Future of Egypt

The Egyptian Story - the whole Truth

In a Swiss Doc trying to prove how innocent the Islam movement was in the past and still today, some idiotic young documentarists tried to explain the Egyptian Developments from 2010 to this very day.

All they found was the wisdom, that nobody knows what was going on and the wisdom of Socrates who would have said: "A genius knows that he knows nothing. The normal folks of the 99 per cents believe, they know all - but know nothing at all...."

Here the whole truth:

- Socrates never knew anything about the real world

- The 99 per cent have shit in their brains and believe to have gold.

And now I explain the Egypt Story on the level of a real genius and here we go:

1. The situation with Mubarak before revolution

Egypt was really in bad shape. The Islamists were kept under control, much of food and petrol was imported, bread was subsided and tourism kept on high fire.

At the same time, some oligarchs and rich folks and generals had all the power and cash and the police forces kept anybody down, even with torture, if trying to take any advantages away from the higher Class.

2. The Egypt Revolution

Some young people got fed up of little rights, the behaviour of police, not enough democracy and on the example of Tunisia, some idiots crowded on the Tahrir Square. First the army and police tried to keep down the folks, but then they got their chance and arrested Mubarak and some other government idiots and took them to Court. At the same time, the Islamists found out about their chance in case of elections and made good wind and high promises to everybody. The great part of folks, having no own political parties yet, did not get the point and great number elected indeed some idiots around Mohammed Mursi.

The party of Islam got the opportunity well and made Mursi for President, changed all laws, all officers in the land throughout the country, forces of influence were exchanged and other idiots, installed by own folks and even the Egypt Constitution was made totally in favour of the Islam religion and their orthodox disciples.

After one year, the normal folks got aware that if the Islamists would continue increasing their power, first tourism will get away, second religion and sharia would dictate the whole life, women having no rights again and great part of folks no political chances - and again there was a revolution on Tahrir Square.

The Generals and Army and the old forces around Mubarak checked the position immediately and against the will of USA and Europe, they arrested Mursi and finally forced down the religion fools, with many Islamists killed, letting finally down this idiotic party of Allah.

3. The Situation today

The Generals and Police have taken all force and the police can do what they did under Mubarak and the fortunes and industry and hotels of the Land remain with the rich and army class.

Mubarak is kept out of the play and will not regain any power , nor his sons.

Tourism will be kept low under these circumstances and the industrial and commerce world will slowly go down the drain, direction of their devil and people will have less of all and find they should make a new revolution - but never the folks could win against army and police forces in future - they had a chance and have chosen Religion instead of some liberty.

The Islamists kept low now will never come back to power, nor will there be any true democrazy in Egypt anymore in the future - because....

4. The Future of Egypt

As Delavy has written long before Mubarak seemed to tremble, it was clear Egypt will be one of the first countries of the globe to implode - like later on China, India, USA and from the South some fine Europe.

The reason is the explosion of Pops in Egypt, the tendency down to hell with economics, missing water, sand going over the Egypt land, nourishment no longer financeable by Egypt, a land what is just as bankrupt as Greece, Israel, Spain, Italy, USA and Japan - although the idiots from Fox TV and New York Times don't know because:

- Socrates knows that he knows nothing

and the rest of 99 has Shit in their brains since 1990 and will go to the devil for all times, as proven in my 10 books, not interesting any idiotic person.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 11, 2013