Miller - Lange - Dallas - Christos - Foucault - Baudrillard

Miller - Lange - Dallas - Christos - Foucault - Baudrillard
or: What is reality?

This is to prove that not one person of about 25 billion who lived on Earth so far, ever could explain what REALITY could be.

It is worse: In fact, any person just believed in knowing in what World they would be living, but not one got the real clue.

This is to be explained with persons like:

Henry Miller - Dorothea Lange - Dallas - Christos - Michel Foucault and Jean Baudrillard.

Here we go:

Henry Miller

Recently saw a DOC about the author Henry Miller, living from 1891 to 1980, in Paris or California and born in New York. He had a terrible youth in poverty and was beaten up by his parents.

Later he had plenty of Whores and other women in Paris and wrote without any success books like "Tropic of Cancer" or "Quiet Days in Clichy".

He seemed to fuck around and write about - but was a very decent person.

He believed women were mere matters of vagina, breasts, ass, legs and SEX and discovered that females were humans like males, what really killed him.

Just note that none of his books learnt us anything about reality, only odd behaviourism of idiots with Penis and Asses and nothing else. He spent his cash in women and died happily without having understood anything at all.

By writing this text on Miller, I destroyed the raison d'être of all Authors of the globe, in view of deathly developments in the future.

Dorothea Lange

This most famous documentary photographer of USA lived from 1895 to 1965.

She showed in Photographs the crimes of Roosevelt with Japanese folks in Camps, farmers to lose everything because of artificial power station lakes, poverty in USA in all corners, some voyages to China and Korea showing the typics of life outside USA.

Now, we could say with Baudrillard, that never any picture, photographs, videos, films, social net or take it, would show reality. It just shows a shadow of nothing, that happened and went by without any effect.

He called this "Transparency of Evil" or the effect of real life in modern times on the development of humanity - explained further down.

My opinion is it, that never any picture, paintings, films or texts would show truth or change just one percent of facts in the past, in the present or in future.

You see it, you forget it and you continue to kill and murder all other folks by religion, politics, philosophy or science, what idiots like Foucault and Baudrillard seemed to explain.

By writing this, I have proven the complete uselessness of all photographers, all film makers, whatever comes over to humans by their eyes, when their brains don't get what they see.


My Darling Valentine with name of Dallas in Texas, writes his finger sore for explaining, why USA go down the drain, why Trump is a criminal, why US folks are crazy and why his students shall die more stupid as they were when born.

He writes a lot about what goes wrong in USA and their politics in China, Arabia, Israel, Brazil, with the Niggers in jail and the economics Trash of USA.

He explains nothing about the fundamental reasons of what goes wrong in this world, but makes comparisons to what happened in the past, where are parallel matters to be seen, why the world would be better if we had good-humaness all over and how we can correct five percent of humans craze and would have the Best of all Worlds possible.

Like Foucault, he only believes in Behaviourism and not like Baudrillard in the useless of struggle to change anything in our Chaos.

By writing this, I proved the craziness of all editors and correspondents in the world, who just tell us what happens without being able, to tell us WHY all happens.


This man has a leading position with Gazette WorldNews and he believes to be clever and to understand the world.

Like other Shit of media, he brings each day 1000 information on what happened in 200 lands with politics, economics, finances, ecology, philosophy, culture and take it.

Considering the mass of information, people read it, forget it, change nothing in their behaviourism, look out for more and die one day.

Christos does not get that 99,999 Percent of his NEWS are of zero value, just happenings. But when he gets outstanding texts like the Editors Letters of René Delavy, he throws them in the toilette and cries "Cheeeerrrrsss!!" like hell, not getting, that his journal is of zero value and the texts destroyed would have explained all what happens in our reality.

Christos is not stupid, but like any intellectual, he understands not one per mille of facts on the globe and believes that explanations to what happens, could change anything in the world, what is big shit of intellect.

By writing this, I proved the death of all media in press, TV, Radio, internet and take it. Just diffusing what happens is of no value at all, when developments kill humans in the 21st Century.

Michel Foucault

For Foucault of which I had read some works, I must translate a German text to explain, what is all about with this asshole:

"I read the scripts of Foucault (look also into my critics Foucault in the net) and I understand not one simple word. At places where I could get his junk, the contrary of his theories are true. Just one example of Foucault:

- A man tortures a child over hours to death. There is no need for a judge. The deed explains that this man is crazy and not responsible. Therefore he must be let free under supervision and have a splendid life.

In the same way he justifies any deed of Hitler, Trump, Ronald, Nigger Obama and Greenspan and WEF Schwab. What can be explained cannot be subject to further thoughts.

