Crime craziness about Donald TRUMP
Never saw more WOKE idiocy around the greatest criminal in history about a politician – as with fine Donald Trump.
This man should be death sentenced 10 times for what he did.
Instead of seeing his real crimes, the US stupids without brains want to get him by a crazy woman pretending having been fucked and got money for her not to say so - and further the amounts would have been wrongly taken in Trumps accounting system.
This is even more of craziness as the FAKE with Weinstien, who just fulfilled the wishes of crazy women in Hollywood.
The case with Donald TRUMP is even more of WOKE Fake as the one of OJ Simpson.
Let’s see what the real crimes of TRUMP were:
1. He destroyed democrazy of USA by letting storm the CAPITOL and invited his criminal Clans to kill folks in the US parliament.
2. He denied having lost his election and influenced VIPs to falsify the results of elections in some US States.
3. He produced bankruptcies in the real estate market by billions and criminal games around casinos – being a swine of the highest sort.
4. He never possessed a dime and therefore paid no taxes ever and committed indeed the heaviest tax fraud in US history.
5. He and his stupid clan falsified all accounting processes over years by help of accounting business criminals.
6. He pretended to be rich and got billions of cash from rotten banks and Russians and folks - to destroy those amounts for nothing.
7. He fucked around and raped great number of women during his life.
This man has committed more criminal deeds as any other American ever and still walks around and can influence 50 percent of his comprat-idiots to want an even more crazy-gone US president as Delaware Biden or Nigger Obama and 10 other US Bullshit Presidents - having killed millions of folks in other nations.
They protected all JUNK of Rich Class and destroyed folks of the poor side of USA and other countries by free will of USA - a real monster nation.
Under such conditions, USA should be wiped out by atom bombs of Putin any moment.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written in April 2023
Criminals all around TRUMP
The greatest Junk of USA is Trump. Pinochet was worse? Not sure.
This skunk can elect Supreme court judges who just do what he wants.
As President he can dictate what criminal will be free and what Cohen must stay in jail This is rotten USA - the worst Nation of all times, much bellow Hitler Germany who killed only some 6 million Jews whereas US killed 50 million and creeps in the asshole of Netanyahu.
Cohen does not really know about accounting in Trump Empire – but Trump and his funny sons do. Having doubts Cohen would lie? My God – it’s Trump and his lawyers who lie in New York like hell.
And so he just choses to be billionaire or having no dime for taxes because all in fact is covered by debts, his total fortune.
In addition, je cheats his electors and does not help the poor, but favour tax charges in advantage of the rich class.
Further he influences judges in a way that don’t dare to throw him in jails.
His attacks on the state and the Parliament would be sufficient to any other person for 10 percent of what he did, to go in jail until end of life.
Under such premises, the press, NYT und judges of USA should be thrown with AIPAC and WEF and Well Street Jews to Auschwitz in the gas chambers – friends.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
Who is the greatest Criminal of USA?
May be Netanyahu, but is he really one Ami?
Take the real ones:
1. Elon Musk
The greatest cheater with his stink car TESLA. The car is of no value and will get down soon. And his shares are worth nothing from the beginning, it’s a dead company. He spoils all water in Berlin and is hated like all Jews in Europe. In addition, he invests the money of stupid people on Mars missions without any time be able to get there. Musk is one of the greatest bluffers of all times.
2. Joe Biden
He leads the greatest Tax Fraud State Delaware of the universe. He creeps in the asshole of Natan Juhu. He delivers weapons to the dirtiest nations Ukraine and Israel, followers of Hitler and NATO. He claps hands when 30’000 Arabs are murdered and before he did the same with Iraq, Syrie and Texas. This Biden-Truss should be burnt alive.
3. Dony Trump
He fucks girls in masses and takes the money from his republic idiots who elected him by woke. He presents about 100 Lies a day. He only did something as President for the rich class. His bankruptcies costed the fortune of 12’943’099 folks in USA and elsewhere. Stop this craze or he will become dictator of USA and replace the Reagan bullshit, who allowed the Wall Street Jews to bring USA after 2024 to death in all sorts of economics.
Well, well, well, there are further some stinking animals in Silicon Valley, but I may have forgotten the names, too much sugar mountains and Be-Zuse eaten before - dear apple junk.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written in May 2024
Trump and Stormy Daniels
Let’s make clear that we are confronted with the most stupid texts ever in US Media of the last 60 years.
All about Trump here is bullshit.
Let’s get on by the true matters:
1. Never Trump possessed a dime. All what he has “possessed” was financed by banks, Jews and Russians and therefore he never paid taxes since years.
2. Trump lied to all folks that he would be billions owner what he never was. He made several times huge bankruptcies.
3. The skunk is surrounded by Jewish lawyers who committed until this day any crime they are able to do under US rotten laws.
4 Sex isn’t a problem nor for Daniels as Trump. People do it and this is it. The problem is the hiding away during the US campaign for presidence and winning as crook. And paying by breaking all laws and his accounting under expenses.
