Run on Capitol –
Greatest democratic DEED
Most Americans and
Bullshit Europeans of the NAZI attack on Putin’s Russia, believe that the TRUMP
run on the Capitol hill, would have been populistic and against all rules of
the JUNK written by the dirty founders of UZA.
Let’s make clear that
the runners on the Capitol were the most intellectual and brave hearts ever:
And these are the
1. The parliament of
UZA is a company of swines, having only LAWS in favour of the Rich Class and
capitalistic Jews.
2. The government of
BIDEN is the top crook of Tax Fraud around Delaware, allowing the rich class
and conglomerates and banks to hide 90 percent of their profits from taxes and
all capital gains ever as well.
3. These assholes are
responsible for 100 million folks murdered by UZA since 1600 and they attack
today through Ukraine some nice Ex-Soviet Union, because they still want steal
all oil, gas and whatever from Russians against the great politics of Putin –
this charming genius.
4. US Junk attack China
after having given all industry to this nation - in favour for the richness of
their Jews at Wall Street and US Oligarchs.
5. US military
criminals spend trillions of Dollars for their killing army, having now uncovered
debts of 25 Trillion and they murdered in 113 nations whatever they wanted with
help of Pinochet, JFK, Reagan, Obama, Videla, the Israel Lobby and other stupid
US Stunk. For social matters and infrastructure, there is no cent left - poor white trash of Trump!
And so, the finer US
people have stormed the Capitol and they are heroes and the only Democrats - stunk
nation UZA has ever seen in history.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on March 1,
Hit-Parade most hideous Politicians
Hit-Parade of the most stupid politicians on Earth
There is no such thing as an objective Hit-Parade of stupid politicians. Everybody sees other politicians as stupid. Some other may say that the greatest idiots in this world are beyond the CEOs, the NGOs, the bankers, all the false optimists in globalisation, the insane theoreticians in economics - and you can find them in any country, in Russia, in China, in Japan or even Switzerland. They are spread all over the planet.
But more success is guaranteed in matters of scientists or writers of such a column. I accept to be an idiot, but I do not want to be the only one. Without any doubt, the most incapable persons on this world are among the Politicians. They are in a profession where intelligence is the greatest disadvantage for getting in a high career. The spell for influence and power must always be born in a very little brain. A genius is far too intelligent for wanting have influence over masses of "hybrid-brains", wishing to live in peace and in vain illusions.
Here we go - and the most ignorant politicians being named towards the end of this special HIT-PARADE:
10. The Australian Premier John Howard is without any doubt one of the greatest Cretins of this World. He has a lot of dryness in this land and thinks, as puritanical Christ and hypocrite, that his personal God is responsible for it: But he must have known, being at least as intelligent as a 5 years old child, that the way we live on this globe, consequences should one day have caused huge dryness periods. But this neo-liberal guy preferred to creep in the ass of his economic friends that finance his career, instead of waking up and see reality as it is. Poor chap - without any capacities to govern with a rest of reasoning a big land like Australia.
9. The Swiss "7 Dwarfs" in Berne are really stupid. They don't want to know that their Banks steal the whole wealth from the World, with heavenly tax-laws of all sorts for the richest junk - like all the Murdochs, Berlusconis and similar maniacs of media, also for most of Worlds Chief of States and their ministers, further are clients all speculators and terrifying financing gamblers like the Hedge funders and any other rich sack with zero-morals in this funny and greedy casino-world, all the cash-cynics and their Holdings and "Mixed"-companies in Zug, Schwyz, Zurich and Geneva. And these Bankers steal money in the way as they "administrate" portfolios, pushing around all shares and bonds and getting fees on each transaction, becoming rich and richer - and lowering simultaneously the value of each portfolio. After several hundreds of transactions, private wealth, investment and pension funds and all other sorts of pools would be emptied - and the money gone in the pockets of the "Skunks of Bahnhofstrasse" in Zurich and Geneva, assisted by Davos and its WEF - Schwab's most stupid and hypocrite conference for "Skunks in Economics" ever seen.
8. Today's political Leaders of South and Central American countries leave in peace and luxury the torturing monsters of over 100000 youth, editors, lawyers, teachers etc. - tortured to death very slowly, ordered by Pinochet, Videla, Stroessner and dozens of other dictators, their police mafia, hateful armies, US helpers' helper like CIA and thousands of political monsters from other nations, living afterwards until this very day or their death in luxurious conditions. If I were brother or son or daughter of just one of the tortured victims, I would go out and kill any person responsible for those atrocious acts instead of signing stupid amnesty laws, being even lower in ethics than the stupid and so-called "human" Carla del Ponte tribunals, for very kindly treatment of the last monsters on this planet, like today the Israeli, producing future Arab terror, with the aid of US-brain-amputated think-tanks, eager for oil and gas to be stolen with help of their armies.
