Bullshit Leaders to kill the World
You may know my text about the best and worst presidents of USA, however in the light of the DRAMA in Israel today, we have to extend such statistics on the Globe and find the true killers of humanity just NOW:
There are persons like Annabella
Bockbaer of Germany, surpassing in some killer instinct our brave Kissinger,
Reagan, Ayn Rand, Selensky Clown, WEF Schwab, Gandhi, Mandela, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Trump or
Biden by some huge length of stupidity.
When the WEST is going now in the final TRAP
of the South and Eastern Might - coming up now as described by Pankaj Natan
Juhu Mishra, you just learn that the coming DISASTER not only covers politics,
but in the same way economics, finance, culture and the breakdown of all Systems
you may ever have seen on Earth.
But now, you are just like the big Masses,
driven in craziness by corrupt Elites and the Jewish “Deep State” – and cannot
see, how slowly you get falling in a situation of Craze and poverty and end
SCENE of Humans.
Well, it is time to fall into PANIC – friend
– you are lost and just do not try to escape FATE – you are DEAD since quite a
long time.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on October 31, 2023
Worldwide corrupt ELITE
Stupid Philo Gentinetta of Swiss TV argued, we would not have some sort of ELITE in Switzerland or SS Germany.
Well, what we have is the “DEEP STATE” of JEWS, governing from WEF, Wall Street, City of London, AIPAC, Chicago School the whole world of politics. economics, finance of CRAZE and the rest.
The masses are alone some sort of those criminal Bullshit ELITE, including the Whtie House and Israelis of Natan JUHU.
it finally - STUNK?
CRASH 2028:
Go now down:
1. BONDS USA - Italy - Japan - Spain - France - England - China
2. SHARES - breakdown market EU - USA- Japan - China -
India etc.
3. Are lost: Banks, hedge funds, foundations, insurance, rental
systems, pensions etc.
4. Explosion of Prices for Energies, water, China-prod.,
alternative energy etc.
5. Go down all metals - except Gold
6. Tourism, gastro, Cars. Camper, buildings etc.
Prices to fall:
Real Estate: China - EU - USA - Germany etc. (reasons: Interest
charges, no cash, Extension of debts, breakdown labour, no investments etc.)
Industries - demand to sink terribly
Health- becoming no longer payable
State and stock exchanges - Banks break in pieces
Prices of many explode soon
Craze of market in USA - China Fight - a complete disaster!
In Free Fall:
In all cases: China - Africa - Israel - Brazil - England - Japan
- Italy - the rest shall follow.
We get our RECESSION and End of Humanity for sure!
Das Vichy Regime und Céline (zum Bild)
Geradezu idiotisch ist die Historie über den besten Romancier aller Zeiten: CELINE.
Während der Trump in den USA die Blöden zum Ergötzen bringt über eine Million Pandemie-Tote produzierte, während der Idiot Selenski dafür sorgt, dass die USA mit ihrer NATO eine europäische Katastrophe erzeugt, wird dem «Antisemiten» CELINE vorgeworfen, er sei ein Schwein gewesen.
Sehen wir die wahre Lage:
Um den Blutzoll von Franzosen in ihrem Wahn zu stoppen, entschied Marschall Pétain. einen Waffenstillstand mit Hitler auszuarbeiten und sich still zu verhalten. Céline fand dies wie ich auch, als äusserst guten Schachzug. Nachher konnte ja man sehen, wohin die Reise geht.
Derweil war de Gaulle nach London geflüchtet und tat sich wichtig mit einem blödsinnigen Sermon von »Widerstand» - in Tat und Wahrheit macht sich das «andere Fronkraisch» gemein mit den NAZI und kroch ihnen in den nackten Arsch.
Schliesslich waren es die Russen und die Amis und Engländer, die Deutschland niederrangen und erst jetzt, galten nach dem Absturz des SS Raisches die Vichy Leute und Céline als Idioten, weil sie den Niedergang von Hitler nicht kommen sahen.
Die Wahrheit ist: Hätte Hitler den Krieg um zwei Jahre verschoben, hätte er die Atomwaffen gehabt und noch heute würden seine NAZIS alle Macht über die Welt verbreiten statt die blöden Amis - und die Idioten in Vichy wären die Genies ihrer Zeit.
