The point of no Return
or: Die
Ausweglosigkeit der Menschheit (terrible situation without any issue)
written in my books "Collection of Editors Letters" and "Das
Buch der Kritiken", basing on the systems humans have reached by the year
2000, there is no possibility for humanity to survive the present century,
called the 21st after some guy with name Jesus.
this here proves in summary, what is meant:
present situation of mankind
have reached the point, where the following things became inevitable:
In finances all nations, banks, stock exchanges and currencies are going
without fail into bankruptcy. In fact, the whole system of capitalism basing on
the Jewish principles of neoliberalism is dead today.
In economics, all companies and conglomerates are dead, in view of missing resources,
cash, energy and the fact that the ecologic situation on this globe does not
accept mass production of fools.
In education and intellect, the whole humans to 99,99 percent have become nuts,
are paranoid and schizophrenic and do not get 10 percent of facts and of the
reality, humanity is living in since some time.
In technology and infrastructure, all mega-towns and about 1000 trillion
Dollars in infrastructure are bound to fall in pieces and are not renewable,
since the debt situation allows no financing and materials are missing and
humans too stupid to find ways out.
In ecology, not only the idiocy of the 2 degrees is nuts, but the past of
behaviourism has found its end in catastrophic climate and weather conditions,
killing softly humanity in the next coming years and there are no ways out of
this disastrous situation.
as a whole, this humanity has come to the End of History, but there stays the
question, when the point of no return has been.
Point of no Return
I started to write the "ORAKEL 2099" around the year 1975, end of my
professional studies, it was the time, humanity had sharply reached the edge,
where a fundamental turnaround could have stopped the craze of Pops explosion,
the useless exhaustion of the planet and the destruction of capitalism, of
economics, of all resources and energy and of the nature, animals, the surface
of the planet, of oceans and of our climate all around our globe.
was very clear to me, when in addition of stupid USA and Europe some other
lands like China and India would make explode their economic possibilities,
this humanity would be dying within some years from the above mentioned
out-of-issue sceneries.
is very simple:
all of my books and other texts be true in fundamental principles, this
humanity had lost the race for survival in the 21st century, basing on all
crimes committed against themselves and the planet, for all times to come.
of turning around and try to get a relative paradise of this planet, all of
systems ran hot to produce more of destruction to the Earth, the geosphere and
water and climate and so, we today are in a situation where, whatever this shit
of humans do, there is no way back to normal life.
the other hand, if all written by Delavy would not be true and ways out of our
crazy problems would still exist, at least the books could have warned the
swinish heap of humans without brains, to what extent we could be lost around
1975, and any acceleration in technology, computers, internet and stupidity
would kill all systems of stupid humans.
personal experience
pretend that I could turn a car on any small path. And it was proven some 50
years ago.
I came back from work, the parking slot to my apartment was taken by a worker
and so I placed my car near the wide green surrounded by huge apartment houses.
The sons of the attendant came with two sports cars and tried to make my car to
be immobile. When I came back, I studied the situation and within 10 minutes
with tiny little moves, I came out in the green and could take my personal
parking slot.
the idiots of sons and shouted at me and I shouted to the balcony where the
attendant was stranding in pose of triumph: "Within one month, you will be
out of this region" and so it was. Basing on lots of signatures of some
other people who had enough of this tiny dictator, the lending company threw
this idiot inclusive mother and son out of the building.
was exactly the situation of whole of humanity around 1975: In tiny little
steps the process of self-destruction should have been stopped and all nations
should have gone the way back they come from, to evade the coming disaster as
written above.
way today politicians, scientists, experts and idiots try to stop the coming
disaster, is so of stupidity and shit in brains, I must vomit on the spot of so
much of incredible imbecility.
could have been done
it's easy enough. Some of my points:
Stop the explosion of pops worldwide and bring it down on one billion.
Stop neoliberalism, deficits of state, indebtedness of all systems, kill the
Jews of Wall Street, close all hedge funds, bring WEF and Friedman folks to
Stop China and India to go the way of USA. And the western world had to come
down from destructive technology and mass consumption on the spot.
Stop the craziness of computers, internet, social net stupidity, false education
making a fool of any child before the
age of 6, get the right philosophers to dictate what has to be done.
Stop any wars, torture, U.S. killers in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Iraq and
throw the idiotic Israelis in the Mediterranean Sea.
Stop the destruction of Water, Resources, Energy stuffs, the damaging of air
and oceans and the preparation of ecologic collapse and way of immense
droughts, sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans to come after
the year 2000.
Prevent that capitalism and neoliberalism on the basis of Delavy's
"Highest accounting principles" destroy all money and economic
systems given by full stupid theorists in economics without any brains in the
in my books "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" und "Macht x
Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung", I had written all 1000 of points to be put
in effect, with little hope to master a turn around, to make be living humans
still after the year 2099.
the world is lost within 100 years
is no way I would repeat here in few words the contents of 15 books and 2000
Editors Letters.
note that we have run out of possibilities and during the present time, where
full idiotic politicians, Jews, bankers, scientists and other scrap and trash
increase the disaster with new records of self-destruction, it would have been
possible to go back to liveable conditions on a planet, condemned now to die
within a very short period of time. By 2050, all is gone and in fact, already
today, all nations and currencies of the globe are at the bottom and there is,
basing on deregulation, privatisation, globalisation and the dilemmas between
inflation and deflation no way left out of a disaster, wanted by the idiotic
fools, living on a fast rottening Earth.
like Bush, Ronald, Thatcher, Putin, Merkel, Abe and the Chinese and Indian shit
in force are of so much of "Shit in brains", not controlled by a rich
and tax-free Elite out of shit and 99,99 percent of masses without any brains,
that there is no hope to have the slightest chance to survive the 21st Century.
sum of results (Fazit)
Facit is given in my books and editors letters.
fast idiot just had to read the books not accepted by criminal editors of
Germany and Switzerland. All you have to do first, is to bring those idiots to
new-built Auschwitz and then to die by billions.
if it turns some other way round, God and Allah in heaven not existent shall
laugh their heads off, basing on a collective stupidity of mass folks on an
Earth, that was at its end already around the year 1945, after two stupid
world-wars on the intellectual basis of 2000 years of stupidity, when
philosophers have written works full of intellectual shit, as proven in my
"Das Buch der Kritiken".
now get lost.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on December 31, 2014