J'accuse - USA and TRUMP

J'accuse - Axe of Evil - Donald and USA

The most dirty State of all times are USA and the most dirty Person of all times in history is Donald Trump.

Let's clear the past and coming criminal ACTS of USA and Trump by a few examples and you will find, you can read NOW for the first time since 50 years, the truth and nothing but the truth.

And here we go:

1. Trump is the most criminal person of the globe. Not only he did not pay Taxes over 20 years to USA by criminal tricks and got several times in bankruptcy as stupid Casino man, destroying the existence of investors and workers, but on the basis of lies to those who elected him, he started already the destruction of some nations, before being the most dirty President of USA of all times.

2. Trump is broke already. His assets are worth nothing and he has financed his shit-empire by debts taken in immense amounts from Jewish Bankers and rotten investors in China and Russia. Making an audit on his true situation, this bluffer who degrades all folks in his Trump Tower he invited, will be recognized as the crook who he is, driving this dirty nation USA into bankruptcy, far faster as did Ronald, Bush or Obama.

3. USA and Trump, after the incredible stupid types like Ronald, Thatcher, Schwab, Kissinger, Greenspan, the Jewish CEO of Wall Street having never seen a jail,  not like the one million of Niggers in jail without any reason, will protect with Trump's shitty Cabinet of Billionaires and Jews the richest Class from paying - as given by his example - any taxes, he will destroy the future of those who elected him, the poor class of workers and employees of USA running in unemployment, faster as any TGV can run into a Wall (Street).

4. Putin hopefully presses the atomic button to destroy USA, before the plan of Trump, to build an Axe of Evil with Putin to supress Europe, China, India, Australia, Africa and South America by their atomic power is built up, to get all they could to the detriment of the rest of a globe dying a death of starvation, initiated by crazy brains, all media have accepted so far.

5. Trump will protect the most criminal States of the Globe, the dirtiest State of USA, in preparation of the finance industry collapse of Jewish Wall Street, City of London, WEF, and dirty Fed, IMF, Worldbank, ECB and else, second the dirty State of Israel, responsible for the destabilisation of Middle East, 9-11, all terror of Islamists and finance crimes of the globe and third of Switzerland, protecting the richest tax-free Class and conglomerates and banks by highest Tax Fraud Schemes ever seen.

6. USA and Trump will accelerate the present process of China falling into pieces now, tearing with them Japan, East Asia, Africa and even Europe and USA. By destabilizing the export power of China, Trump will accelerate such process of the bankruptcy of USA and the final fall of China, India and all overpopulated and stupid nations on this bubble.

7. USA with China and some other dirty states have prepared the collapse of climate, ecologic conditions on the Earth, all resources, sand and metals gone for ever and transformed in deathly poison, killing the Earth's humans and animals by an immense wave of fast increasing climate catastrophes - like droughts, floods, superstorms as never seen before, and there are no forces or Plan B, to prevent such things from happening in the 21st Century, getting rid of pops without any intellect and morals.

8. USA under Donald and Thatcher and WEF and Friedman, Popper and other dirt of VIPs, prepared the Jewish neoliberal Shit, including computers and internet, eliminating slowly all jobs of workers and employees of the globe, those alone paying heavy taxes worldwide, while the rich class has arranged democrazies to accept a scheme of tax-freedom for the rich class for ever. In the meantime, 99 percent of folks risk soon to become redundant for all times or being Slaves of types without brains like Trump, Bush or the Nigger Obama and their Axes of Evil.

9. USA have the dirties and most stupid liar press of the globe, denying all crimes of Jews, of bankers, of VIPs having prepared the incredible deeds of 2008 in Finance Markets and preparing the final downfall about 2020 of all States, currencies, stock exchanges and bubbles in real estate, shares, State bonds without any value and derivatives in trillions of amounts, representing nothing but shit and dirty illusions.

10. Trump is the nail to the coffin to the most dirty nation in history. He is stupid like some Alex the Great, who succeeded to kill his own masses and those of his enemies just for nothing, to collapse in itself and leave a world without any future. The most stupid masses of the Silicon Valley world destroying itself, those idiots in California have now the person of shit they wanted and all media of the globe shout "Hallelujahhh" and are happy like apes, sitting in the shit they believed it would be gold.

And naturally there are some other dirty facts about USA, Israel, CEO of Wall Street and Jews of finance, protected by Trump against the mass of tumbling workers, but there is not one person worldwide, to recognize the disaster to come from USA and Trump.

Still questions - accused shit of the Globe?

Just go to hell!

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 31, 2016