7. The religious perpetrators can be absolutely sure that their victims would be less aggressive than any church mice, meant are our Holy Popes in Rome and other Leaders of Faith, these terrible hypocrites, being always on the side of their catholic and other perpetrators - and it was so since Jesus was dying at the cross. Christ alone seems having had the capacity, in his Sermon on the Mount, to see how ineffective victims will become, long after his useless crucifixion: "Whoever dares to go in cloths in colours of United Ben-Bishop and creeping in the arses of Hitler, all catholic dictators in South and Central America, in the one of any decent idiot pretending having discovered anywhere some nice females called witches, burnt to death by popes, politicians and other criminals, during all religious crimes of 2000 years, pretending to speak in thy name, should be arrested and either crucified in Washington or put-in a Russian Gulag or burnt on a funeral pile on Peter's Square."
6. Blair and most of other criminal European chiefs of states are not really intelligent. They have, with their economic power, stolen whatever they could from Africa and South America. And today, they want cheap shit from China and don't realize, that they outsourced all jobs of industry and more and more of services, to the Third World in China, India, South Korea and other Japanese, thus creating its own unemployment problem. And today, Angela thinks she can place again - in the name of Bush - ramps for atomic missiles against Russia and China in the new EU countries, called by the US-army "New Europe" because they are naïve to the point to make Old Europe vomit.
5. The political slaughterers and torturers: Here we must mention, naturally, all the politicians who in the past and present let function monsters, not stopped by UN, not stopped by US government, not the one of United Europe, those terrible slaughterers like Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Milosevic, Pinochet, again, and Videla and Stroessner, half of the population of Rwanda, children soldiers in Africa and many, many other monsters in all nations of the world, most of which only followers of US politics dictated by all US-Presidents since 1950 and their CIA and FBI. Yes, all the mentioned monsters were indeed worse than European Prime Ministers and Presidents - but the difference in crime is much lower than you may think, dear Reader.
4. Africa's chiefs of states: African nations were freed from the colonisation of British, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and so on. With the fantastic result that stupid dictators, real slaughterers took over power, sometimes for decenniums, had terrible civil wars with child soldiers, not only in Rwanda, and they enriched themselves with the help of Swiss Bankers when being misused by World-Bank and IWF, further being cheated by neo-liberals, NGOs and other idiots, not leaving the good old original agriculture, but recommending to use masses of water and fertilizers, let criminal deeds explode, corruption in any country, destruction of environment for profits, giving Sea-rights away to European and Japanese to fill up all Bank accounts of hypocrites, these blackest of negroes, criminals misusing the trust of their own African folks, called by US "political correctness" as follows: "Original black indigenous humans not living in the USA, but in the pre-slavery-area, better known as Africa". Jesus, who invented that political-correct language, telling us how to distort reality by a Slang - coming as usual out of that United States of Apes?
3. We are coming nearer to the real thing - China: The after-Mao Chinese mandarins have discovered the richness for one per mille of their population. Now they have instead of clean bikes those stinking machines, stopping the whole traffic in their Megapolis that will tumble soon. They allow rich criminals to engage peasants and workers for zero salary, such arranging the self-destruction of industrial infrastructures of Europeans - and US blind believers in profit maximation by globalisation dig their own graves. Well, it's not solely the mistake of the philosophers for this kind of living, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, GW Bush, Huntington and Fukuyama, that the Chinese Skunks of Politics copy a junk that doesn't work in Western part of the globe either. People with hybrid-brains are never responsible for crimes they commit to the detriment of 90 percent of World Population, being in the free-fall, down the drain, right now.