So einfach ist Geschichte, aber man will lieber weit über 100 Millionen Ermordete durch die USA, als eine Geschichtserklärung, die unwiderlegbar ist.
Es gibt heute nur noch saudumme und paranoide Arschlöcher – darum verreckt jetzt die gesamte Welt am Amerikanismus und dem jüdischen Neoliberalismus und den Finanzjuden des Grauens – aber keine Sau im Westen bemerkt, was wirklich am Geschehen ist....
Fundamentale Weltlage – 2028
Die Weltlage hat sich verändert
Mehr als nach den zwei Weltkriegen oder am 9/11 hat sich für das Jahr 2028 die gesamte Weltlage verändert infolge der Attacken der HAMAS in Israel.
Ab sofort ist eine Zweiteilung der Welt entstanden auf folgende zwei Teile:
1. Der Westen
Also USA, Israel und alle Juden, die EU, England, die Schweiz, Kanada, Australien, zum Teil Japan und andere Idioten.
2. Der Süden und der Osten
Hier hauptsächlich China, Russland, die Araber von Marokko bis Indonesien und der gesamte Süden der Welt mit Afrika, Indien, Südamerika etc.
Diese Zweiteilung ist fundamental und wird nicht veränderbar, durch keine UNO, kein WEF oder irgendein anderer Einfluss.
Gleichzeitig der globale CRASH
Wie von DELAVY vorausgesagt, kommt nun der totale CRASH der Menschheit bis 2099 mit dem TOD der gesamten Zivilisation im Sinne meiner 20 Bücher:
- Finanzen – Finanzindustrie – Weltwirtschaft – Globalisierung – Kulturen – Religionen – Systemen-Zusammenbruch – Klimakollaps des Todes – Verblödung der Massen und Tod aller Eliten.
Es wird sauglatt sein zu sehen, wie nun langsam ALLES in sich zerfällt, die Massen in PANIK ausbrechen und es klar wird, dass es nicht eine EINZIGE Massnahme oder Lösung geben kann – niemals - den totalen KOLLAPS der Welt des Idioten zu stoppen oder gar umzukehren.
Diese Affenheit ist eigentlich schon TOT – und kein Gott wird dies ändern können.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur - written in October 2023
NB. Juden aus Israel – Deutschland - Schweiz –
ab nach den USA.
The 10 best and worst Humans in History
Under Title "Heroes and Villains in World History" our dear NZZ of Zurich explains that 7000 students out of 37 countries have established a LIST of the best and worst humans in History.
You should compare this listing with mine on the worst criminals in History and the best and worst U.S. Presidents of all times, given as additional texts here....
Now here are the idiots mentioned by the above stupid 7000 students, plus an analysis given by a genius - myself:
A. The 10 best of humans
1. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein brought in the world with other Jews the Atom Bomb and atomic electricity producers. Both will kill humanity and the Earth and will cause damage in trillions of Dollars. The theories nobody can understand and even if they were right, they could change not a jota to the downflow of humans into total misery in the 21st Century.
2. Mother Teresa
This woman helped in Calcutta some persons. Like all NGOs this gave the idea that governments must do nothing for the killing of millions and soon billions of poor and sick folks in the world. Mother Teresa like all other idiots serve as useful idiots for governments, not to move and help. And mother Teresa did not help, as also Albert Schweitzer, to 99,999 percent of other poor and sick folks on Earth.
3. Gandhi
Gandhi was a crook. He is responsible that the powerful and rich Jews and other idiots use up all savings and rents of the mass of the 99 percent and the victims do not dare to take revenge. In India, the mass of folks alone killed the British forces and by the end, Gandhi is responsible for the separation of India and Pakistan and Bangladesh and for Millions of dead folks in the fight around his area.
4. Martin Luther King
Martin King is a bluff. He only promised a better future to the Niggers and prepared the total idiot of Obama, to be worse in his presidency than GW Bush would have been. The black folks in USA are worse off than ever before and the slaves out of Africa have never got justice. Today one Million of black are in prison for a little of dopes, when the dirty Jews of AIPAC have never seen a judge. King was a poor shit of a person.
5. Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was at the source of the technologic era. Today, this era goes to an end and it will be terrible. Humanity shall die soon from the destruction of the Earth, of resources, of lands and oceans, on water and geosphere and climate and soon, the whole of humanity will go to hell within the next 50 to 100 years - and types like Newton were responsible.
6. Jesus
This idiot of Son of Good was a shit of religion like Buddha. First, never a God or Allah was ever in existence, all is an invention of human criminals. Then Jesus was never the fine person as given, he was a simple crazy man believing in God and wanting to establish another Empire, the one of Popes torturing to death other religions, folks of origin in all continents, burning alive women and fucking children in the ass, since Jesus and the Priests were all homosexual JUNK.
7. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is a big Nigger Shit: He gave for free the whole land to Jewish white owners in London for nothing and he gave the possibility to his niggers, to increase poverty, slavery and criminal behaviour by his nigger folks. Mandela only increased the misery in Africa and for this, all idiots of the globe take him for God in Heaven.
8. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was at the source of electricity and making all towns to live through for 24 hours a day. To some extent, it is the responsibility of Edison, when soon all Mega-Towns of the Globe will fall in pieces and about 5 billion of folks will die within the next 50 years, from lacking water, banks to crash, computers to produce stupidity of the 99 Percent and all industries having used up all resources of a lost planet.
9. Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was killed for the Wars he made in the early USA. It is true that he could do nothing, when the crazy revolver idiots of the south wanted further kill all niggers, but in fact, he was just as responsible for his reaction, as Churchill was to react on Hitler - no great deal.
10. Buddha
Buddha is just responsible that in California, shitten Amis think to be in direct contact with Allah. This sort of religion leaded directly to the dirty Jews of WEF and AIPAC, the rotten Popes in Rome, the Evangelicans of the Tea Party and the tax-free state of the richest junk, responsible for the explosion of pops in China and India and the crimes at Wall Street. Without such shitty religions, the world would have turned out better.
B. The 10 worst of humans
1. Adolf Hitler
Hitler is the result of democratic procedures in Germany before the War. All Germans are responsible for Auschwitz, 6 Mio. dead Jews and over 50 Mio. of dead folks of WW II. Hitler was crazy and accepted by the Britain, the Russians, the Amis and the whole world, until he started the great killing. Today the Jews are preparing the killing by billions of folks by neoliberalism and this is not regarded as Crime.
2. Osama bin Laden
This is a little Number. Osama saw the crimes of USA in the Middle East, the idiocy of Jews in Israel, the crimes committed in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina and influence in Saudi Arabia and in favour of Saddam Hussein during the war against Iran. Osama and al Qaida was made by the Amis and therefore he took revenge on 9-11. Osama in fact was 10 times more just and intelligent than his idiotic friend with name of Obama in the White House.
3. Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein was a criminal, killing ten thousands of Shiits and being not punished for this. Only when he wanted take the oil of Kuwait, the USA lied about the atomic forces and some stupid weapons in hands of Saddam and started a war, ending in a disaster with IS, Egypt, Libya, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest. USA was the great criminal, not Saddam.
4. GW Bush
The worst president ever was Ronald Reagan. He accepted the crimes of neoliberal Jews who started the countdown to the todays end of capitalism, when soon all currencies and States inclusive USA will fall into pieces. GW Bush was just a little child without brains, followed by a worse president with name of Obama, a rotten Nigger without any use.
5. Stalin
Stalin killed millions of Russians by torture, because he was insane. But he was the man who brought the Third Reich of Hitler to an end, not the idiots out of USA or England. Stalin in fact killed the idea of socialism and he is really a very stupid person, but worse were Bush and Kissinger and Ronald.
6. Mao
He brought socialism to China for a while and he killed by his methods millions of Chinese, who crept in the asshole of Mao. But Mao was followed by cripples of neoliberalism that will end soon by a total collapse of China and the greatest misery, together with Indians, the world would have ever seen.
