Critics on Tayler Swift
How can a very stupid American woman
become the most famous person on Earth?
Well, here some points:
1. Whoever sings a little bit, stands
high above any other persons, in special as any politician or writer or genius.
2. She sings a lot of bullshit, that appears
to be of highest intellect, but it’s bellow any grounds and for certain under
Bob Dylan.
3. She is a woman - the MeToo shit just
spoils all female junk up the golden hill of the American Dream.
4. She is WOKE and at the same time
signs Cowboy music of the Trump Republicans – higher is not feasible.
5. She has a brain bellow OJ Simpson and
therefore, most Amis folks of low intelligence must get crazy up her bullshit
show like hell.
6. She likes the devil and is pushed by
him sideways of the Evangelican GOD almighty.
7. Most of the time, she is almost naked
and shows her sex like hell – there must be some men to get crazy looking into
her paradise.
Well, Swift can be thrown down to Auschwitz
like all Wall Street Jews, but windy Americans of USA got by God the lowest
level of intellect worldwide, there is no hope to get what is true….
Renée Delavie –
Côte de WEF Davos
April 2024
USA to go down the Drain
I want USA to go down to HELL
How great is the chance for USA to go to hell from 2012 to 2020?
Some 100 Percent or more…
Today USA is dead in finances to 100 percent - but nobody knows.
But what is needed to see is --- USA DEAD by 2020.
How come?
Banks and Jews destroying Capitalism
The Jews and Bankers have about 5000 Lobbyists in Washington. For normal folks there is no lobby at all.
Considering that the nation, the 50 States and all 500 Towns of USA are TODAY already bankrupt, it is great to see that USA has no chance to increase the misery of the financial market, the derivatives becoming absolutely zero value and the banks to be all some Lehman Brothers, without the Black Negro and Shit-Head OBAMA being aware of the realistic situation.
More is that automatism of Capitalism will increase U.S. deficits of Nation, 50 States and all towns and regions will increase for all times. Considering the complete bankruptcy of all such items today, the future will kill U.S. from the financial side - and this is great - I want to see USA go to Hell.
The Cheapness politics of China destroyed U.S. Industry. But worse was the financing of the U.S. deficits by China, Japan, India, Korea and Europe.
This means that USA goes down to hell since 1990 without being aware of the accounting effect being-
- according to highest accounting rules of Delavy, the effect of killing a State is the same as for a family, a little enterprise, a huge conglomerate, a bank too big to fail and USA as a whole.
And therefore, USA is dead now - what we get in future to 2020 is some Mega-Death of USA - and this is great - I want to see USA go to Hell.
Ecology Prize for U.S. Stupidity
It is easy enough, the politics of the Negro Obama, of Osama bin Laden, of the Tea Party, of Occupy and of the shooters in cinemas in Colorado have for effect to show the real paranoia in the heads of U.S. citizens.
In fact, 99,999 percent of humans are schizophrenic and paranoid and they don't know. The most stupid and insane State of the Globe around 2000 are the USA. But the difference to Europe, China, India and all the rest is not so important.
Who wants not to see a planet go down in a Black Hole for bad reasons, must be sick and have Shit in Brains.
Shooting Devices a la USA
When an Idiot of Youngster kills in Cinemas a few people, much less than the Negro of Washington in Afghanistan and Vietnam and Chile, there is a fuss about:
"How could this happen?"
The reasons:
With a brain of GW Bush, Romney, Rove, Clinton and Obama, you have play-stations and internet programs to kill all folks you want. To say - Each Youngster has a brain of a killer or a baby, be it a banker, a Jew or a Black Negro in the White House.
And Americans find it great to have the liberty of weapons and shooting and arms and freedom - and when it happens, they talk of God, of injustice, of not understanding and of having Shit in the Brains of the Republican U.S. Congress.
But what we see is the total breakdown of USA when ALL will kill and shoot and get crazy - from 2012 to 2020 in the USA.
And therefore:
- the World can now go in the world-theatre and watch some….
"End of U.S. Empire"Any American believing in a Stop of this Craze, should immediately look out for a psychiatrist.
And therefore, USA is dead now - what we get in future to 2020 is some Mega-Death of USA - and this is great - I want to see USA go to Hell.
Have a good Time - stupid U.S. Citizens - Washington and Lincoln are turning in their graves for good reasons - and what else would you expect?
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on July 20, 2012