5. The stupidity of 50 percent of US folks for Trump und other 50 percent for Biden creeping in the Asshole of Natan Juhu is the real problem for USA.
Finally let’s vomit on this State of no value. USA must get from the MAP for ever – what was a murdering shit-state for the last 500 years!
René Delavy
TRUMP - Bilanzanalyse - Trump is broke
Bilanzanalyse zu Donald Trump
Trump was broke during his total
business life - a criminal, a bluffer, a terrorist and dull like hell
Assets of Trump always belonged to
Banks and Russians (debts higher than assets!)
Es folgt hiermit die Analyse der Finanzlage des zukünftigen US Präsidenten TRUMP aus meiner Sicht und jener von Mr. Fox (nachfolgender Text), seines Zeichens einer der besten Accountants der Schweiz:
Analyse von Delavy
Als weltbester Wirtschaftsprüfer will ich, Master Delavy, die Bilanz von Donald Trump untersuchen und sagen, wie es um diesen Betrüger und Wall Street Idioten steht.
Einmal davon abgesehen, dass die Juden der Wall Street und der Finanzindustrie viel schlimmer dastehen als Donald, ebenso die Schattenbanken von China und die reale Schuldensituation von Nationen wie die korrupten USA, China, Indien, Brasilien, Japan und dem Rest, amüsiere ich mich dabei, die Bilanz von Donald Trump zu prüfen.
Aktiven (Trump Assets)
Gemäss dem Tages-Anzeiger besitzt Donald an die 3700 Millionen Dollar.
- Etwa ein Drittel der Summe besteht aus Einzelobjekten in New York und San Francisco.
- Etwa ein weiteres Drittel besteht aus Hotels, Casinos, Golfplätze und noch unverkauften Wohnungen in Florida und Las Vegas.
- Der Rest ist der unnütze Marktwert des Namen TRUMP mit 250 Mio Dollar und Managementverträge und anscheinend etwas Flüssige Mittel.
Da lacht sich der Fachmann schon jetzt zu Tode.
Ich habe Dutzende von Gebilden in den Konkurs rasen sehen, die diese Assets-Konstruktion hatten.
Doch nun kommen wir zu den idealen Schattenseiten
von Donald -
Also die Passiven oder die Schulden und das fehlende Eigenkapital:
Kein Mensch weiss, wie hoch verschuldet dieser Kriminelle ist - bei Banken, Aktionären, Russland, China, hedge funds und sonstigen dreckigen Juden.
Meine Annahme ist, dass der Mensch weit über 3000 Mio. Schulden hat bei diesen Idioten - und dies wohlverstanden als Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten.
EQUITY of Donald is zero since 2010
Das Eigenkapital von Donald
Jedermann weiss, dass Donald seit Jahren keine Steuern leistete. Also kann man hieraus schliessen, dass der Mann kein positives Vermögen zu versteuern hat und die Schulden und Zinsen und Chargen dermassen gewaltig sind, dass der Mann gar kein Einkommen oder Vermögen besitzt. Und wenn es nicht so wäre, würde ein gegenteiliges Urteil auf purem Bluff basieren.
Nun kommt der Hammer:
Bald kollabiert der Immobilienmarkt von China und sämtlichen Megastädten der Welt inklusive Dubai und Doha. Man wird sehen, dass dies das Immobilienvermögen von Donald dezimiert.
Dann kommen die höheren Zinsen auf seinen Mega-Schulden.
Dann kommen der Tourismus und somit die Golfplätze und Casinos ins Schleudern, die Marke Trump ist ohnehin ein Badwill und zudem kommen die Verbrechen der Vergangenheit auf den Tisch und vielleicht wird er endlich vor Gericht gezogen für die dreckigen Geschäfte bei den vier vergangenen Konkursen dieses Idioten.
Selbst im besten Falle aller Fälle, ist dieses Arschloch bankrott schon heute, den Mann kann man spülen - er wird das Ende seiner Machtübernahme mit Hilfe von Hohlköpfen nicht erleben.
Sodann muss gesagt sein, dass Obama ein mindestens so blödes Arschloch war und jedem Juden in den Arsch gekrochen ist seit 2008 und dass die Hillary einfach eine feministische Schweinin war, die den Schwanz jedes Juden der AIPAC und des WEF schon im Maul hatte.
Nun habe ich es hingekriegt, dass mein Report kein Aas mehr ernst nimmt und genau diesen Effekt in dieser Drecksmenschheit wollte ich erzeugen - und bin wahnsinnig stolz, wie ich diese Manövriermasse von geistesschwachen Paranoiden einfach immer dort habe, wo ich sie will.
Man wird noch staunen - Schwachsinnige der Medien....
TRUMP possesses ZERO in the Trump Clan assets!!!!!
Trump is poor and criminal and a tax fraudist and
All Republicans who protected Trump must be thrown in jail
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
in November 2016