There were no Books

There are and were never those books

When I come home, all is as usual. Everything is at its place. It does not matter, what I possess, where all the things are, what order there is in and around the house - I have just my present Status Quo.

When I look out of my house in the surroundings, in the valley, up to the Alps, down on the river, over to the highway and in sight the different villages all around with woods and lakes I cannot see, all is as usual, all is here, all represent the present reality of a Status Quo.

When I look into all of my books, all newspapers, watch television, listen radio and take the reality of the time around 2015, all is given, all is normal, all has to be as it is, there is nothing that could astonish or frighten me, because I know, I know about the past, the present, the future of humanity in all respects - the Status Quo of the globe is well known to me.

But there is a FACT that humanity has played out, goes down the drain, is lost and starving and all his matters, all around the world, fall in pieces since some time and there is no way back.

Not one simple human has the slightest Idea how to change matters and how to prevent the coming collapse of capitalism, the bankruptcy of all banks, nations, currencies and the craziness of Jews of Finances in all Wall Streets of the globe with billions of no-value matters. The end of world finances has come due to an atrocious neoliberalism invented in USA.

World trade, world industry, world economics have come to its end and the coming disaster is bound to happen. There are no longer any resources, finances, intellect, books to explain the real state of economics of the last 2000 years and VIPs to stop the craze down the abyss. USA, Europe, China, India and the rest are dead already now.

The stupidity and debility of humans have reached the highest PEAK ever and the paranoia of the Elite and their idiots of folks of masses is dreaming about a Status Quo not in existence and there are no ways out for all lands, not to become more dull and crazy from year to year and write and think about wrong priorities, accelerating the downfall of humanity within the next 100 years.

We may have a given Status Quo in nature, surroundings, ecologic conditions on Earth, we can describe as "Climate Change" when in fact the past has ended the future, all what has been done destroyed all geosphere and oceans, air and water, the possibilities of survival of life on Earth. What we have in the present Status Quo are not matters like a "climate change", but an energetic load produced by billions of tons of destruction power of humans from 1800 to 2015 and there is no way out of a complete collapse of our weather machine, of climate and survival conditions on this planet.

The real Status Quo not one Idiot on our planet can see is the fact that all towns, infrastructures, systems and political shit of humans are bound to fall in pieces and this is not a question of our future. It is given since 1975, the point of no return, when the last chance was given to find totally new systems of life and survival, when USA, China, India and the rest gave full gas in order that in the year 2015, never ever more destruction power will be given on a planet in our universe than now, looking at one billion of cars, ten thousands of airplanes, all the mega-towns needing warming up and cooling down, all the energy stations and all the scrap destroying our geosphere and all oceans, lakes and rivers and the rest and leaving zero chances to this humanity, to have any future at all.

And there were and are not any books to explain the present State of Affairs or our Status Quo - except the ones of René Delavy. And you do not deserve to know this secret, since you have killed the lives of all humans and animals and nature to come on this bubble and are still proud about your great achievements.

And now go and die fast.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 8, 2015