Africa - House of Cards

Kenya - as death example for AFRICA

Are you not fed up too by all those triumphal reports about lands, having found ways to cheat themselves?

Last example: -  Kenya, when some German radio tells, how those folks have no electricity, no oil and gas, not woods anymore - but they seem to have COW SHIT to make Bio-Gas in masses, for helping themselves out of the mass problems.

Now take the lesson:

- Each new possibilities with Cow Shit, Chinese Industry, Fracking in USA and other idiocy in India increases the problems written by EF Schumacher in "Small is beautiful" - book out of 1973 - how things should change, when the total misery was increasing by 500 per cent since 1973.

Now what EF Schumacher did not write:

- Each progress in any land increases the Number of POPS EXPLOSION and postpones the death of our Planet by some years - in order to come back with 10 times more of power in destruction of finances, economics, culture stupidity and ecologic Collapse in Climate and Weather-Machine.

There is no doubt that the point of no return has come and each new decision of the Nigger Obama, the Crook Putin, the Shit in the brains of Singh, Xi or Mandela would increase the coming bankruptcy of USA, Japan, Europe and the rest, the breakdown of economics is imminent, resources transformed in poison for all times and the End of the Game has already come - in the sense of the following text:

House of Cards

Present World is just a globalized HOUSE OF CARDS

Since 1975, the whole world developed and invested in a terrible House of Cards. Not only in economics, but also in politics, ecology, culture and all the rest. Humans are at a loss - and don't seize the true facts.

In this Letter, I will be concentrating alone on the present State of Affairs in ECONOMICS. I shall explain, how the present collapse was prepared and what the true volume of the world-damage in this House of Cards should be read if honesty comes at first place.

Trash politics in Economics

Based on a neo-conservative ideals and criminal ideas of Freedom, of Laisser-faire, of total liberty of letting act the rotten market of finance whatever passed the crazy mind of Crooks, huge Houses of Cards, without any control systems, were built up - the real extent of which, nobody can tell today.

My assumption taken from World Media: The valueless Trash in ABS, CDO, CDS and other zero-papers exceeds world wide over 100 Trillions of Dollars. The real figure may reach some 400 Trillions.

And nobody has re-evaluated yet that Junk, not in ONE book of banks or companies, not even in those of bankrupt Lehman Brothers, not even in UBS or CS, who tried to make a first guess, in no case in all former Paulson New York Investment Banks, today being Marxist State Banks of Barack. Same procedure in any other finance trash entity, such as AIG or any other lost insurance company world wide, not in Hedge or other Investment Cheat - absolutely nowhere the re-evaluation and restatement of account has been started yet in March 2009.

Why? Because it is absolutely impossible to give values to Junk Papers that were outsourced for years, out of the whole official Finance Market, the debtors and securities of Junk Papers are unknown and the reconstruction by audit and accounting experts, requiring 100 years of hard work by experts - this Sisyphean task has not even been started seriously today - and most probably will never be done, not even if a new hype of bubble will be created by G-2 up to G-200 - bluffing again the whole bunch of decent folks. If revaluation would be done to 100 percent, most finance institutions would be broke and dead.

Political Skunks yelling loud - but without any knowledge in Economics

The same skunks that are responsible for the described House of Cards on a world-wide scale, above all U.S. Congress, taking as hostage, the whole so-called "Real Economy", are responsible for this huge BLACK BOX. These idiotic VIP, responsible for this mess, are in all Governments of the world, as Presidents, their ministers, prime ministers, secretaries, control items of banks. And they stayed in their position as CEO and Consultants of the Finance Business and Real Economy with their rotten lawyers and judges, until this very day - and the whole world claps hands, when a stupid like Geithner, Summers, Obama, Putin, Greenspan, Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Merkel, Ackermann, Schwab or any other criminal chap with zero intelligence opens his mouth, in order to explain the situation, of which he or she do not understand ONE percent - and all the blinded and idiotic editors of Murdoch Media of the world,  copies of that Junk, repeating Words of brainless High VIP, responsible for this globalized House of Cards, the extent of which not being measured at all, by no one.

The Method of hiding all zero-values in Trillions from the world

It was very easy. First, the Banks developed some structured Derivatives, some security packages, not one dull person of Oslo would ever understand. They outsourced those packages out of their usual Balance Sheets, in some obscure companies on tax paradise places, called them Hedge Funds or Investment Funds or any other kind of society, and let stream all risky affairs over them to you, folks, without taking those trillions in "values" into their consolidated Annual Statements, left  to the judgement of greedy Shareholder Value experts - I am talking here again of you, guys and girls.

