to hell and not one product can in future times be produced any more for Junk folks.
Red Line in Geopolitics
When Hitler did not win his war and USA became the last rotten Empire of idiots, it was clear that such nation would force all other to become crazy in economics and finances and use up all resources of a planet until the time, 200 nations would tumble to hell – and this was about the time when the Jews of Israel wanted satisfaction through their own holocaust.
Red Line in Wars
Easy to get the moment: Hitler missed the atom bomb and the perfect power over the globe. Einstien and Oppenheimer took over and USA started the game of death one today, any time we can see the World War Three, it is only a question if Red Lines for the Jews or wars of NATO against Russia and China would not be surpassed.
Red Line in Ecology
When people found they had a right to consume like hell and drive per cars and planes and cruise ships and extend their number to 10 billion, it was clear that the climate would collapse and dead times would come, by extending all Red Lines by huge figures and the result would be: No water or nourishments or nature for the humans SHIT and the end of Humans on his globe of disaster.
Red Line in Science
When the first industry of masses opened its factories and the humans found the world would be a wonder box, the moment and red line was there to kill about 21,894 billion folks from 2000 to 2099 and any further step of science just increased the catastrophe and today there is no way back, humanity has come to its final End.
Red Line in Literature
Any kind of culture, arts or literature came, when Delavy wrote his first book. But in fact, the first mistake or red Line was there, when the Old Greeks found that philosophy of idiots would be great and dictated that this animal would be superior to nature, to animals and themselves.
It is clear that the End of Humanity hat come long time ago, Delavy found the mark was given about 1975.
Since then - all humans are bound to die due to 1000 Red Lines of idiots – but your line is given:
You have a brain full of SHIT – what a fine Red Line!
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on November 24, 2023
Die gigantische Blödheit der Massenmenschen
Man kann wohl meinen, dass die Massen aus Individuen bestehen in unglaublich vielfältiger Form.
Dies ist ein fundamentaler Irrtum.
Die 99 Prozente als untergeordnete Masse besteht zu etwa 80 Prozente aus gewaltig blöden Menschen, die ALLES akzeptieren was enorm dumm ist.
Man hat die Beispiele wo solche Typen an die Macht kommen wie Hitler, Trump, Mao, Stalin, Pinochet, Videla und Netanjahu und 1'000 andere Typen - die sofort ein Chaos und Krieg und Folter in die Wege leiten.
Die Eliten, also die Gebildeten und Reichen und Mächtigen, haben zwar alle Privilegien, aber sie sind wenigstens nicht saudumm.
Nun frage man sich, ob man eine beschissene Demokratie der Reichen und Mächtigen ohne Strafrecht will, oder eine Masse, die alles zugrunde richtet.
Was wir haben – heute - ist ein Chaos, wo die Eliten UND die Massen alle ermorden – allerdings ohne klare Absicht.
Will heissen:
Diese Gesellschaft heute ist eigentlich schon längst untergegangen und tot an ihrer eigenen Blödheit des Geistes - egal ob Eliten oder Massen….
Die gesamte Entwicklung von 1900 bis heute führte in den Kollektivtod und eine Rettung ist absolut unmöglich - was kommt ist der kollektive Tod der gesamten Menschheit in Kürze…
Death of USA- Israel – Jews
USA had lost all wars and fights against Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Russia, China and the rest.
Due to reaction by HAMAS, we will see some fine history:
USA and Israel and Jews to be destroyed by the effect of:
- 2 billion of Islamists
- Arabs etc. from Morocco to Indonesia
- Russia and China and Iran and 20 other nations
– All the ones that hated before USA or Israel or the Jews
- Against those skunks further are populists and the extreme left
And count some other forces in billions.
The Pan is boiling and it will explode in the near future.
And so, the Empire USA and his Jewish friends will look like suckers, but it was clear this was going to happen.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
November 2023