Taylor Swift - US bullshit

Critics on Tayler Swift 


How can a very stupid American woman become the most famous person on Earth?


Well, here some points: 

1. Whoever sings a little bit, stands high above any other persons, in special as any politician or writer or genius. 

2. She sings a lot of bullshit, that appears to be of highest intellect, but it’s bellow any grounds and for certain under Bob Dylan. 

3. She is a woman - the MeToo shit just spoils all female junk up the golden hill of the American Dream. 

4. She is WOKE and at the same time signs Cowboy music of the Trump Republicans – higher is not feasible. 

5. She has a brain bellow OJ Simpson and therefore, most Amis folks of low intelligence must get crazy up her bullshit show like hell. 

6. She likes the devil and is pushed by him sideways of the Evangelican GOD almighty. 

7. Most of the time, she is almost naked and shows her sex like hell – there must be some men to get crazy looking into her paradise. 

Well, Swift can be thrown down to Auschwitz like all Wall Street Jews, but windy Americans of USA got by God the lowest level of intellect worldwide, there is no hope to get what is true…. 

Renée Delavie – Côte de WEF Davos

April 2024