
The 11th Hour - the ECO-Collapse

Sometimes, you can see a very well made DOC on TV and still ask yourself, if all folks on Earth are really getting paranoid to the max.

Recently I saw such an American film about the coming ECO-Collapse, under the title "The 11th Hour".

All was well done: About 50 experts, some worldwide known, expressed their fright and concern, why our Earth could no longer be a home for humanity.

"Great!" - I thought - "finally we get some better information on the true situation of our globe - around the year 2013."

This was unfortunately an error and by the end I asked myself, if I have become the only intelligent person of the world. Since 1975 or earlier, I know about the End of Humanity on this bubble, and those famous idiots in the DOC are concerned - indeed - but pretend that we still have all chances to restore a paradise on Earth in favour of future generations.

This is nuts and completely impossible for following reasons:

1. Status Quo

I must say that the beginning of the film "The 11th Hour" was extremely well done. They showed beautiful land sites and sea sceneries of our present world, contrasting with cities and areas on land and water sites being one big MERDE - talking of slums, rotten landscapes, finished oceans, dying animals and forests gone for ever.

And in graphics, the fast increase of POPS since Jesus Christ was shown and the impressing explosion from 2 billions to 7 billions in only 100 years to 2011.

Some other graphics were shown about production, mass consumption, outpowering the globe with resources and energy stuffs and the situation of traffic in all lands and how our technologic idiocy and hunger for more would destroy the planet within the shortest period of time in matters of ecology.

I expected more details about the real Status quo and the near future to come, but instead of telling us the truth, these skunks changed the optic and all of a sudden, the principle of hope and optimism took over total command, presented by any VIP or expert, speaking about our present highest chances.

2. The concerns of the Experts of nothing

The concern of the experts went in following direction:

"Oh, we know about the mistakes, but the congresses shall do the right things soon. We need politicians to understand the urgency of the state of the grounds, of missing water, of spoiled oceans, of the ground water gone and the lands full of chemistry and animal and plant diversity fast disappearing and humans going down the drain, due to the supremacy and mass of the human species."

But then again came the smoothing matters about having had in the past all sorts of catastrophes, always overcome, and how about our technology would be of a power to increase efforts to have better energy production, much better and more of nourishment plants, even in mega-towns, plus softest technology with hybrid cars and transports by care, when we get - around the year 2500 - some VIPs and governments, understanding all about the chances and the risks of the future.

But the best was how the idiots pretended that we can get more cash from folks by letting pay taxes not on income, but basing on consumption of petrol, electricity, water etc. - as if there would never have been a collapse of the finance industry and the coming bankruptcy of banks and nations. Anyway, it does not matter out of what pocket the governments and bankers steal the money from ordinary folks.

Not one of the stupid professors or dull speakers of ORG in NGOs or about better ecologic ethics or restored human behaviourism, mentioned the true reasons for the debacle in finance, industry, economics, wars, almost all resources gone, the climate and weather-machine in an incontrollable State not reversible and considering, how about all, inclusive the grounds and all oceans, gone out of any control.

Some nutty professors may say, full of hope: If humans would continue as they do now, at least, in some centuries before the year 3000, animals and plants will be restored, as well as original nature, water, air, climate and bio-diversity. Great! Humans will have kicked the bucket, but the rest continues in a paradise on Earth.

Now, since I am the only intelligent person of the Globe, it's time you learn about the real situation on Earth around the year 2000.

3. The real situation according to Delavy

These are the real conditions of humanity around the year 2000:

1. The destruction of the geosphere and of oceans has become irrevocable and will be increasing in a hockey curve in the next future. The catastrophe is not foreseeable, it is terminated - 3 hours after midnight.

2. The ecologic collapse will make disappear humanity from the globe within the next 100 years - I use to say by 2099. You can take another guess, my assumptions were always better than anybody else's.

3. The implosion of the finance industry, the bankruptcy of all nations, the zero-values of currencies, due to the crimes of Jews and politicians, is a final fact, not to be reversed by any means of politics.

3. The world infrastructures of about 1000 trillions of Dollars in construction value are bound to get rotten, not to be maintained and falling in pieces during the next 50 years. This is a cash problem and mathematics in feasibilities.

4. The explosion of Pops goes on and as a result of the implosion of China, India and other overpopulated nations, including the problem of the ECO-Collapse with our Weather-Machine, billions of folks will die in the next future, having no water and nourishment anymore, mainly because of droughts, sintfloods and always more gigantic growing super-storms in all nations of the globe. The increase of temperature on Earth is of no importance of all, the gigantic load of energy in the geosphere will alone kill humanity until 2099.

