Rotten World-Infrastructure

World Infrastructures - bound to rotten

There are sometimes some fights with my girl-friend about world Problems.

She always points to the financial weaknesses and I would do the same with SYSTEMS.

The major question was here, if my Theory is right, about all world-infrastructures getting rotten now in a few years, even if we had all CASH required to finance the given gadgets of States.

Listen to a talk of July 29, 2012:

Girl-Friend: "Yesterday we saw that documentary about "Nature surviving without humans". Very interesting, how infrastructures would fall in pieces as soon as people have no longer the CASH to finance repairs and re-constructions."

I kept silent for a moment and then remembered my thoughts of the other evening:

"Well, during the whole TV Doc, I was asking myself what will happen if Humans will NOT disappear from the Planet - if there would be a difference to the End of Times. And I realized that it became impossible for our Society to keep up with the self-destruction of all kinds of the infrastructures on Earth."

Girl-Friend: "Sure, because we had immense deficits, the nations, the States, the towns etc. have no longer any cash to finance the repairs as well as the workers to do the job. And therefore, since the year 2000 all industry, highways, airports, ship ports, atom and other electricity stations, artificial lakes, canalisations, tunnels, bridges, sky-scrapers etc. are bound to go into pieces sooner or later...."

Delavy: "It's clear that you are right. But this is not what I thought yesterday. I thought that with all Cash and workers, the systems of infrastructures can never more be kept functioning. The reason is: It is easy to finance all computer systems, airplanes, houses, tunnels, bridges, trains, tracks, pipelines, lakes for power stations, systems for electricity, channels, water supply and millions of Miles of streets and high ways. But once the matter is built, no society of the globe - not even if they had surplus in finances, instead of huge deficits, could come up with the maintenance. The systems of the human works worldwide, are bound to fall into pieces from now on."

My girl did not agree: "For sure, having the plans and enough capital, our society can plan to keep up with times. It's all a problem of Cash - be sure of this."

I understood that a bright head could not even convince my girl, how the hell I could convince some media, some Obama, some Putin or all of rotten politicians and scientists of the globe. Some other trial:

"The human nature is such, that they construct the whole year long new gadgets over 100 years. But they do not count that the repairs and keeping up with times, will later cost ten times more than the first construction. Because now, each year we have to take care of something that had been built over 100 years - and this work appears to be impossible, even if cash and workers would be fully disposable."

My girl: "Cannot get the point. It must be impossible that humans are so dull to create a world, they cannot finance, they cannot keep in order, they cannot repair and they cannot develop to get the highest quality of life for future generations...."

I had a big laugh, since this is the point I was writing about since 1975 in all of my books:

"Listen, good friend. It is just a fairy-tale that humans knew at any time in the past, what they were doing. It was not even Trial and Error what the Elite and Masses did - it was always pure stupidity of mind. The major fact is what follows: When humans made the oeuvres of humans, they did not count with mathematics, with accounting, with times, with future, with possibilities and chaos - and above all, never with the bankruptcy of all banks, of the USA, of Europe and China and the rest. But even without such bankruptcy, the Systems are of a nature, that all infrastructure of the globe must go to hell, sooner or later. It could have been possible to repair and maintain just the major and most important gadgets of technology - for a given moment. But by no means ever, the totality of systems - it's mathematically impossible. You can build up on cost of the future just ONE Olympic games per year - to organize each year a new one, is craze - and exactly THIS had been done in fact in all nations of the Planet."

Once arrived at this point, my friend did not want to keep up the discussion, because she would never agree that financing matter and the basics of wrong systems, would be two completely different matters.

