Article by
Guest Writer René Delavy.
You are standing in midst of the Brazilian
original forest, look up in the sky, out of a green hell, a yellow snake
flies into your face, curls her tail quickly around your neck, looks grinning
in your face, snaps forward and tears your eyes out and afterwards swallows
you and you are dead as dead can be. Okay, I must admit: The Brazilian forest
is the whole planet, the green hell is the USA, the snake is the
US-capitalism of globalisation, the grinning is not the one of a snake but of
George W. Bush, your eyes are the two sides of human ethics, and the dead
body at the end is the species
Homo sapiens.
Do you really believe, that there is just one
politician, CEO, Nobel- price holder or philosopher, able to prevent our
world from being "done" as a result of self-destruction? Naivety
has its price, too. Just note the following: The World of Homo sapiens will
be "done" by the year 2025, it may well be tumbled, will have come
to the end with its Latin - and in any respects you could think of. The
planet may be "done" for reasons of economics, ecology, resources
and energy, due to a break-down of cultural life, or collapse due to all
imaginable stupidities in politics. Nothing, absolutely no measures humans could
guess, will prevent the final down-fall of humanity. Why? Think of the snake
and than have a look at the following arguments:
What is happening now, worldwide on all
continents, in economics can best be explained by following example: It was
in the year 1998 when I wrote to all newspapers and TV-stations in and around
Germany: "Swissair is going bankrupt due to false annual statements not
reflecting the true indebtedness reaching now billions". Not one
newspaper brought that shit. But in the autumn 2001, SAirGroup grounded for
good, with an indebtedness of incredible 17 billion Swiss Francs or 17000
million or 5 million a day over a 10 years' period of deficits. Exactly this
scenario is valid for all states of our globe. They are in a quasi-bankruptcy
state to an extent we cannot size with our little minds. No EU-rules wanting
limit deficits, no idiocies of the Worldbank of "development", no
US-Fed-dullness will stop the nations from crashing for good and once for
all. No government knows a way out, no UNO, no NGOs and no God for Esoterics
would be in a position to do so. Thus the financial situation alone could
make tumble all stock exchanges, insurances, bankers, old age funds etc. of
the world and bring the economics to the edge of pure despair. The same
principle is valid for all big enterprises of the world, in the United
States, in Russia, in China or any other country, with regard to
quasi-bankruptcy. But here, people should be able to read and understand my
literature in order to get an idea of all the correlations insinuated above.
Natural Resources
In fact this chapter belongs under Economics too.
All the easy reachable energy stuffs and other raw material are nearly gone
and will become priceless soon. These precious treasures are now transformed
in small shot, oil and gas poisoned our air which soon will hardly been
breathable, first in metropolis and then all over the globe and fresh water
is turning slowly into growing cloacas. No models of "experts" in
futurology can help, when ten thousands of planes are polluting our sky 24
hours on 24 each day, because these monsters are built and will stay in the
air, just as about one billion of stinking cars, that all together transform
our globe in one huge pest-machinery. Economy will follow its way - and the
destruction of environment just as well. In addition, all energy and raw
material will get out of reasonable prices - and thus, the connexion is given
to the above indebtedness of states, enterprises and private households all
over our planet. Nothing can prevent the final collapse, absolutely nothing.
Around the year 1979, I have written the small
script "Orakel 1995", distributed to all newspapers in Switzerland,
Germany and Austria, with following opening: "We have arrived at the
Point of no return. If we do not reduce radically the world population, the
insanity of wasting all energy and other resources, poisoning the quality of
air and water, we will soon be in a situation, where no government or
organisation of the world can prevent the process of self-destruction of Homo
sapiens any more. All theories of philosophers and theorists in economics in
the past have pushed the idea of easy-going feasibility of human interest
only. At the same time, we all have put the interest of the wellbeing of our
life-platform, our Earth, in the ass. "Democracies = dictatorships of
dull majorities" will never understand this reality. In addition, the
most important formula of the present is not E = mc2, but instead:
"Power x Stupidity = Self destruction". Exactly this prediction has
arrived now at his final stage. No superficial and useless Protocol of Kyoto
with illusive 10 percent of corrections on worldwide damages will have any
effect on a situation which becomes more unbearable from year to year. Such
"think"-tank stupidities or conferences are good for smoothing the
folks, trying to turn off the fact that we have arrived at the end of all
possibilities, long time ago – already about the period of the decade of 1970
to 1980, the period later recognized as "Point of no return".