So not one person, except the writer, knew about the existence of fast growing non-valeurs since 1990, spread with triple AAA certificates, taken from Rating Agencies all over a rotten world, wanting to become rich with nothing. In those Derivatives, the bankers and Dynamite Prize holders packed:

Subprime mortgages of no value from USA, Monaco bets on any stock exchange scales, Las Vegas bets on raw material, future non-existent energy stuffs, invented Huxley futures and imaginary Orwell markets of finance, that were not identifiable and not audited by any so much known accounting firm of highest reputation, "functioning" only in favour of the highest Class, in this rotten finance business world, the guys with deep-blue suits and ties.

Role of Governments - as slaves of the big Capital

The government of GW Bush for orthodox Wall Street, Blair for City of London, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne for Zurich Bahnhofstrasse, Kohl-Schroeder-Merkel for Ackerman Frankfurt, the Elite School Boys for Paris, the Mafia of Berlusconi for Rome, the oligarchic junk of Putin for Moscow, Chinese and Japanese Bluffers in Tokyo and Beijing, all of them played the nice game: "Become rich with empty brains", they all allowed the existence and outsourcing a finance markets - that exceeded in volume many times the world social product, the so-called World-GDP, the total value of all industry consumerism, services world-wide, any values pushed around on this bubble EARTH, by a factor of about 10 to 20 times of "normal" economy, in favour of worthless junk securities deals allowed by Allah Spam de Greenhorn and all other FEDs of all countries.

All knew that this trillion-junk was floating around, through all Nations, outside any control systems and balance sheets, that the AAA rating was pure fraud by paid criminal Standard Moodys. All knew how with leverage effects, a small number of greedy junior bankers without any knowledge, directed by some criminals of CEO in Bank Departments and Hedge Funds, would get through our bank charges and on cost of all our Savings, billions in Bonuses and other billions rewards, when applying leverage effects, factors of 1 to 30 between truly existent saving-money and credits granted by hedge and investment craze, with your wilful guaranties of State, granted by "Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities" in favour of a rotten House of Cards, better known as U.S. World Finance System of Friedman and Marx----

Well, I do not want to bore you - since you seem not interested. Let's talk of other matters before you have to announce your personal bankruptcy of family.

You are solely interested in the damage-increasing "Rescue" Packages of Barack bin Obama

This man does not deserve a proper naming. He does not know what he is doing. He leaves out all non-values in all banks of the world, does not name "Bad banks" properly, all the scrap Investments banks taken over, and this black guy pretends in favour of Limbaugh Republicans, before his folks and other criminal G-20 nations, that he could save - with trillions in credits financed by your children, clearly to be paid by future generations of your children - the "Real Economy" that goes now down into a hell by Spirals.

Same procedure for all other Crooks of State in all Nations of Western World, whereas the Grand Asses in China, India, Arab Lands, South America and Africa truly believe in a wonder, in the fairy-tale, they will be left out, of this crazy House of Cards, when now, very slowly, the cards are collapsing since 2006 to 2015, over all lands without exceptions.

Again, important to know: Were ABS, Bistro, CDO and CDS at the origin of final Finance Break?

Well, we have to make sure that you will get it by the end: The whole system was just another means for wilful and final killing the world finance systems. Sub-prime was only a fake of a starting avalanche: The true Junk-papers were and still are floating around our universe - and not one person could identify the true debtors for trillions in amounts.

This commerce exceeded in turnover by a multitude the GDP of the whole world, coming out of "REAL ECONOMICS", by a factor of over 10. But when the whole Craze stopped, an amount of assumed 100 to 400 trillions or 400'000 billions in Dollars of zero value papers (nobody knows the figure) were as balance in form of zero-value securities in all banks, insurance, re-insurance, Hedge and Investment funds, old age insurance, all personal depots of firms and banks - and not one bank or other institution has started to re-evaluate this Trash in their books of accounting yet, because all banks and other institutions and all nations, in fact would now be tumbling into bankruptcy, if they started to re-state figures and recognize real facts----

