Top Percent

Death to the Top Percent 


The Top Percent being the Rich class and being equal to the “Deep State”, governing alone all nations, conglomerates, democrazies, banks and the future of the soon dead 99 percent. 

Therefore, the so-called 

-- corrupt ELITE

will have to be wiped out and massacred by the 99 percent in the near future, when the total CRASH comes over 

- Finances – Economics – Energies – Wars – Climate collapse – dullness of the masses – and whatever in the sense of my “10 Commandments of Death” or “End of Humanity”. 


These are the CRIMES of the Rich Class or Top Percent: 

1. They are responsible for all wars ever and the killing of national masses, and there is no difference if the masses are workers or intellectuals, they are killed in the name of the Top ONE percent. 

2. All laws are made in favour of the Top Percent, they can commit any crime and be stealing of trillions in cash without ever seeing any Judge.  

3. They have total control over all MEDIA, INTERNET, Cash streams, the situation of the poorer Classes and try to kill the 99 percent as fast as ever possible. 

4. The Top Percent have TAX LAWS brought through all parliaments, guaranteeing that they can evade almost any taxes to be paid to nations and else in 200 nations. 

5. The lawyers and the experts in finances are alone made in favour of the dirty One Percent. 

6. These skunks have made frontiers in Arabia and Ukraine and else and decided in wars in Europe, China, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Vietnam, Iraq, South America, Mexico – in favour of the monster Empire USA and their rotten NATO - and take whatsoever including Frist and Second World War and the masses just had to die and except death dictated by the Top Percent. 

7. The ELITE did never anything in favour of the working Class, of the poor folks, of lower classes in the sense of Rousseau, Tocqueville or Karl Marx - but always in the sense of the finance Jews of WEF and the neoliberal Bullshit, on what basis now all folks are going into ruin and death. 

8. The ELITE are those who have increased incredible amounts of DEBTS with bullshit papers at Stock exchanges and created huge BUBBLES - and so we have about 250 trillion Dollars of uncovered debts and this means: 

All nations and conglomerates and banks worldwide are already since some time in total bankruptcy. 

9. The rotten Elite allowed the Jewish crimes of Silicon Valley, they control the 99 percent in total and have killed millions of small businesses with bullshit as Amazon, Elon Musk TELSA bullshit and thrown trillions in rotten science and space wars and rocket idiocies of zero value at all. 

10. The Elite have all Judges and tribunals of the world under absolute control against the races of Niggers, White Trash, lower class folks and the interests of the 99 percent – and they know it. 


Therefore, whatever before death of all societies in the 21st century will become true, the Top Percent must be eliminated for good reasons and for all times. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on March 2, 2023

Criminal US Sub-prime Court

Unfair US Supreme Court  

Like all Sub-prime Courts of all nations (Washington-Karlsruhe-Lausanne), the US Supreme Court is one big justice Bullshit of the globe - the top crook of the "Deep State".

Assange is in JAIL and Snowden in MOSCOW, because the "Deep States" of Jews have all power in the world - and not the 99 percent of masses.

Here some of the crimes noted about such subprime Judges out of Shit:

1. The Supreme Court is not looking for Justice for the masses of the 99 percent, but acts solely in the interest of the "Deep State", to say the Rich Class and the powerful idiots in politics, Jews, Wall Street, bankers, economy crooks and worse.

2. The Supreme Courts are only taking party for those who have the trillions of Cash and they sentence to death the little folks without power all the time.

3. Ginsburg and other bluff talk of justice for females and black folks, when in fact those idiots kill the planet and humanity in the 21th century just as well as men and white fuck.

4. The Supreme Courts make great again some dirty persons like Trump who was as crook all his life and committed with  Russian help any economic and political crime and such bluffing 74 million of US idiots, directed in their misery and such destroying finally and thanks God the US Empire.

5. Supreme Court made political decisions and made idiots like GW Bush or Reagan and the Jewish neoliberal System, instead of types like Al Gore and better men, such this criminal Court created 9-11, the wars in Vietnam, torturing folks to death in Argentina and Chile and 50 other States, and dozens of wars like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Cambodia and Iran - and worse.