7. Lenin
Lenin was just a person to bring the ideas of Karl Marx to Soviet Union. But in fact, his intentions were good. But as always, you can never control the shit the big masses are doing with a good idea of justice. Would Lenin not have been followed by Stalin, no person would mention him as bad, except the Idiots of USA, who name any person a criminal, not destroying the cash of Middle Class and the Poor of the globe.
8. Genghis Khan
This idiot is history. He truly tortured thousands in atrocious ways, but the whole world admires him today for having created one of the greatest empires ever seen. We should start to admire the great ethical thinkers and not the political and military stinkers.
9. Sultan Saladin
I do not know much of Saladin. It seems that he fought against the Christs, who wanted to kill as much Jews and Islamists as ever possible in their Kreuzzuege. Well I cannot see any difference to the US. Empire idiocies, killing Africa, Iraq, social students in Argentina and Chile, killing civilians in Vietnam and bringing the world to the edge of ecologic collapse, started now and killing all folks on Earth before 2099.
10. Kaiser Qin and Napoleon
Kaiser Qin must have been a terrible Chinese Emperor and for that, he merits to be left out in all history books. But the stupid students admire most the greatest killers of the globe instead of those who knew that this humanity cannot survive with the given rotten Systems.
Napoleon was admired by everybody and would he not have lost in Waterloo, he still would be the greatest like Hitler, being the greatest today, had he accepted the criminal Jews to build for him the atom bomb and introducing the killing neoliberalism of greatest U.S. Shit ever seen.
Okay, you are in trouble now - because you and the other 99,99 percent have nothing but shit in your brains - Ladies and Gentlemen.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on May 30, 2015
Qualifying and Disqualifying historical VIP Heroes
Most writers in history qualify important numbers like Cesar, Napoleon, Mao, De Gaulle, Churchill, Kennedy, Reagan, Kohl, Blair, Mandela, Gandhi and some other heroes, in highest tones.
Only a few VIP in history are disqualified: Hitler, Pinochet, Stalin, GW Bush and perhaps Obama Barack, after his 4 years. - Well, about Barack, I will write in more detail now, as for some others too---
This Roman King was great. He increased power of the Roman Empire, he fought wars with success, he made love to Cleopatra and he was killed because he had a good heart and was cunning like hell.
The truth is: Any Emperor of any Empire, be it the German Empire under Hitler, the communist one under Stalin, the British Commonwealth under some funny Queens, the hegemonial craze under Ronald Reagan and other U.S. average brain, followed by a dead U.S. Congress - short: all Empires were a fake, a terrible crime, to be proud of by the perpetrators and a disaster for the victims. With those killing games, those Play-Stations out of Rome, a lovely kind of Vietnam philosophy taken over later by U.S. government, Cesar was not more than a cretin of power, like the ones following him in Germany, Russia and USA.
Napoleon was great. Even after throwing him back on Isle Elba near Corsica, his homeland, he came back, made love to the nicest ladies of Austrian power, fought with a supreme feeling for strategy some nice battles, killing his own people and even more men of his enemies. This is all what history books ever would mention - a decent King or Democrat, however, will only be described as a normal idiot of nothing. And so, Napoleon was great history, like any killer of nations or regions - and as a result, Napoleon gave his name like other idiots to a lot of streets and places in France and elsewhere.
The battles outside France did, like any battle or war, not resolve one simple human problem of his times on a lost planet. Being crowned emperor himself, he showed the true hypocrite nature of all Rome's Popes, loving any write-wing killer like Pinochet, if Catholic. Finally, dear Napoleon was ending up on Isle Helena - what a great achievement of life. When killing, torturing, gaining power for nothing, like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam or Chile or Chechnya, all powers base their idiocies on logics and strategies of Machiavelli and Napoleon and Hitler. Wonderful games for history books, when thousands of millions of poor chaps and women had to pay the deadly price of the powerful and rich VIP.
Gandhi was a miracle. He won all battles against the British just by saying to Indian folks: Keep quiet, don't make terror, just a little bit of passive reaction and resistance of masses, only given in India and China, and the English idiots will collapse in front of mass-problems, they will go home, back to little England where they came from. What a success of his theories of fighting without violence - and what a failure of this doctrine, when India fell apart in two States and masses of Pakistanis killed masses of Indians and vice versa. Until this very day, an atom war between these two "brothers" stays the highest goal of many followers of Gandhi.
