Martin Wolf "The
Shifts and the Shocks"
Daniel Binswanger, a
terrible dull expert in economics of Switzerland, wrote in a Swiss Newspaper
that the book of Martin Wolf would be ultimative, final, a masterpiece in
explaining the present State of Affairs with World Finances
Other Bullshit
The book of the big
Tiger of "Financial Times" is nothing but Bullshit.
Comparable to the
comment of a colleague of mine with regard to Swiss Tax Fraud.
In general, he
pretended that Switzerland is not the greatest Tax Fraud Heaven of the Globe.
He says that Swiss banks have given information on all 20 trillions of Dollars
of untaxed black cash in Banks, trusts, foundations to all 200 nations of the
world, the rotten money of richest VIPs, conglomerates, funds, nations,
dictators, ministers, all ABS and CDO and CDS derivative shit in administrated
fortunes and asset management of Switzerland.
This is bullshit and
a lie and if it were true, Switzerland, all tax paradises and all rich VIPs
would be broke and bankrupt - worldwide.
The only way out
The big stupidity of
Martin Wolf does not allow him to see the unique outcome of the present
downfall of capitalism of the U.S. Jews in neoliberalism:
1. All Tax Frauds of
the world get an amnesty, otherwise the market is dead.
2. Worldwide heaviest
austerity politics, coming back from gigantic debts (alone 200 trillion Dollars
of USA), no deficits anymore, all true profits of the globe truly and heavily
3. No further Growth
in pops, reduction of resources, killing the planet, climate and oceans and the
geosphere of the planet.
But even under such
conditions, this world goes down the drain before 2020.
What will happen:
a. China and India
going to collapse soon.
b. USA is dead
already , but not known by blind "Financial Times" and Wolf
c. Europe goes down,
after Greece, Italy, Spain, England - come France and Germany and even
Switzerland and north of Europe
d. Japan is dead
since 20 years, same goes for Africa and South America
Pretentions of idiot
Martin Wolf
This rotten character
pretends to have foreseen the collapse of 2006 to 2008, what is bullshit. He
does not even know that Lehman Brothers is only an accident, when we had 100
Lehmans, and today in result of U.S. Politics of a Nigger, the Crash to come
will be 10 Financial Times higher than it was ever in the past.
Wolf says that
Germany is kept in a trance of austerity, when in fact this would be the only
way out, but solely under condition that ALL 200 nations of the world follow
the German Example.
It is true that with
austerity, the figures in BIP will go down the drain, but there is no
alternative. With austerity, by 2020 the world market will be collapsed, but
see what happens with growth.
Growth and other extended
If nations go the way
of Lagarde, they can have for some time some growth to the disaster of the whole
globe and coming generations. But this goes only on account of heavily increased
debts for nations, Fed, IMF, ECB etc. and shall lead to the situation that by
2020, all nations will be bankrupt, currencies without any value for all
Financial Times to come and real estate, bonds, shares and the rest will go to
zero and the world has come to the end of the Model "Capitalism".
Inequalities killing
all nations
The inequalities of
cheap China and USA were wanted. China got the export market for some time and
USA the debts, no force on Earth can pay back.
Same goes for Germany
and the rest of Europa. Germany had all advantages of the EURO and low salaries
of workers and thus counted out England, France, Italy, in fact all countries
except China. But this advantage changes now back to the fact, that Germany and
Switzerland have to take over all debts of those who from now on to 2020 go
into bankruptcy in EU and else.
Russia has given all
national fortune to oligarchs living in London and for sure are near death,
because for political and economic reasons, Russia under Putin is dead as dead
can be.
We are surrounded by
idiots like Martin Wolf and Daniel Binswanger and blind masses, pretending that
all problems with tax fraud would be surmounted, when each new day, billions of
black money disappear in all banks and hedge funds of a Jewish governed and
criminal system of no mercy, better known as neoliberalism or Chicago School of
Friedman, Popper and WEF Schwab.
Still questions? Keep
quiet, folks without brains should never be outing themselves.
René Delavy - Berlin
and Bournemouth
written on October
12, 2014
Drecksbanker Guido Schätti der NZZ
Die Judenzeitung NZZ von Friedman and Popper aus Züri lässt den Idioten
Guido Mingels – sorry, Schätti, sagen:
«Die Übernahme der CS durch Keller-Reagan ist ein Bravourstück der 7
Zwerge von Berne»
Die Dreckszeitung der Wall Street und deren verbrecherischen Juden will
nicht wahrhaben, dass folgendes geschah:
1. Die Schweiz hat für 5 Billionen Dollar dafür gesorgt seit 1960, dass
Zehntausende Firmen und 249'888 Millionäre dank unserem Steuersystem der Oase und
der Banken weltweit keine Steuern leisten mussten.
2. Die Juden haben dafür gesorgt, dass die Rich Class sozusagen keine Steuern
leisten - mit Wahl des Wohnortes, Kapitalgewinne steuerfrei, 1000 Tricks der «BIG
4», Zug von Pfister etc.
3. Die Drecksjudenbanken konnten Billionen ausschöpfen in BONI zulasten
aller Bankkunden und Billionen bei ihren Konkursen, die viel höher waren als
alle Dividenden.
4. Vor dem CS Crash und dem baldigen totalen Weltcrash der Judenbanken
sorgten alle Juden und Banker und die Kontrollorgane in 50 Nationen dafür, dass
diese Schweine in riesigen Summen Blödsinn in die Welt brachten (Blythe
Masters), wie völlig wertlose Wertpapiere, ungedeckte Staats-Bonds, Crypto
Scheisse, Optionen und anderen Dreck – ohne jede Deckung.
5. Die Politiker und Regierungen sind diesen Drecksjuden in den Arsch
gekrochen, am meisten die FDP und die NZZ.
Und dies ist nur die Spitze des Icebörges – dumme Schweine!
Guido Schätti: Geh und erhänge dich, so ein Gehirn muss ja tödlich
Da konnte noch ein WOLF der Finanzial Times seinen Mist dazu geben,
nachdem er schon immer die kriminellen Sauen des Gewerbes unterstützte seit
seiner Judengeburt in der Ukraine vor deren Bestellung der NAZO an die Grenzen
zu Russland.
Dass der geisteskranke Gujer auch noch den Schwerstverbrecher Joe
Akerman begrüsst im NZZ Swiss Idee Bullshit ist der Höhepunkt. Da fehlen nur
noch die Schweine Schwab, Ebner, Kissinger, alle CEO Juden der Top Banken der
Wall Street und City of London und Natan Juhu, und die betrügerischen «BIG 4»
des Accountings (bei dreien habe ich gearbeitet) - dann haben wir das
schlimmste Pack der Welt zusammen.
Renée Delavy – Côte de WEF
bei Klausi Schwab - April 2023