The machinery of craziness of Murdoch, Disney,
Bertelsmann, Berlusconi etc. has achieved to take under control the whole
world's intelligentsia as well as other "normal" folks. We are
driven - by principle - in a mass-stupidity. Everything has become a
cash-casino of false appearances, fierce grinning of the powerful in this
world, translating reality in a stupid infotainment: Literature, theatre,
operas, all superficial doings in culture, boulevard-press, TV-stations with
dullest Berlusconi-programs, thousands of giggle-radios - in fact all media
in favour of the taste of 99 percent of senseless folks, unable to sharpen
their minds anymore – all this intellectual junk assists us in our downfall
of a greedy species. With play-stations, internet and other brain-destroying
scrap, our own children are educated to become cynics, growing insane, become
criminal, taking heroin and other beautiful embellishers of our world,
running for money and shares, terrorizing and humiliating other humans,
animals and the Earth as a whole. But we are still wondering about terrorism,
wrong maxims with regard to religions and God, cultivating a funny cult for
eternal youth. All that represents only the beginning of the end, during a
time we are trying not to crash a rest of reason and understanding. No power
in our world will be able to stop that wave of growing stupidity. Even if all
the uncontrollable problems with finance and ecology would not exist, this
fact of losing control on reality of our reasoning alone would finish us,
making soon kick us the bucket as a result of self-stupefying.
It was equally in "Orakel 1995" (today
"Orakel 2099 in the book "Lines driven to heaven") when I have
written: "There will soon be coming a chap worse as Ronald Reagan and
give our Earth the rest. This stupid will give the coup de grace to
world-politics, economy, ecology and anything else, assisted by his
crazy-gone hegemonic nation USA, and nothing can later be possibly done for adjusting
a situation gone out of any control". Now, this has happened. George W.
Bush is resurrected as second-born "Jesus". Not clairvoyance or
other hocus-pocus has led to this prediction, but pure logical judgement
about all the insanities in the most "developed" nation, dictating
to the whole world a stupid Friedman-theory in neo-liberalism.
We have now
the situation where the most idiotic president we ever had, thanks to the
dullness of his population, gets all chances of driving the states indebtedness
into the gigantesk, at the same time playing all religions against each other
and thus encouraging the world's terror to pop up for good. In connection
with the craziness of neo-economics in Russia, China, India and other, the
world position has long time ago gone out of any sense of reasonableness. All
governments on Earth, if right- or left-wing, can from now on only
"administrate" the slow-going descent of all systems on a lost
Possible ways out of danger
Hit by the foregoing perspectives, you may wish
to read a few lines about positive ways, how to prevent the falling in the
final trap of mankind's systems of self-destruction, tumbling in the Orcus of
human vanities. How should our brains look on the world in future when we
wish to be enough informed in order to recognize why our life-programs are
just now collapsing by a multitude of reasons? In the meantime, we all are
living like robots, willing to believe in simple truths, instead of grasping
the true complexity of our reality.
Thus we may wish to know what maxims should be
recognized to correct our views on the humans' sense for reality:
First Maxim: Not a World governed by money,
greed, destruction of all natural wealth will save humanity. All we need is a
sharp turn to a reduction of all our wishes, needs and consumerism.
Second Maxim: We should build up a
"Zielgesellschaft" (society of aims and goals) instead of a society
of capital, striving for more and more and more useless goods and uneatable
money…. that will lead to logical collapses of all imaginable kinds.
Third Maxim: Autarky and autonomy are the words
for a liveable future. Not "globalisation", neo-liberalism,
deregulation, socialism, capitalism, consumerism, and all scrap born in the
brains of a species that did never see its limits - and therefore has
developed insane systems of living in the last 100 years.
