Imbecile Rodrik and his TRILEMMA

Imbecile Dani Rodrik - Globalisation

A fine American, about on the intellectual level of Krugman and Friedman and Popper, wrote a book with Title

"The Globalization Paradox"

In this Oeuvre, our dear Dani invented a TRILEMMA, to say a Dilemma with 3 Units that are controversial and said to be killing each other. The 3 famous ITEMS are:


The First: NATIONS - are interested only in their advantage in commerce and finance.

The Second: GLOBALIZATION - should bring welfare and cash to all folks on Earth.

The Third: DEMOCRACY is to give freedom and human rights to all rich and poor folks.

Overall Control on Finance and Banking

Now our dear U.S. Genius Rodrik pretends that this system cannot work without an overall control and some new institutions offered by other finance Geniuses, because of:

1. Nations and Globalisation are working for sure against the interests of Democrazy.

2. Globalisation and Democrazy always would go against the interests of egoistic States.

3. Nations and Democrazy do not allow global welfare and cash for the rest of the Globe.

I must say that Dani Rodrik is not telling LIES, but what he pretends is just of the intellectual value of what said Karl Marx and Fukuyama about Socialism - and Milton Friedman and Greenspan about Neo-Liberalism - and Karl Popper and Habermas about Democrazy and human rights - to say some poor shit of mind that could never work and led from 1989 to 2012 to the final implosion of socialism and capitalism for all times to come. Nations, globalisation, democrazy are dead - and nobody knows...

ERRORS of Dani Rodrik in DETAIL:

1. Globalisation

Globalisation under neo-liberalism was from the start a death-birth of highest stupidity. To use up all resources of a planet on a planetary basis in only 150 years was a DEED OF DEATH brought to highest masses under Globalisation.

Further: Globalisation was the MYTH how market craziness of USA could be extended to all nations of the globe with Growth, huge profits and welfare for all Negroes and Jews. The intention was fine, however, as everybody can see since 2006, the implementation ended in a CHAOS killing our Society today.

2. Nations

Nations did nothing else but having wars and torture and burning witches and fights against each other. To believe, with cash and globalisation, this idea would change is completely nuts:

- Europe was fine with social market laws and Euro. Today Europe is bankrupt.
- USA was fine for some years with capitalism. Today USA is bankrupt.
- Japan was fine for some years with mass production. Since years Japan is bankrupt.
- China had Slavery and Cheap Production. In the year 2018, China will be imploded.

Same can be said about Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, India and all the Rest.

And today the idiots around Dani Rodrik still pretend that NEW USA, in other words the BRIC-States, would be the real wonder of the economic future, not learning any lesson of the PAST. Therefore, the TRUTH is that all Nations of the Globe are in Free Fall now and without any PLAN B or better solutions as applied in a rotten past.

3. Democrazy

I do not write Democracy because it is a system of "Dictatorship of dull and crazy Majorities". And therefore, if you want to give economy and banks and debts and the end of resources, of the air film of the globe and the oceans and the climate in the hands of the masses, of democracy, you better just wait some years, and any system under Communism, Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, Socialism, Islamism and Jewish Idiocism of Wall Street will end in a total BREAKDOWN of all States, of all Nations, of Globalisation, of Human Rights, of Democrazy and of Dani Rodrik and some Shit in his Brains.

Democracy and Human Rights were always just for the rich and tax-free skunks and their perpetrators in politics and media. Who tells another story, is just an insane LIAR.


Under these conditions, not even a fine CRITIC on his very imbecile BOOK could help.

Whatever I wrote in the past made 10 times more of SENSE than such late orders, how to overcome the total bankruptcy of banks, nations and conglomerates, in other words - the complete CRASH of the Earth's Financial Systems.

There is not a TRILEMMA but a simple DILEMMA:

- When the States try to save the situation with GROWTH, all nations go to hell.

- When the States try to save by AUSTERITY, all nations go to hell. There is no alternative.

The masses of folks under Globalization, Nations and Democracy never had a chance against the heroes of Finance and the Jews. And therefore, the folks must kill some day all these economists of zero value, including MEDIA around some Dani Binswanger of TAMEDIA, who wrote an ELOGE on such a poor and criminal RODRIK-Nature and his "oeuvre" - without one clear thought in it.

Who expects still just one useful idea from Krugman or Kissinger or Ackerman or Obama - or any sound solution to hell by a fine Dynamite Prize level out of USA - must be delivered in an asylum for lost minds. But humans shall still be waiting for other useless and greedy VIPs, being completely NUTS in world systems.

Still some questions - Friends?

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 30, 2012