2. The Russians, the Russians! Dear orthodox Jesus, help me! They have put-in force a guy with name Vladimir. Do I have to add anything? Read my story "Russians admire criminal Putinism" and that will do. This man replaces easily Stalin and Lenin, including the former Marxism by his own person, stealing the wealth of Ex-Soviet Russia, given to his oligarchs, but keeping them down with taxes and mafia methods like murdering of media-representatives and opponents - and asking at the same time from his oligarchs all the cash he needs for maintaining his dictatorship. Then he crashes Chechnya and other countries, creeps in the ass of USA and destroys the Equilibrium of power thus engaging the greatest stupids on this globe, the US-Americans, to dictate to the whole world their neo-liberal rules by sheer atomic threat, found out by the new-born idiots, like anti-Vietnam Henryk M. Kissinger, anti-Arab Karl Rove, World-Crashbank Wolfowitz, Gossip Rice, interest-spinning Gruenspan, one-percent Al Bore, hilarious Bill and Hillary Clinton including the dull Middle-East murdering Bush-Dynasty-Clan. But first get rid of this insane Ras-Putin, throw him in a Gulag in Siberia and forget this gay for eternity - he is a real maniac of sex and politics.
And here now comes NUMBER ONE of all idiots in political affairs on the planet:
1. Our beloved GW Bush (now TRUMP or BIDEN) living in God's own Country. This is not news, certainly not - everybody knew it well before. But I guess you don't see who, in fact, are the greatest stupids in politics of all times, worse than German voters for Hitler and those Russian idiots electing Stalin and Putin: The dull US-Folks, blind voters of the most stupid kind, all functioning with hybrid-brains. Why? Not because of Afghanistan - this again was a reaction of 9/11, which was a reaction of dumb politics in Asia by the predecessors of Bush. Not because of Iraq - this was a reaction of Cheney and his think-tank of oil, the normal procedure of an illusive will for wealth-increase - also seen in Russia, China, India and Switzerland. Not because of New Orleans- this was the normal US reaction when it is question of preventing ecologic disasters. Not because of the High Court in Washington against Al Bore - this was the normal procedure for a country, pretending having a "Balance of controls in power", a democracy, equal rights for all or even "real" human rights - and not having in fact one of them, all being a lie written by power-sick politicians of the worst kind ever seen on Earth.
Reconsider all that goddamn hypocrisy about the massacre in Blackburg / Virginia. The victims are heroes and the South Korean student a monster in the Bush-Murdoch media. This simplifies a complicated long-term political scandal: Bush is the synonym for a land where presidents are only elected with the consent of National Rifle Association, where anybody can shoot with his gun in the very second he feels like it, where virtual killing and worse in computer games make the major part in young lives, where Hollywood does not know any limits in showing chain sawing massacres of any kind, where eternal smiling does hide the fact that most of people have little chances to get out of poverty, where psychiatrists replace natural empathy for a guy like Cho Seung-Hui when it still was time for change. - And if this US-made guy was sick in mind, than a nation without morals and ethics, having instructed all torturers to death of ten thousands of youth, over a period of 50 years, is even more sick and certainly in worse psychiatric shape. If all hypocrites of the USA would fall right dead at this very moment, there would be nobody left to answer any phone calls over the Atlantic, in this indoctrinated land, being a lost and isolated area on this planet in matters of politics, economics and ecology.
And GW Bush (now TRUMP and Nigger Obama) is number ONE because his politics will kill billions of people. Why? Because the USA are quasi-bankrupt and will tumble soon, provoking the downfall of stock exchanges, banks, insurances, funds, old age reserves - a wave of negative economics going throughout the globe. But worse are the ecologic collapses provoked by USA over the last 50 years, as forerunner and head of a self-destructing neo-liberalism and globalisation, exported into Europe and then out of it again, first to South America, followed by Asia and finally Africa. We cannot see yet the measure of disasters and collapses to come, result of the artificial creation of weather and climate completely out of balance, producing long-lasting dryness and unforeseeable water-floods inclusive monster-waves. A crazy life-style of "humans first - nature last", will soon have consequences, the blinded optimists of this world can't even dream of. In comparison, Hitler with over 100 million people killed, and Stalin or Mao with several 10 millions, were indeed terrible monsters - but seen from the effect, they were only powerless apprentices in witchcraft.
With 7 billion of humans asking for the impossible, wanting all and getting soon nothing, having atomic and military power, multiplied by a hundred in terms of destruction-forces since Hitler, we can assume, what soon will be happening, when the immense towers of debts and political and ecological consequences of our insane style of life, will fall on our emptied heads. Education and media have done a very good job in the last 50 years.
Chances? Forget it! Not with this Hit-Parade of dullest Politicians, possessing endless incapacities and all the power to use them, a situation never before experienced by Homo sapiens to such an extent and in those wide-spread dimensions - never in periods before the year 2000.
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "Chaos", "Cretins to be thrown out of Europe", "Russians admire criminal Putinism", "Criminal acts in US-politics, economy and ecology"