It really is important to know, why 99 percent of the Elite and their Masses can never "READ" the SYSTEMS as they are:

1. Humans are unable to read why any capitalism must by force end up in bankruptcy.

2. Humans are unable to see why technologies are to 90 percent self-murdering.

3. Humans are unable to see why climate and weather-machinery get rotten.

4. Humans are unable to understand that construction and repair are not the same.

5. Humans are unable to see that our education systems makes monsters of children.

6. Humans are unable to see the Holocaust of Animals and plants on Earth.

7. Humans are unable to see that WARS kill and nothing else in favour of the world.

8. Humans are unable to see that religions kill and preach an inexistent God.

9. Humans are unable to read the signs on the Wall for Self-Exhaustion.

10. Humans are dull to the max and take themselves for Geniuses.

And therefore, such discussions like explaining the automatisms of the Crash of our Money-World or the Technology not to be repaired at length, were in all times of human history of NO USE at all. The reason is simple:

- Any matter, even the inventions of electricity, of cars, of planes, of atom works, of weapons and of politics and democrazy as dictatorship of dull majorities, should have been analysed in total and up to the final end. If done so, humans might have had still some sort of a future in peace with their planet, before going down the drain as we do just - NOW.

However, humans want to believe in matters they understand.

The trick always was, to simplify matters to the maximum - but doing as if each person could understand the problems any time. Fact is: Not one person understood since 1900, what humanity was doing and what the ending-point might be.

Since humans do not understand 99 Percent of World Facts, Humanity has come to its natural End - and still don't know it.

The lost and blind factors of systems:

Do you know why 99 percent and more of folks are at a loss to interpret SYSTEMS?

The reason is the same, for the finance collapse like for the ecologic collapse and the very normal infrastructure collapse. You have to take into account and to measure:

1. The Cash capacities of a State, Banks or Companies going towards zero.
2. Forget Replacement parts from industry - after banks and States broke.
3. The Mass problems in all Systems: No person can levy 500 Kilos at once.
4. The Length and Extent of systems, like for example surface, miles, machineries etc.
5. The Length of times to do the job and to restart the whole procedure all over again.
6. The Will of the Society to see and surmount all problems on Earth.
7. The Mathematics in Chaos Systems, being of inhuman and highest complexity.
8. The Laziness of folks and of responsible idiots, having wilfully created the Downfall.
9. The Black Swans and the hidden Traps in any higher System built by great numbers
      and the Impossibilities of correcting Facts when looking for impossible solutions and way-outs.

And worst - the Human Factor:

Who cannot understand the origins and effects of absolutely all systems, be it communism, capitalism, neo-liberalism, social components, the exchange between politics and economics, the disaster in reading the death signs on the Wall in matters of ecologic catastrophes to come and much more of blind angles in the human brains.

And on top, it is so that ONE good brain can have better solutions and oversight over any CHAOS than any Congress of 100000 Fools without brains and even less of imaginative faculty.

Therefore, all WEF, NGOs, Governments, banks, media and else of the world were absolutely incapable to understand the EFECTS of deadly SYSTEMS - and to end up, for example as rather simple problem the global Finance Crash of the World - and this was comparably an EASY Game, when looking at the total of our Human CHAOS in existence and the given incapacities of the 99 Percent and the immense blindness of our very stupid Elite.

Still some Principle of Hope? - Okay, why not - but it won't help.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 30, 2012 


Welten-Elend - Privatisierung und Deregulierung

aus dem Buch PLADESNIEKANT - Teil Wirtschaft - Ende des 2. Kapitels

Diese Wiedergabe eines alten Textes soll die Thesen des englischen Textes "World-Infrastructures - bound to rotten" ergänzen:

Die dümmste Idee der Postmoderne war wohl die Idee, alle öffentlichen Aufgaben zu zerschlagen, zu deregulieren, und die Versorgung der Menschen mit Bahnen, Elektrizität, Wasser, Spitäler, Abfallentsorgung, Postversorgung etc. der Gier der Aktienheinis zu unterwerfen. Wenn man den Privatisierern zuhört, lautet das Credo so: "Wenn wir totale Konkurrenz bringen in die Telefonie, als Beispiel, wird das Telefonieren immer billiger, die Versorgung immer günstiger, die Dienste immer professioneller, die Kosten immer besser und die Infrastruktur wird modernisiert bis an die Grenzen und dabei wird der Gewinn maximiert und die wenigen Hauptaktionären werden steinreich."

So etwa argumentieren die Hirnamputierten der Privatheit. Und dann geht es los und am Schluss ist alles dereguliert. Die Bahnen verlottern, die Post geht verloren, die abgelegenen Orte können schliessen, das Stromnetz fällt in sich zusammen und das Wasser wird unbezahlbar.

