Fairy-tale about all sorts of Governments
(The Art of Democracies, Dictatorships, Monarchies and other Papacies)
Once upon a time I wrote in a book called "Thoughts in Torino " the following maxim: "It is not important if a country is governed by a dictatorship, by a pope, by monarchy or by democracy. The only important matter is whether the wisest humans or people of the country are in power of that state."
For the first time in history of mankind, a poor Negro in the Congo can grasp a text better than the wisest guy at Harvard University in Hegemony-Country or the ETH in Downtown Swizz. (Remember: A "Black" has never been black and a female has never been politically correct. This is important to know if you want to understand the following fairy-tale of an insane brain…)
Now, let's start the funny story on the real state of affairs on Earth, let's face the realities in this world - according to this wise saying: "Democracies are nothing else but Dictatorships of dull majorities and monarchies are nothing else but fairy-tales of infallible Popes of any happiness noticed each new day in this infallible Popper-Friedman-World.
A. Dictatorships
The question might well be if Putanio is the wisest… sorry, I was a little bit out of time… I meant "Stalin" - he is the guy, definitely. He molested not only Chechnya 's folks. He went far beyond that, since he killed by mass deportation nearly half of his own population. The rest was put in jail and then transported in cattle-wagons in direction of a northern Sicily for hard work. Some millions had to go away before their time has come... Putanio tried to copy some decenniums later… but read on down below, under "Democracy".
Some very cultural folks worshiped geniuses like Bach, Mozart and Beethoven. But when a little chap arrived with a "Schnauzer" in his face, everybody left his arm to heaven and shouted: "Heil Hitler!" and made him dictator. In fact that man heard rather on the name of Schukkelmeier or so, but he loved the name of "Hitler" - and so he decided on the killing of some six million Jews in gas production and some other hundred million by teaching them Nazism-war. When the tortured allies stroke back with force, in Dresden or so, today's Nazi still proclaim that THIS was the real crime of the 20th Century.
Somewhere in the South below the United States, a funny general with name Pino-Cheese or so was instructed by CIA-experts, governed by Kenny-Ball, Nix-is-on, Hau-das-Eisen and Truman-Capote, to prevent socialism and some 3000 youth were tortured to death. General Vedelia in Argentino-country was better instructed, he killed 30000 and threw them in the Atlantic - in fact the whole intelligentsia of that State was gone afterwards. Same right-wing bullshit was applied for Brazilera, Urugus, Paragus, Bolivar, Venezius , Colombia and some other southern and central states - under the influence of hegemonic capitalism "ideals".
B. Monarchies
Following the Era of Louis I to XXX came along a chap named "Sue Chiraqui" and said: "I am the last monarch of Europe ." His chancellor "Town-bread" was tearing the chevelure of Police-Chief "Sarkosiosy", a curiosity of seldom interest. These chaps didn't like US Little-Tree at all and the maxims of his bunch of Roves, Rices, Rumsteaks, Greenhorns and Gorba-Vodkas ideas… and that's the most positive thing I can tell about this Francis-Monarchy.
West of Francis lived a funny guy who heard on the name of a sheep, something like "Blaaaiiiirrrreee". Every morning he jumped out of Nr. 10 and cried: "I am a genius" and some hours later, having preached socialism but acted neo-liberal-Popper, came back, jumped into Nr. 10, shouting: "Where is the Ass of Little-Tree?" But his Britus-folks were funny, especially a cunning girl with name "Thutcher" who said that friend-monster Pino-Cheese was the finest character of present times.
The nicest skunks in monarchy could be seen after WW II when Tenno "Koizuebel" went to some Shrines and said: "We Japies have tortured some Chinians, put in (Putin?) "over- or under-pressure-chambers", made balloons out of human beings or shrunk them to nothing, killed some freewill-Chins over weeks to death with incredibly high level of pain - and today, the Chins treat all Animals in the same way. That's a very good reason to visit our Shrines."
In fact, these Chins were not much better: During a cultural mass-demonstration their King "Mao-Fatty" killed some million of own folks, probably the most intelligent ones, and his followers didn't follow later King Karl Marxus but installed Friedmany-Greenhorn instead, bought masses of worthless treasury papers, built towers in each futuristic town and are preparing just now a total collapse of all systems.
On a continent called "Europia" some eager and greedy managers produced Know-how and Machinery, gave them away to the Chins for almost nothing - and wonder now about cheapness, produced by workers for no salary at all, there in the East, and therewith being the main source of Merkwürdig's, Chiraqui's and Berlusdoggy's unemployment in their homelands….