Fourth Maxim: "Reduce to the max".
Reduce the world population from seven and more billions to below two
billions. Otherwise, the world will be done by "mass-phenomenon" -
even before our coming generations, our youth, will have reached the year
Fifth Maxim: Eliminate or reduce all destructing
technologies, like cars, planes, power stations, by totally changing human's
style of living. For living well, there is no vital need for surpassing
immense distances with high speed. Real life-quality should be: Clean air and
water, food, space, natural land, quietness, fundamental needs for living -
like cloths, shelter, housing, sun, culture and free times for useful doings.
Sixth Maxim: Nourishment should mainly be
produced where you live, like all the rest too (autarky). Transportation of
goods over thousands of miles is one of the highest stupidities of the
humans. We can have all we need to survive without this splendid circus of
technology, by adopting a reasonable system of supply - without destroying
our planet.
Seventh Maxim: Forget all capital
resources: Money, shares, treasury bonds, bank accounts, financing and
derivative instruments. We don't need money producing non-correctible towers
of debts that will tumble on all nations, banks, insurances and stock
exchanges, in the long run. We need planning how to survive as a species,
with least possible self-destruction.
Eights Maxim: We should live in symbiosis with animals,
nature, air, soil, water - the whole richness of our planet, the sole
possible platform of living for Homo sapiens. If we forget about this basic
and not replaceable principle, we will soon be lost for all times.
Ninth Maxim: Nothing will and can better without
a fundamental change of thinking, a new philosophy, understood by each person
on this globe. Yes, we need a change of paradigm in philosophy, psychology
and science in order to guarantee the survival of our species.
Tenth Maxim: Should the daily reality of living
not be able to adopt these maxims in his mind, the humans can forget about a
future for any generations to come. In fact, today, we are already lost,
definitely and for good. Since about the year 1975, the "point of no
return" has been ignored by a mental mass-phenomenon and has produced
the results we can see at the beginning of the 21st century, with regard to
the effects of a criminal behaviour towards the sole base of living, a
potentially beautiful paradise, the human's platform Earth.
What could stop the final descent and
down-fall of this reality? Not much. Even if it was decided that an
outstanding person should become the sole dictator on Earth, nothing could be
corrected anymore, because
- A reasonable brain would reject by far any
exercise of power under the given circumstances, because he knows that there
are no possibilities to save whatever we could think of. It is like with a
plane crashed on the Sea and having no wings any more. This plane can never
again be put in conditions of flight.
- No government or UNO or NGOs could correct
anything of what we have created in a process of eternal misunderstandings,
during the last 2000 years, and finalized by a crazy-gone age of technology
and money-casino of the worst kind.
- The lines are driving to heaven, and time
stands still. In other words: The sins of the past can not be corrected in
the present and certainly not either in the future of coming generations,
that become dull and duller.
- No might or power on Earth will bring the
planes from the skies or the cars from the streets, no genius will be able to
bring to an end that machinery of destruction of all our energy stuffs. We
would require a rebuilding of society, but with the fast increasing
mass-populations, it takes decenniums to bring new lines in reasoning, but
time goes out, before the year 2025.
- No editors company, no university, no form of
education is prepared to stop our collective act of self-stupidity. And the
adults and our youth will therefore not be informed and fully cleared about
the real state of affairs. And in this situation, some universal genius who
predicted our present and future, should come and force the situation back to
We may be crazy in believing any junk, without a shadow of a
doubt, but certainly not to that extent.
We have gambled away all chances of the future
human society, we are sitting and grinning in our express-train, eat caviar
and drink nectar, amuse ourselves to death - and thunder like hell in the
wall at the end of a valley of misery - called "The end of all human
And now, dear friends, have a good night.
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "CHAOS" // "Macht x
Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" // "Demokratie = Diktatur der dummen
Mehrheiten" // "Orakel 2099" //
Some time ago wn still had all letters to be read - but they decided to get them in the orcus - to their own detriment. |