India under MODI

The Breakdown of India

The Breakdown of India under Narendra Modi will be comparable to the total collapse of all Systems in China, USA and Europe.

But it is easier to explain the CASE of India, as for the whole world altogether.

In my opinion, the Indian writers Manu Joseph, Jeet Thayil and Mohsin Hamid write big shit about their own land, pretending they would know best their country, contrary to western Idiots of normal journalism.

This is right in view of the idiots around Murdoch, FOX TV, NYT and other skunks, but not in view of a realistic person,  when a western guy with name Delavy writes about his lost billion of folks idiocy, not able to survive the next 50 years, like China, Indonesia, Brazil, Egypt, Africa, in fact the whole world - west or east does not make any difference.

A terrible man, Modi as friend of the Caste system in India, helping the rich class not to pay any taxes and steal all money of State by keeping low Castes in poverty and misery as slaves, as do the god-damned Jews in USA with poor Americans and their professors.

Modi is alone interested in the good life of Hindus and such is a skunk in view of other religions. This esoteric idiot only sees his not existent God of Hindi and thinks to be a wise man, when he should exchange his shit in the head by some better brains.

And further he believes in western styles of neoliberalism, when the land is suffering of not having own oil, gas, resources and energy and has to get all by idiot IT and small cars idiocy, when the peasants on the land will drink their poison to get dead, before being bankrupt, made by the big farmers, stealing all land with the consent of Gandhi and Modi and other cripples of mind.

The technology bubble and the real estate bubble will end like in Japan, USA, China and the rest in a complete downfall of all banks, killing the finances of a debts' State of idiots, having no idea, that they count only one tenth of the real debts of all folks and companies and little towns and the rest of India, or China, or USA, or Greece, or Switzerland. Stupidity is the Dollar value of all lands in 5 continents and they don't get it yet.

Modi cannot change anything to the downfall of the Indian nation from now on to 2020 and the waking up shall be so terrible, that not only farmers will drink their poison for plants, but Modi himself in order not to be massacred by the masses, like the Jew Idiots of Wall Street will be with all non-Jewish bankers of the world - very soon.

And this end is guaranteed, without mentioning 1000 of details on an idiotic System taken from the west in India, making tumble this far too big and over-pops land, the worst before being compared to USA, Israel and North Korea.

Got the points? - Hope not....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 19, 2014