This man told to the rest of world: Just accept any injustice, killing, torture, violations, keeping low, let Americans do whatever they want in Asia or Africa - if indigenous folks are nice with the stupid enemies, they might give up within 300 years. This doctrine, so famous for brainless NGOs, is in many situations nothing but stupidity of the highest. Remember: The so-called terrorists, named by Israeli, Non-Red-Indians out of USA, terrible Abzock-Eidgenossen in Switzerland, fine Marxists in Russia and Black folks in Southern Texas, were converted into "Freedom fighters", once they have won supremacy on other power-minded folks, losing power with times. So Gandhi made believe that things turn automatically in heavenly spheres, if folks would just be nice with torturers and killers. Note: It worked only with India because of mass-logics. Gandhism would not work under any other circumstances.
These men are all some heroes because history turned in a way, to make their folks or believers happy. England won the big war only through the blood-prize of Russians, Americans and Swiss. The loud French hero, Charles De Gaulle, had just to wait for same result - and history books did the rest like with Sarkozy. And Media-Pope Berlusconi just had to buy all TV, radio and newspapers of Italy, then become a little-intellect politician like Bush - the rest was history for his Mafia-fools of the finest. As always: Only the most stupid calves bring to power their own butchers. So, all these famous VIP did nothing else, but use wisely some circumstances dictated by their times - and then to become famous.
When history would have turned towards other ways, Hitler would have been first to get atomic power and missiles with hydrogen heads, and thus, Churchill, De Gaulle and some other Russians and Americans would today be mentioned as some greatest asses of all times in history books. Funny enough, after WW II, Americans and British decided to go against those, who paid the heaviest price of war, the Russians, for thanking for their freedom. Only Berlusconi kept famous, he still turns Italy in a disaster with his Media power. It is the same trick as with Juergen Habermas: This man was presented recently as "Habermas - World-Power", although this man knows nothing of Ecology, theories of economics and accounting, nothing of the real state of affairs on this Globe, he still guesses that with more of simplified ethics and democracy and free-speech for the masses, humanity could be saved out of the present Chaos. Where is the difference in intellect compared to Ronald and Margaret?
Some may have difficulties in making a distinction between Reagan and Bush (and Thatcher and Blair), because the one prepared the downfall of USA as a whole, together with Friedman, Videla, Pinochet, Battista, Hussein, Taliban - and some other torturers. Bush continued this stupid tendency and in addition prepared the downfall of Wall Street, together with Israel, Blair, Greenspan, U.S. congress and a Shock Doctrine of deregulation, privatisation and shattering any control devices possible. History books pretend the contrary: Both are said to have led U.S. folks out of an impasse into the bright light, yes we can, of greed, immense growth, false happiness and good feelings based on songs like 'Don't worry, be happy', philosophies of lowest possible IQ and EQ, spread in favour of the most blinded community, this planet has ever seen.
Reagan, as written in
"Hit-Parade of the best and worst Presidents of USA", is
co-responsible for preparing an incredibly stupid downfall of world's ecology,
not to be cured with quadrillions of Dollars. He gave all rich Idiots out of
USA and else the possibility, not to pay taxes anymore and leave it to Middle
Class and the Poor, to finance the U.S. and other States' costs, with income tax
and VAT. This neo-liberal credo was and still is a crime, taken over and copied
as a fine capitalistic model by Germany, England, Switzerland, Italy, France,
Japan, Russia, China - in short all other lands of the westernized world. In
addition, Reagan and GW Bush (who was a bad copy of Ronald), worshipped exactly
the same politics, representing a 'Culture' of highest stupidity, deadly
economic theories, guaranteeing fast destruction of the Earth, by resources and
energy exhausting technologies and a nice orthodox Cash-Cult - all together
leaving a casino-mess, the rest of the world has now to pay for trillions of
Dollars in debt - without ever being able to cure the deadly disaster, leading
in all thinkable collapses.
