ARTE - the dullness of Science

ARTE in service of mad-gone Scientists

Since 30 years I pretend that 99 percent of world folks have become dull, paranoid and schizophrenic - in all nations on this Planet.

It is easy to prove this statement when looking at the DOCUMENTARIES sent out by TV ARTE each new week.

Yesterday for example, a documentary on the scientists of the world in favour of BIO-DIVERSITY, keeping up wild animals for all times and marking all species given on Earth in some lists for their computers.

ARTE is always late by 20 years in time.

Let's demonstrate to what extent TV, folks and science has become completely NUTS - since 1960 to this day - and will continue to get more stupid each new day:


Science costs billions for the destruction of a planet if we take the costs of governments for science, private science, science in the name of industry, NGOs and all other banking idiocy of destructing the cash of Middle Class and Poor.

The joke of the DOC on TV was the fact, how those who pay no taxes and steal as Jews and rich Sacks all savings of the normal folks (we talk of the richest idiots on Earth), do not excuse this point, but proved only during hours, to what point the ones having all charges and the bankruptcies of States and Banks, Middle Class and the Poor, have nothing but shit in their brains.

The funny thing is that all scientists look very normal and have nice faces. The girls without sense for abstractedness and the boys of 75 years of age (they still are boys) were, not for one second, understanding just one percent of real FACTS on Earth.

The Aims

The ARTE TV showed that before all species and plants die on Earth in a few years from now, based on the behaviour of 7 billion of fools going now into bankruptcy for all times, all these animals, fishes and plants, to say millions of species, must be taken into some catalogue, for having the proof that they existed before general death.

Very astonishing to what point those idiots of scientists cannot understand that they make a job of fools, financed by the paranoid 99 percent who understand absolutely NOTHING of what's going on in our World.

Naturally the scientists pretend - in the second line only - why and for what fine purpose they undertake efforts to maintain bio-diversity, but this is as if those idiots would be pissing in an ocean and pretending to produce fuel for all airplanes of the globe.

The Examples

Very funny, the idea of HOT SPOTS. - Some given Oxford idiot of science found it a good thing, to tell folks that at 20 places in the world would be the greatest number of nice animals. And the side-effect could be, for billionaires to invest in some of the individual projects they could understand - what they did in fact for having an excuse further to cheat with taxes.

But then was found out that the whole world was a hot spot and we had millions of hot spots, and if those would die and deteriorate, humanity will go in sack and ashes.

Funny enough, that not ONE only scientist knew that today, the 99 percent including the Elite are already going in sack and ashes and the way down to hell could never more be stopped.

Another example are some PARKS for wild animals in Africa and else or the National Parks in all lands of the globe. It is tried by investing billions in protection, armies of people to survey the animals, to keep up the illusion, we had still some places on the surface of the Earth, not dying soon a terrible death.

The nicest game was how it was allowed for crazy rich to shoot down elephants and seldom other animals "in the interest" of financing the rest.

Even better the idea of letting produce idiots of indigenous folks some DOPES for pharmaceutical industry, to keep at life for some years to go their seldom animals and plants, but it is difficult to convince those black and brown folks, not to further kill as they did it for the last 10000 years.

The Effects

There are no effects. No - better: Whatever the scientists did, produced bubbles of illusions, the idea "that something is being done", giving to governments and folks of the 99 dull majorities, the fine excuse to continue as until these days with growth and Earth destruction and spending cash for their own suicide.

Because during the counting, the analysing, the protecting by dull scientists, the craze of the climate going towards total collapse and weather machinery out of order goes up to heaven. By the end, to say by 2050, the droughts and water-floods and super-storms and else will have killed all the rest in all nations of our Globe:

- all bio-diversity, all parks, all wild animals, the oceans are emptied from fish, the original forests are gone for all times and oceans die by plastics and other poison, honey bees gone for all times, water can no longer be paid and disappeared from grounds, and the chain of nourishment became some sort of killer, since only about 2 billion of folks could be nourished by 2050.

The End of Science and TV

I do not bother if folks understand my texts. Whatever I have been writing since 1975 became true, including the collapse of communism, capitalism, dullness of masses, craziness of science and culture, end of humanity by climate collapse and the out of order mechanics within the global weather machinery.

In the meantime the scientists measure their own crimes in lying about the End of plants, forests, oceans, water, air, climate including humanity itself.

And this makes my task so easy to pretend that not only the scientists of the world have become completely nuts, but also the 99 percent of all folks living just NOW on the surface of a given planet, dying just NOW for all times.

By 2099 the whole theatre of a mad-gone species will have come to a stop for all times - and God and Allah shall be very happy to see that this craziness of wars, torture, killing nature and cash destruction of the Jews by the Jews, will have come to an early and definite END.

Today - all is cash - tomorrow we shall become aware that money never could be eaten.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on August 15, 2012