C. Pope- and other Priest-Powers
Before we talk about RATZICCI XX, let's go more to the East. There is a curios religion with Sharah-laws. When am young chap violates a virgin than a high-priest with name Amadined will throw first stone and the impure would be dead. He jungles about with some grams of Plutonium, for good reasons so, because the stone of Goliath has no longer any chances against the missiles of David. But still the High-Priests of this country are back in archaic time before "Jessica" was drowned at the year zero in an aquarium…
David's messengers should in fact have learnt the lesson of Hitler. But they decided to copy the model and apply on Palestiner-Infants. This was not a very good idea of Sharions dull majorities and therefore Amadined thought to have all rights on the same atomic weapons, as have already Putanio, Little-Tree, Chiraqui and the Chinians, Pakistos and Indios. We must finally understand how the Cascade of power in the face of stupidity works on Earth…
But the best example of today's dullness in spirit in almost all brains is the fact that Ratzicci XX can shout at each mass delirium under free heaven and witnessed by the eyes of his exclusive God: "Me-self as Pope and my church are both infallible. This is so - and this was so when witches were burnt alive by thousands or millions because they were allies of a chap named "devil". I regret the terrifying errors such as Nazi-Germanians regret some slaughtering of Jews, Romas and Homos. But this fact does not change one jota on the ideology that we represent the only and one holy God in heaven." And the newborn Youth, sprung out of the grave of Orwell and Huxley, shout Hurrah and Hallelujah during hours.
D. Normal Democracy (dictatorship of dull majorities)
The best demo-crazy in this world can be admired in the neutral country Swizz. One morning shouted a little boy with name "Morgeli-Blochus" in the church of his father: "I want become Federal counsel" - and now Swizz has the most stupid politician ever, only surpassed by Little-Tree, Putanio and Sadami-Husini. No, there are some other, even greater Blockheads, but I can't possibly name them all… The most important region is "Downtown Zurick" with his unique airport "Unique". This town has a hill called "Sun-Berg", on top a villa and there is dictating an ugly dwarf called "Seppus Blatterio" all the sports rules. He is the sole man on Earth with a football instead of brain. Only Hinkis and Federball have a tennis-ball instead. This democracy is governed by bilateral Euro-Treaties and Bank-secrecy-laws that replaced any Bible long time ago in order to help rich people pay no taxes which are paid by the poor. And you may see vanishing your deposits due to bank fees making explode profits of money-houses… So you know now who has the best Democracy on Earth, dear Chap and dear ChapIn (correct feminine form of "chap" in German).
In the North of that little Bank-County lived happily some ChancellorIn with name "Merkwürdig". She replaced a man with name "Shrott" who promised socialism and spread Popper-Friedmann-Greenhorn instead. Once Merkwürdig shouted: "The unemployment is produced by the fact that workers have no work…" The whole parliament stood up like one man, left arms 45 degrees and shouted: "Heil Merkwürdig!" Understand, man, respective "Merke, Mann", that Nazism has an eternal call for all nations throughout this hollywoodesk and kafkaesk World - surpassing easily all imaginations of Shakespeare, Rousseau, Huxley or Orwell.
In the South was once a Singer with name Berlusdoggy. He whitewashed Mafia-Money, built up hegemonic TV-Stations, stupideted half of population with naked girls, gossip and football and became with help of Craxi a fine Chief-of-State. He then played Judge of own purposes and for several years made with a bunch of criminals his own laws and rules. Than the anti-Florida-effect made pop up some Prodini. Hope is there that this guy Perlamafia goes in jail for the rest of a lifetime. However here, democracy is still in function, whereas with Little-Tree against Al-Gorian just one vote decided with help of rightwing Judges put in charge by father George I that… but you know already all about this famous "Cascade of slaps in the face in democracy" through my former letter "criminal acts in US-politics".
As promised under "dictatorship" that I have to tell some matters on the newborn democracy of the Chinians - as well as the one of the Russiskies under Putanio. Both have replaced old Karl by something like Chicago-boys oath for "Freedom and democracy". This is: Give away the whole wealth of the nation to some oligarchs for nothing in Russisky and to some golden boys in Chinia. And than believe in making money out of stones, indebt the whole nation in the shortest time, take away all work from the workers and let install a new Manchester Slavery - and we have it, the "Beautiful, new World" - with the forthcoming collapses of these States, even before the year 2015 has come.
To all professors without any universal distortion in their brains: How do you now think about my theory that the wisest men should govern the World? Let's name René Delavy to be the sole real dictator on Earth, he can bring us the paradise back, we all lost due to our incredibly high level of stupidity. I have bad news: No man, not even this paranoid Delavy, could change anything of the fact that we all are just now going down the drain. We should have believed, around the year 1975, in texts of the Club of Rome or the ones from René Delavy… and then, perhaps, we would not have tramped in the decline of neo-liberalism, globalisation, money-casino and believe in the ideological scrap of Thatcher, Reagan, Popper, Friedman, Derrida and other Krauts, the stupidities of all economic theoreticians and philosophers of the last 2000 years. Instead we would have restricted the number of humans on Earth, believed in the natural laws of our platform of living, tried to live in autarky and autonomy and created a relative paradise, instead of believing in a relative and deadly formula of Einstein "Energy = mass x light speed square…"
That's all folks, for today. Next topic will be on the stupidity of Extra-Terrestrians or the Big-Bang of Harry Potter. Now, go to bed, dear Reader. There it is cosy and quiet. This is well about the last reasonable thing we can do - from now on.
René Delavy - 2006