And God sent us a new genius. He promised change and 'yes, we can', and he made nice Speeches in Egypt, in favour of other cultures below the American one. Without understanding theories of economics, this Hero throws trillions of Dollars behind the lost money of orthodox Wall Street Master of the Universe with their Hedge Funds and Swiss Abzock-Banks. With luck, this last American with power will produce new crazy hypes at New York stock exchange and some others, with AAA grading of rating Idiots for zero-junk, all explained by Bernanke and Geithner and other VIP Folks of lowest intellect, in and outside USA. And all that scrap believes in God and say: "HE will bring God's own country back on the map, our victims will all believe again, how lovely American Hollywood-culture could be----"
As written in at least 10 reports, I proved that Osama is just another U.S. terrorist on the line of Reagan and Bush and other Oligarchs. What did this Rogue State do so far to stop the ecological downfall of the Earth, when heading towards a complete going out of balance in Weather and Climate mechanics? Who the hell will pay the trillions of new debts that brought USA to the edge of bankruptcy? How does he think Moslems have to respect his country, when Christians increased power with even more expenses for his U.S. Army, when trying to stop anti-terror in a war and terror-producing way, instead of showing more respect for minorities and victims of systems, like the Taliban, Hamas, Palestine, Hezbollah and other poor folks, some fighters our beloved U.S. politics created first? Obama and Putin: Their politics and knowledge in banking, accounting, economics of nations are more than mediocre. But as always, world history in all past times wanted to see real fine heroes, where those VIP were nothing but ordinary nuts. And get it finally: Average folks will always bring to power some average politicians. That's the basic rule of commonsense and common people.
Conclusion on wrong and stupid history-writing about heroic Homo non-sapiens
I could continue with MAO and STALIN who made a mess with ideas in industry and agriculture that killed millions of folks. These dictators were both crazy and insane, but own history books lie about this fact. Their only possible excuse: HITLER Adolf was worse in craziness.
Or take some MANDELA-Mbeki, being one of the untouchable heroes of history, who gave freedom to his Black folks only to the price of all major Mines and Fortune staying in hands of White big companies, when South African criminality exploded and any real control of State got rotten.
Habermas will finally get it: Freedom, as it is understood by western capitalism, is just another word for increased poverty for the masses. And a Hero will only be the end-result of his odd doings, based on low intellect. Judge humans on their doings and the future results, and history books may gain in quality when newly written.
From JESUS Christ with his idea to get a nice believe in a God, we had to learn that "his father", never in 2000 years, interfered in any crime, war, torture, misuse of power in politics, economics and culture - and thus is somehow responsible for perhaps more than 100000 ladies being killed as witches by most of the Roman Popes, including Protestant idiots around Luther and Calvin. Not to forget some other killing of original Folks in Asia, Africa, South America, together with the historical heroes of CONQUERORS out of Spain, Portugal, France, England, Japan and some other former and present Rogue States.
New writing of all History books of the World
World MEDIA should stop writing scrap about heroic deeds, result of politics by pure human scrap. If your world goes now to hell - not only in ecologic fields, the major reason are not only idiotic theories of economists, philosophers representing some odd human behaviourism, to the detriment of nature and the whole planet, based on greed and ideas of growth preached by Super-Powers. No, one major source of any world Society going down the Orcus by the end, was false and hypocrite history-writing by superficial and brainless writers with splendid names.
Some of them got the Prize of Pulitzer or DYNAMITE, for the ever same wrong reasons. Same principle valid for brainless technicians and medical heroes, helping the blinded masses when exploding over 10 billion, believing in U.S. and Swiss luxury for all, when keeping them dull, during falling in all traps of economy, ecology and culture, after some fine Hypes, created under circumstances not really understood by VIP and their masses.
And the useless Certificates out of Stockholm and Oslo will still hang in all history books, all being full of errors, false assertions, sex, lies and videotapes, around weak human minds that never had a CHANCE (not even under Obama) to get a clear and honest mind on this lost globe, turning towards misery soon. What a nice world of Qualifications we are living in. Media tell you any scrap, and you believe in it, slowness of going down the drain not being your business - and God still laughs a lot, somewhere in the Universe, and is wondering, how all these facts could NOT be written in your fine History Books.
Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of
"CHAOS" / "Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction" /
"Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities" / "History is the
result of dull VIP, levied to heroes by Media" - and some other scrap