Crazy world Governments

Craziness of World Systems and Governments

What has been first, the Chicken or the Egg?

And now answer the question:

What was first, the craziness of World Systems or the stupidity of all national governments?

Well, fact is that today this World is dead and has come to the end of history. Demonstration being made on USA, Europe, China, Japan and the rest of humanity, heading to collective death -  for very good reasons.

But since this theory and TRUTH is very difficult to be understood, I try in very few words, to explain the bulk of the present REASONS, why today the whole of humans are going into catastrophes and global DEATH very soon.

Why this world is dead

This world on the small planet Earth had a few good chances to survive and create some sort of paradise on Earth. But since it was decided to have the deadly world of cash, profits, growth, technologies, craziness and mass humans going to 10 billion and installed very stupid governments, this Earth of higher Apes never had a chance to survive the 21st century.

We can say that the scientists, the philosophers, the politicians and the governments with its bankers, Jews, idiots of masses, created the SYSTEMS and the FACTS, explained in this text here.

But there was never another chance and way of life, in view of the immense stupidity and shit in brains in the heads of 99,99 per cent of all pops, having lived on Earth in the last few Centuries.

And now, we go into the details:

Craziness in USA

USA are dead. The reason cannot be mentioned, since there are several hundreds of them. But let us restrict to our world of crazy finances and the crimes of U.S. governments, just to explain about 10 per cent of the reasons, why our world is going to collapse:

On the basis of capitalism and the theories created by Jews, namely some Milton Friedman, JM Keynes, Karl Popper, Greenspan and other idiots, was invented Chicago School and modern neoliberalism.

Based on this shit, all banks invented papers in trillions to kill all cash and savings and rents on the globe. And the governments of Reagan, Thatcher, Clinton, Bush forced the debt culture, the State Deficits and the coming bankruptcy of USA, until by 2007 it became evident, to what extent the crazy capitalism of USA had destroyed all fortunes in finances on Earth.

This catastrophe gave a last sign on the Fire Wall in view of a last Chance:

But instead of lowering the debts of States, of banks, of conglomerates, of the folks, OBAMA as complete idiot of an idiotic government, decided to put in function the theories of JM Keynes in shifting all debts from the private sector to the State of USA and this was the Death of USA as the first nation of a stupid system of power on our planet.

Since 2008, the craziness of banks, of stock exchanges, of State indebtedness was increased by the factor of 10, contrary to the sayings of very stupid "experts" and "geniuses" and this truth led to the present State of Affairs: A virtual death and bankruptcy of the U.S. Systems of life. We have come to the end and by application of such craziness, all lands: China, India, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Brazil, Russia, Australia and the rest are falling down to hell just now.

Take the even greater craziness in matters of economics, culture, resources, death of ecologic conditions and climate gone out of control, we could see into a globalised system of death, all stupid governments and chiefs of States try to hide, in pushing forward the Systems, that produced the CRASH of 2006 to 2009, and in other fields, what in fact means:

- All parties, all systems of governments, all shit like IMF, Worldbank, WEF, NGOs, SEC, ECB and conglomerates and all governments and parties from extreme left to extreme right just administrate the complete downfall of all SYSTEMS on Earth and don't get, to what extent this humanity is already dead - NOW.

But I try now to shorten the story and look into some other lands.

Craziness in Europe

The Culture of Europe was, to create a better world. But by two World Wars and the stupidity in colonisation and the creation of a death-System in technology and capitalism, Europe took over the idiocy not only of all scientists believing in any gadget of science, but also the U.S. principles of Chicago School of Jews.

Now the South had begun to tumble and contrary to the analysis of crazy experts with shit in brains, the debts increased in Japan (big laugh), Greece, Italy, England, Spain, Portugal, France and the rest and the banks continued and increased the craziness they had before 2007 and today, there is no chance for Europe not to tumble in a complete bankruptcy of all Systems.

But this is only finances, the rest with politics and stupid governments, believing like in a God in some deadly growth in our extremely stupid economics, the paranoid relations with Russia, due to stupid reactions on matters in the Ukraine, in Syria, in Africa and in USA and China. And since the other matters - like gone resources and the collapse of the global climate and some other 1000 effects, Europe can be said to be DEAD already today.

Craziness in China

One of the biggest shit is China. By Slavery and masses and a model of cheap production, this land has stolen all production forces from USA and Europe. Further the actual takeover of neoliberalism by a very stupid communist government, China created the greater Bubble of death than did before Japan, USA, Greece or Africa.

In other words: It is a question of time, perhaps 5 years, and China will collapse in itself and never again stand up. China - like India - is dead and does not know.

China has no water, no resources, no raw materials and by the next coming drought of the century, China will be smashed from the world cards.

Craziness in India

One big example what did World Pops Explosion to the Earth, can be demonstrated with India. This heap of shit still explodes in masses and Indians have nothing left, no nourishments, no water, no sound grounds, but plenty of TATA Cars to fill in the rest of dying mega-towns, a death system of dying infrastructures like in any other mega-town of the Globe.

And just now we can see how the masses, drunken from a slight increase in economics, had prepared its collective death of nation. When the mass of 2 billion of Indians come towards Europe in free fall, we will see how Buddha, Allah and the Christian Gods will laugh their heads off about a stupidity of criminal governments in a land that never had a chance of survival.

Craziness in Africa

Africa is dead. All Africans try to save themselves by swimming towards Europe, the new "Nirvana" for those, who have not even hope. In fact, all governments of Africa are either dictatorships, terror systems, military forces, lands dying under the climate collapse produced by USA, China and Europe and there is not the slightest chance, that by craziness of democrazy, to say a "Dictatorship of dull majorities" the African countries would attain anything else but future collective death of its masses without concept of survival.

The End of our Global Systems

It is not a question of governments in 200 nations, of which not one is normal or intelligent enough, to escape the complete downfall, living in the craziness of dull and completely rotten Systems.

All the republican, liberal, democratic, populistic, social, nationalistic or communist parties in 200 nations do, together with the heads of States full of shit: Is administrating the present downfall of the Earth and its masses in matters of :

- Finances, Economics, Cultures, Philosophies, Science, Literature, End of Resources, Energy gone out, Water no longer given or drinkable, infrastructures of trillions of Dollars not renewable, all currencies without value, the Jews having destroyed all banks and papers called "Wertpapiere" and State Bonds without any value and on top the increase of stupidity of our tax-free Elite and their 99,99 per cent of dull masses, paying for the crimes of the Upper Class.

But even if all this would not exist, we still have the forthcoming collapse of our Climate, the global weather machinery gone out of control, dying oceans, lakes, rivers and ground water and some end-growth in ideology of death and soon 10 billion of completely blind idiots, crying to know who were the criminals and guilty idiots of Elite, when in fact, ALL Folks had shit in brains.

If under such conditions, where the richest VIPs paid on legal systems of no mercy almost no taxes whereas the middle class were treated like criminals and the poor class is now exploding to heaven - well under such complete stupid governments of death in a System of Free Fall to hell, we cannot count that some Jesus or Mohammed of Buddha or an inexistent God would come down on this rotten Earth, to save the rest of idiots, once in a few years, when the errors of the PAST become evident and recognizable to any child.

We have come to the End of Humanity and all Nations on this Bubble are dead already - NOW.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 30, 2014