Und bevor die Armen und Entrechteten die Regierungen dann hinwegfegen, kommt wieder der Staat und saniert die ganzen privatisierten Gewinne, in andren Worten, die Ausbeutung der bestehenden Infrastrukturen und muss mit Steuererhöhung und Abgaben sonder Zahl alles ein zweites Mal wieder aufbauen, was vor der Privatisierung bereits geregelt funktioniert hatte, vor langer Zeit. Ja, so ist es mit der Privatisierung des Lebens in die Hände von wenigen Wahnsinnigen, die statt Gerechtigkeit und noch Gier und Dummheit in ihren Hirnen vorfinden können. Und diesen Wahnsinnigen haben wir die Zeitungen, das TV, das Radio und die Regierungen über unser aller Heil anvertraut und diese Schweineköpfe noch in Villen und Parks leben lassen, alle diese Schrotthändler eines Geistes, der schon korrupt war, bevor das Wort "Privatisierung" oder "Deregulierung" nur schon existiert hatte.

Warum wird der ganze Wahnsinn nicht gesehen? Ganz einfach: Die ganze Medienwelt ist daran, uns diese Thesen in die Hirne zu blasen, so stark, dass sogar die Opfer dieser Ideen daran glaubten über lange Zeit, dass die freie Marktwirtschaft der Börsen der Reichen alles Heil über die Welt bringen würde. Man hatte die TV-Stationen der Erstwelt in den guten Stuben der ganzen Welt und sogar die armen Chinesen schienen zu begreifen, dass man mit Schuldenmacherei haufenweise Städte, Wolkenkratzer, Industriegiganten und Autobahnen billig in die Welt setzen muss, und "dann ist man reich".

Nein, dann ist man nicht reich, sondern einfach nur den Marktgesetzen ausgesetzt, das heisst, man wird auch in die Schuldenspiralen gezogen, Opfer von den irrealen Vorgängen an den Weltbörsen, wird manipulierbar durch jene, die die billigen Produkte noch ein Weilchen kaufen, bevor sich die Schmutzkonkurrenz zulasten der eigenen chinesischen Volkes satt haben und die Grenzen dicht machen und China in sich zerfällt wie ein wurmstichig gewordener Apfel. So wird es passieren, nur schon deshalb, weil ich es hier schreibe. Kapiert? Nicht? Ist mir doch egal. Man kann meine Texte glauben oder ins WC schmeissen. Die Realitäten, wie ich sie beschreibe, wird kein einziger Mensch dieser Erde je mehr ungeschehen machen können.

So um das Jahr 1975 war der Point of no return. Damals hätte man sagen können: Fertig mit Wachstum von Bevölkerung, von Industrie, von den Börsen, von den Schuldentürmen, von der Gier, von Flug- und Autoverkehr, Ende mit dem Wahn der Machbarkeit, zurück zu lebbaren Strukturen und Systemen. Man verstand die eigene Wirklichkeit nicht mehr und beschleunigte stattdessen den Expresszug der Selbstvernichtung, bis dass die Räder quitschten in jeder Kurve und nächstens die ganze Menschheit in diesem Zug in eine Mauer rast, die mit "Ende der Eitelkeiten eines falschen Denkens" angeschrieben ist. Und dann rattern die Räder ins Leere und die Menschheit fällt in ein endloses Loch, begründet aus diversen Endkatastrophen, wirtschaftliche, biologische, ökologische, politische und kulturelle, die jede für sich allein genügt hätte, der Spezies Homo sapiens das Ende ihrer Vanitäten und ihrer Existenz zu verkünden.

Man hörte nicht auf mich und mein "Orakel 1995", geschrieben eben im Jahr 1975. Der Preis für diese Blindheit und Sturheit wird absolut unbezahlbar sein und an Gigantismus alles übersteigen, was bisherige Sciencefiction-Schreiber je an Tinte aus ihren nicht ganz dichten Hirnen haben fliessen lassen. Und ich werde mein Leben zu Ende gelebt haben, mit jenen Vorsorgen, die es noch knapp zuliessen, dass ich nicht selbst in den Strudel der Endkollapse gerissen werden konnte. Man wollte nicht hören. Nun soll diese Menschheit endlich fühlen.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written around the year 2000