Truth about timing and the true nature of a Finance Shock Doctrine

It is a lie that this house was breaking down in the year 2006. In fact, the non-valeurs have always been there, in 10000 of companies in non-controlled areas, increasing in trillions of non-valeurs in Dollars, all the time since 1990 and before. In all those years before 2006, we had some other Stock Exchange Crashes, with Enron, Worldcom, Swissair, famous Hedge Funds, and other IT and Merger Craze, bubbles in some lands with exploding real estate prices etc. - but the major deal, the outcome of Karl Popper and Milton Friedman Shock Doctrine of Texas and Hollywood, was already there when Pinochet and Videla decided to torture to death their own youth and intelligentsia, with aid of CIA, IMF, Worldbank, all U.S. Presidents and U.S. Congresses.

Craziness does not come over night - your World Grand Asses have Names

The craziness of human mankind does not come over night. Such self-destruction of all mechanics of economy, ecology, politics and media culture can only come into existence, if ordinary folks of the world decide to take over the worst systems of philosophy, ever seen on any Planet in the Universe. It was democratic Capitalism, coming out of all Theories of Economics created so far, increased in its effect by the idea of neo-conservative junk in the brains of Greenspan, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Videla, Stalin and Mao, the Clintons, GW Bush - all taken over first by investment bankers with their terrible Slang of Masters of the Universe.

This vanity of grand asses, was your generally accepted system of Fraud, followed up by all "normal" bankers, accepted by the American folks as a greedy species, further developed then by European McDonalds' idiots in all countries of Old and New Europe, then by Russian and Chinese dreamers of wealth and trillions they will never have, those blinded copiers of Western Greed and Growth - and now we are all in the same boat, in "possession" of a gigantic and global House of Cards, without any value, totally gone out of any controls, not to be saved with any rescue packages coming from the desks of Oval Offices, Conferences by Dummies in London and Davos - or any other "keep your stupid mouth shut" organisations in a bloody world of completely incompetent Craze.

Big Heads at the lead of Breakdown

You know them, those big heads who have today the lead, knowing nothing of geo-politics, nor of the origin of the breakdown of finance business, the end of times in real economy, Earth destruction almost finished today in ecology, rotten cultures of killing fields in the brains of youngsters, preparing wars of no mercy and sense in all areas where U.S. Army left foot prints, producing new 9/11 avalanches and preparing some nice holocaust to come, due to stupidity of not talking decently to those minorities, they "made" first by criminal hegemony politics, dictated by the richest GW Junk out of Ronald, governing so far this lost planet.

YES, WE CAN? Humans can do NOTHING anymore----


Nobody knows the troubles I've seen, well, the real extent of the trillions-damage. Nobody knows who the real debtors and the non-existent or lowering securities are - of ABS, CDO and CDS etc. - for which all banks, insurances and nations have the total responsibility or liability, never covered by any liability insurance police, except CDS of AIG and other criminal stupids. Note: Would the zero-papers be re-stated within the Annual Statements of official Firms, Banks, States, freely floating outside in Tax Paradises of Finance Fraud Oasis devices - the House of Cards as built by Crooks, would fall in pieces alone to your charge, hit by the heaviest storm of all times, which in fact takes place just now---

Incapable Nations of Hegemony and Growth - tumbling to hell from now on

Stupidity is just a normality, when a billion-loss has become just a normal feature - and trillion-deficits are nothing but future broken nations, and learn: An irrevocable State Indebtedness is a daily Crime not explained by dull Infotainment, as well as the totality of wanted Blindness, produced by VIP in functions of Presidents, Heads of State, Prime Ministers or CEO of huge banks or companies, of State criminals covering NGOs and other good-heart bluff - costing the savings of Middle Class and Poor - all this is nothing but a tremendous Mafia System of criminals, a real and gigantic House of Cards, without any value, ethics and commonsense.

Do you wish to get a picture of this terrible State of Affairs? Want to know why GW Bush was in power and Limbaugh can yell around when preparing this House of Cards? You can have it: Take a piece of paper - and note the names of all of the idiots you have elected recently into your government or adored in TV yesterday----

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Soon all Banks of the World will be PLEITE" / "Why Stock exchanges tumble to hell" / "Hit-Parade of the worst politicians on this Globe" / "Allah Spam de Greenhorn" / "Criminal acts in Politics" / "Why NGOs are pure Alibi for criminal States and VIP" / "Swiss Tax Fraud - and other Paradises for richest VIP" etc.