6. Supreme Court accepts a system of tax laws that allow to all conglomerates not to pay taxes on 90 percent of world profits and having billionaires getting trillions in gains - without seeing capital GAINS taxed, when at the same time they punish any worker or employee or little commerce for any little tax evasion of no importance.

7. Jews can get billions of folks in poverty, with dirty papers at Wall Street Banks under spell of WEF Davos and Israel, without those junk seeing ever a judge, whereas a nigger having a little bit of drugs in the pocket, goes to jail for the rest of his life.

8. Supreme Courts accept the fact that 50 tax oasis and Las Vegas casino theft are taking all money away from ordinary people by trillions and bring the whole finance industry to hell, when at the same time little people cannot even cough without seeing some police or judge, trying to kill them.


All this is just the peak of the iceberg:

The cripple Supreme Court plus the cripple US presidents and the cripple US parliament are responsible for the following FACTS:

- Health care in USA is just here for the profits of private pharma and hospitals and such, only the Rich Class gets care and the rest of ordinary people can go to hell, as only money counts in USA.

- USA can bring all atom missiles at the border of Russia or China and an atom war killing all folks on Earth is highly assumable.

- USA is the only State that kills and tortures millions outside their borders without any reason, pretending to bring their shitty model of democrazy and human rights to nations that have 1000 times more of ethics as junk USA.

- USA kill environment worldwide, increases the climate-collapse and is mostly responsible for the death of humanity in the 21st century.

These USA cripples should be wiped out from the map, like the stupid and criminal Mr. TRUMP who convicted one million Americans by CORONA to death. For this, broke and bankrupt TRUMP-CLAN gets the death penalty, sooner or later.

If there would be any God or Allah, such a nation like USA would not only be killed by Corona pandemic, but would never have existed at all.


And so on - THIS is what Supreme Idiots do in all lands, cripples like Murdoch Fox TV, all politicians, parliament member, governments, ministers, chiefs of States and criminal bankers and finance Jews - and take it.

As a result, the 99 percent will - during the world CRASH of finances and economics - kill all idiots of the Rich Class, judges and other JUNK - when soon the forthcoming catastrophe in the sense of my "10 Commandments of Death" comes over our Globe - be sure of this FACT.

René Delavy - Côte d'Azur

written on February 5, 2021



All banks, conglomerates and billionaires gain tax-free trillions of Dollars or Euros due to TAX TRICKS of the "BIG 6 of Accounting" - said to be "legal" by corrupt politicians and US presidents - and so the 99 percent of lower idiots pay the difference and are punished like hell for the slightest attempt to pay less taxes in 200 nations.

Therefore, the supreme judges and all parliament members must be taken into concentration camps. 


The Billion Dollar Code

The Affair with Google Earth (Series of Netflix) proves, that all Silicon Valley companies are gangsters, like TRUMP - the billionaires should be shot, the US juridiction is a FAKE, facts do not count, Courts are useless and the dirty Idiots of USA will always win, interested only in the Destruction of the Masses of serious folks.

All such relevant VIPs must be eliminated from the face of the (Google) Earth!

Supreme Richter sind – Verbrecher 

Alle Supreme Richter aus Lausanne, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg oder Washington oder wo auch immer in 100 Staaten – sie sind alle die grössten Kriminal-Idioten der Welt. 

Der Nachweis: 

1. Alles was von Rechts kommt, wird geschützt, nur die Linken und Sozialisten werden verurteilt, vielfach zum Tode wie unter Einfluss der neoliberalen Juden in Argentinien und Chile etc.

2. Alle die Kleinen werden überwacht per Fichen und andere Überwachungssysteme und um alle Chancen in ihrem Leben gebracht, ohne dass die Richter die Täter und Schuldigen je verurteilen würden. 