5. The resources have gone, the chemicals in the grounds and the lost forests and many other idiocies, due to mass-laws in the past, are of a quality to leave no chances to the coming world generations. Even with soft technology, the given catastrophe out of the past can never more be corrected or returned in the Box of Pandora.

It goes without saying that there are 100 matters to be mentioned, but you can read about the defects in brains, culture, technology, education, media and take what you want, in my books if you wish.

But now let's just talk about the solutions.

4. Solutions of nuts and past possibilities missed forever

The experts and famous types in the film were full of enthusiasm. Whatever was the special field of knowledge of the VIPs, they propagated idiocies about soft power, about politicians not being so dull as pretended, ORG to have full control, letting further increase the population by nourishment in any building or on the roofs of Skyscrapers, using land with gene plants, producing fine water from oceans without energy reserves, having fine little cars for the use of every Chinese and Indian, having animals in farms and an artificial life of humans in very sophisticated areas, why not in the space near the moon - and other shit of mind of zero value and on the basis of an intellect of APES.

Now, here were my proposals in "10 Maxims for continuation of Existence":

1. Replace capitalism by a "Ziel-Gesellschaft" very fast. Globalisation is replaced by a "one World Concept". Areas in full autonomy and autarky, guaranteeing each person a home, water, nourishment, work, freedom and justice. Never more wars and rotten cash and technologies.

2.  No nations, no banks, no insurance, no cash, no governments, but a dictatorship of the 100 wisest men on Earth to find ways for a continuation of existence under very normal terms - going back to rural life as seen centuries ago. Modern life is out and proved to be finalised by misery and collective death. Agriculture and slow control on the planet and infrastructures are the natural way of living.

3. Decreasing very fast humanity on a number of one billion of folks. The formula: E= mc2 to be read as - Time for Elimination of humanity = masses in billions x life style square. Any mathematician can see why humans today will be dead by 2099.

4. Using only little technology and almost no resources anymore. They have gone and destroyed already today the whole Ecology of the Globe. The principle of Hope can be sent in the basket - 2013 - for all times to come.

5. All rights and privileges to be applied to our nature, animals, water, grounds, plus maintaining our Earth as a low-profile paradise. No rich tax-free skunks anymore, they are massacred by the growing poor all over the planet for past crimes.

6. The planet Earth dictates the rules and humans follow all limits of growth or feasibilities given by the small globe we have - which is only valid for my described "Rest-Menschheit" of some 100 million of folks, surviving the present collapse of all Systems.

7. No wars, no torture, equal rights to all persons, all folks have clean water, nourishment (no meat, only little fish) - be happy with free times in homes, nature, family and no tourism and traffic killing the planet. For achieving this, politicians are punished for their past Crimes and replaced by a world-government of 100 wisest Men (no women - they can't think logically).

8. Education not for idiots in Internet and smart phones, but using the brains to understand the reality in which we are, basing on the books of Delavy. Today, 99 per cent of folks and youth are fools, have shit in brains and do not understand one per cent of the "World-Theatre".

9. Slowly trying to maintain infrastructures, those being absolutely necessary for the survival of our Species together with animals and nature. We have today for 1000 trillions of Dollars some world-infrastructure, falling into pieces from now on.

Naturally, in my books there are 100 times more of explanations and matters to be considered - but be sure that nothing will be made, because today, any reaction comes too late by 20 years at least. So leave such books aside.

In addition, I am convinced that the Earth is by far better off, without this cripple of mind, the rotten Species of Homo non-sapiens, killing each other and having produced an immense holocaust of animals and nature.

In addition, it is sure that the self-invented God or Allah or Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha etc. would wish, when looking on this hell of an Earth, that this idiocy would have arrived to a decent end soon, and for all times to come.

The greatest Junk and Uselessness in Philosophy and Religions was, that the "thinkers" of the world never ever understood the nature of humans and the laws of a little planet with low limits and zero feasibilities for apes like the Homo.

And so, by the end of my life, I am very happy to see that within the next 100 years, humanity will have gone from this planet for all times - and be sure, it was about the right moment for such idiots to disappear.

And so I am very happy that the experts in the film did never ask the right questions and giving sound answers - but making a fuss about new hopes, behaviourism of the finest and more of optimism and illusions - so there can be hope for me to see an End of humans, given as the climax of a very dirty history of existence of the most ridiculous Species ever seen in our Universe.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

Written on September 29, 2013