He explained in terms nobody understands the nature and the form of texts, books, novels, philosophies, religion, crimes etc. and never had an own opinion if such matters should be prevented for all times to save humanity.

I don't know where to start:

1. Foucault accepts any crime, any odd and stupid theory in economics, media, prisons, torture, wars, extermination of animals and nature, when he thinks, the facts could be explained.

2. Foucault writes huge scrap about the FORM of texts, books, science, geopolitics or take what you want.

3. Foucault has not a shadow of an idea about the origins of the Evil and self-destruction by systems, that never can function.

4. Foucault has no notion of the future, the murdering of humans by themselves and of the planet is not seen by him, he cannot interpret high figures, laws of masses, finance industry and the stupidity of 99 percent of humans.

5. Foucault talks a mess about uncertain shadows by expressions, no man ever could get what he means. He tried to hide his craziness behind a Wust of worthless theories, words and texts.

Like Sartre, Enzensberger, Kissinger, WEF Schwab or Derrida or Trump, this mastermind Foucault was a Blender of wisdom, who by 100 percent could be sure, that the other "intellectuals" would be even more stupid as himself.

By writing this, I proved the idiocy of all philosophers, religious leaders and economic theorists of all times, as given in my book "Das Buch der Kritiken".

Jean Baudrillard

This man is altogether of a complete other "caliber" (size of mind).

He writes in a way anybody understands his points. He is extremely disappointed about the uselessness of arts, culture, politics, sex, science, robots, computers, social net. What he writes if useful and true.

He does not write rubbish and explains all about our chaos and massacres that began to kill our minds since about 1950.

He says in fact that all books and theories of the last 100 years are pure stupid thinking, what had nothing to do with survival in a healthy reality on this planet.

But now my critics:

1. Baudrillard makes critics on the Status quo after the happenings, when the Chaos and catastrophes have become evident. Before he was like all others a co-runner as was Foucault and 99 percent of folks.

2. Baudrillard makes fun about matters, that seem not to function at all. Would it be as if such matters could be corrected, this asshole believes in a correction to a good world.

3. Baudrillard has not the slightest idea about fundamental origins of the todays catastrophes in human mind and thinking, during the total downfall of banks, nations, finance industry and world economics, feeling of cultures lost, mindless philosophies, crimes by all religions and the Crash of ecologic conditions on this planet in the 21st Century.

4. Baudrillard is concentrating on the obvious of banality of EVIL in geopolitics and social life. He has not the slightest idea about the fact that during 2000 years, philosophies, science, religions and economics tried to create a "Progress" and growth, that would destroy the planet and humanity from 1950 to 2099. The craziness of folks did not really get in his mind.

5. Baudrillard is a human, who only gets what happens, when it happens.

So, all the mentioned persons are nuts and get nothing of reality.

It is not clear if such humans believe, that nevermore anything could be explained, or if they believe the contrary, in case all happenings could be interpreted - and then our world would be under control again....

By writing this, I proved the uselessness of Arts, culture, sex, human behaviourism and the self-destruction not noticed by 99,99 percent of humans living at present times.

The Monument René Delavy

This is the moment, you must learn - once for all - the fundamentals of René Delavy:

1. Nothing can be influenced in politics, economics, science, finances, environment, stupidity of masses and ecologic destruction of nature.

2. Each act, be it in science, politics, terrorism, torture, crashs, interpretations of reality, is in fact to be explained, there are never any secrets, we only have to get to the origins. What happens in any matter can be made transparent.

3. No asshole in our world, least Foucault or Baudrillard, are in a position - intellectually - to get even the smallest effect of origins and deeds in this world.

4. On one billion of folks, some 999'999'999 of full idiots will never seize the movements going on in this world. Only one person out of a billion could hope to interpret what happens in total - correctly.

5. We are standing - not in front of an Abyss - but we are in Free Fall to Hell. There will never more be one simple solution or Plan B, in order to save humanity or our Planet.

René Delavy on the other side, knows the End of the song, he explained in his books all weak points in Thinking and human Systems. It was the best, humans ever got on this planet.

By writing this, I proved the crimes of all congresses, politicians, CEOs, NGOs, finance systems and the coming collapse in economy and ecology in the next 50 years to come. China, USA, Europa and the rest are DEAD and don't get it yet.

We are kicking the bucket during the next 50 to 100 years - and our intellectuals write one bullshit after the other about superficial structures of minds towards the EVIL, without getting the Evil in it-self, due to an incredible stupidity in minds that has seized all folks on Earth without one given contrary example.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in January 2017