3. In den USA hocken zwei Millionen Schwarze oder Nigger im Gefängnis ohne Grund, während die Drecksjuden der Finanzindustrie nie einen Richter sahen, selbst wenn sie das gesamte Volk in den Ruin stürzten. 

4. Die Richter verurteilen keine Schweiz oder alle anderen Steueroasen, die für Dutzende von Billionen den Reichsten und Konzernen ermöglichten seit 60 Jahren mit Hilfe der «Big 6 « des Accountings, weltweit keine Steuern leisten zu müssen. 

5. Die Kriegstreiber wie Kissinger, Nixon, Reagan, JFK - alle US Präsidenten, alle ihre Minister, alle Waffenhändler und alle Mächtigen sehen niemals einen Richter für Millionen von Ermordeten in allen Nationen der Welt. 

6. Die Umweltvernichter und Klimazerstörer sehen niemals einen Richter und werden nicht verurteilt, selbst wenn sie wissen, dass Waffen, Weiberhandel, Drogen, Rauchen oder was auch immer tötet und dies mit Milliarden an Geldern zu vertuschen suchten. 

7. Alle Verbrechen an den Kleinen der Massen werden niemals geahndet und wer wie OJ Simpson einen Idioten von Anwalt findet, kann auf offener Strasse Menschen ermorden und wird nie verurteilt. 

8. Wer wie Assange und Snowden oder Manning und 1000 andere Whistleblower und Aufklärer von Staatsverbrechen und kriminelle Handlungen von Konzernen und Banken der Welt zeigt, wie die Regierungen ihre Verbrechen begehen, werden mit irren Argumentationen aus dem Leben und Verkehr gezogen und die wahren Mörder sind von diesen Drecks-Richtern geschützt. 

9. Priester, Päpste, Reiche und schwule Schweine dürfen Millionen von Kindern vögeln oder ermorden, ohne dass je ein korrupter Richter zu sehen wäre. Diese Idioten samt alle Anwälte der Welt sind nutzlos und man muss sie eliminieren. 

10. Die Welt geht vor die Hunde im Sinne meiner «10 Gebote des Todes» und keine Sau weltweit, macht auch nur den Finger krumm, um diese Katastrophe noch je vermeiden zu können. Und die Medien und Richter samt ALLE Politiker machen den Wahnsinn mit - unter grösster Schadenfreude!


Dies ist nur die Spitze des Eisberges. 

Man muss alle Mächtigen, Reichen, Richter, Verleger und Medienidioten an die Wand stellen und alle Juden der Finanzen ins Gas – etwas darunter wäre wiederum das nächste Weltverbrechen – immer noch ohne jede Art von Drecks-Richtern!  

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on December 19, 2021

Gewaltige Mörder 

Mit dem verblödeten Volk kann man es machen: So zu tun als wären die Mörder zu suchen in Krimiserien am TV oder Romanen. Alle Verbrechen und Gerichtsfälle des Jahres sind ein Nichts im Vergleich zu den gigantischen Verbrechen der realen Elite, die von den Medien nicht erkannt werden wollen. 

Die gewaltigsten Mörder sind natürlich Typen wie Reagan, Nixon, JFK, Kissinger, Trump, Obama, Queen Victoria, Napoleon, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, und eigentlich alle US Präsidenten und alle Staatschefs mit ihren Kriegen und Foltereien weltweit per Milliarden. 

Dann natürlich alle Kirchen und Religionen, die Geheimdienste und die Generäle und am schlimmsten: 

Die Vernichter der Menschheit der Zukunft wie Friedman, Popper, NYT, Murdoch, die Chicago Boys, die Juden des «Deep State», Reagan, Thatcher und andere Schweine, wobei Putin ein schwacher Chorknabe ist, der bis zu einem Atomkrieg nicht weiss, wie man Massen tötet. 

Die Massen als Opfer, wovon bis 2099 über 20 Milliarden verrecken werden, haben bis zu ihrem Tod auch nicht einen Schimmer von Ahnung der kommenden Katastrophe – Idioten.