Norway Terror - and BREIVIK Reality

The whole World, all Media, all journalists write large SCRAP about a crime that took place on the day of July 22, 2011, around Oslo. But it is absolutely of no interest, to know what happened.

The only matter of interest:

In what sort of World and Reality is it absolutely normal for such terror to happen, like 9/11, Vietnam, Mechanic School, Wall Street Crash, Somalia, Rwanda, New Orleans, flood in Pakistan, fire and debts in Greece etc., plus bankruptcy of USA and Europe and the End of times for humans, all of which are terrorists' acts.

But get slowly into the subject:

The "true" facts

Some rights-wing guy with name Anders Behring Breivik built a bomb, let it go in explosion in front of a government building and then travels on a little island and shoots to hell some 80 socialist and privileged children and is very proud of his deed.

And all media of the world ask questions:

- Why the hell did this young man that fine terrorist act?
- What was the sense of his writing in the internet?
- How was it possible that this silent person went so far?
- Why was the police not there to stop the craze?
- Are there some other folks who helped him in preparation?
- Should we open the scenery for trial and sentence for the public?
- Should we make a huge fuss with national mourning over months?
- Who is next to commit such fine and similar terror acts?
- Was it in fact al Qaeda or some other wider group to do the thing?

All these questions are absolutely superfluous, because the only text valid is the following, and it's ME to write it:

"The Guy did it. He had a background of right-wing idiocy like millions of others. For personal and psychological, he did it - as did the guys around 9/11 and the soldiers in Vietnam and the police forces in Chile around Pinochet and Videla. It is absolutely counterproductive to make a huge national and international fuss about Peanuts (read my article "Norway is Peanuts") and we should compare this matter in view of crimes done by "normal VIPs", by "normal" nations, and by "normal" masses of folks all over the Globe."

And thus the normality of what this terrorist in Norway has done, comes to evidence.

But here, I must go in further details:

The Intentions of terrorists

Apparently, Mister Breivik had a very normal view on capitalism, on neo-liberal Craze of the last years, on the stupidity of the world-wide globalisation, the result of multi-culti culture of VIPs in all States, on the danger that comes in Europe from Islam, from changing national habits, from Burka and funny and horrible Islam Laws of Middle Ages and of some happiness to go down the drain for all Times. And for Breivik, the responsible persons were the ones of socialists and such governments being regarded as far left. And he was so convinced of his World-View that he did, what thousands from now on will do - during the time of complete breakdown of all existent Systems on Earth.

But he could as well as thought like me, that the real danger comes from the Criminals of Lobbies on Wall Street, the existence of Israel, of the politics leading to total bankruptcy of the World System of finance, the idiocy around GW Bush, Popper, Friedman, Greenspan, Ronald, Thatcher, Pinochet etc. in the preparation of the super GAU in bankruptcies of nations, banks too big to fail, not talking of the politics in the world since 1960, bringing the whole ecologic situation into a state, where the final song will be: Rotten Climate, Weather Machine out of order, droughts killing billions, water-floods never seen before, storms like in New Orleans being peanuts and monster-waves that would stop all traffic on Oceans - and resources and energy in fact already today (if looked without shit-in-brains on it) absolutely priceless for the exploding masses on the way to 10 billion.

Would I kill as many folks as ever possible, like Anders Behring Breivik?

No - because it does not make any sense, to kill some 10000 VIPs to stop the Craze, when the killing is made by the masses of folks out of Free Will.

And it is inacceptable that religious folks of Islam, Jews, Christians and other have full rights in crimes like deterioration of female sex, stoning, burning and Macho laws of complete insanity - and the Norwegian society just is prepared to accept any shit, as do Europeans and Americans, on a false understanding of "political correctness".  Just another lesson to take from the Norwegian Terrorist.

Some other Terrorists

When we look at some fine idiot being a Very Important Person now, like Anders Behring Breivik, we should be aware that we had some other VIPs of terror:

1. There was some al Qaeda around Obama bin Laden who prepared for good reasons some 9/11 attack against a very terroristic STATE - our fine and loved USA.

2. There were some U.S. Presidents and U.S. congresses that prepared the crimes of Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, IMF, Worldbank, WEF, New Orleans, Iraq, Afghanistan, droughts in Africa, Wall Street Crash by blinded fanatics helping Israel in a craze producing Islam Terror, and finally the financial breakdown of USA itself, including Europe, China, India and the whole rest and some ecologic crimes that will cost the lives of some billion of folks in future.

3. There are Hitler, Stalin and Mao who on democratic principles killed some 6 millions of Jews, some 25 millions of civil persons, some folks of the own land, plus in wars the folks of 50 to 100 million of other folks, the great figure of which is not really important.

4. There are the financial experts in Lobies full of Greed and stupidity in matters of impossible Growth, in finance a majority of Jews, that for 30 years prepared the complete breakdown of our financial possibilities, on Wall Street, City of London and Switzerland, of which we see today only about one tenth. In fact, the TRUTH will prove to be 20 Times worse than the Crash of 1929.

5. There is the national and the State terrorism, not only in Wars, throughout history and the Kings, Popes, Presidents and Chiefs of State having killed millions, were left in a luxury life time and then were buried with all Honours of national Pride when finally gone to their patriotic Devils in all nations.

6. There are all the LIES of NGOs and Human right Scrap, to treat some monsters like Milosevic and Taylor and Mladic and Pinochet and Kissinger like Gentlemen guys, that tortured to death thousands if not millions of normal folks - and this is named to be "JUSTICE", when it's nothing but sand in the eyes of the masses of folks on this planet, going to hell now.

7. There are all the blind scientists who prepared the downfall of a whole planet within only 100 years and then get any idiotic Dynamite Prize in Oslo and Stockholm, for criminal deeds, the nature of which you may not even think of. And these criminals were all the time assisted by media, politicians, writers, philosophers and all the rest, the famous brainsick VIPs and the 99 percent of masses - not understanding one percent of the procedures on EARTH.

Now compare these terroristic acts with the one of Anders Behring Breivik and you see the problem:

The criminal deed of Anders is only of interest for the VIPs with richness and power on this Globe, to hide their own 1000 times higher crimes, done in the name of democracy, human rights, capitalism, Marxism, socialism, craze of greed and growth, letting explode the sick-brain masses over 7 billion of folks and seeing blindly, how the Globe is dead already today and bankruptcy of nations just a very normal deed of every day - soon.

Reality about a World in Free Fall

There is a secret about the very few persons on this Globe, say about 10 persons, to "read" the whole rotten World-Theatre - hidden from the blindness of the great masses.

There is a secret about the fuss around Peanuts like in Norway and else, not to let wake up the ones, that from middle class will bump down to hell of very normal misery and poverty, in the years to come, when the true criminals of this world become even more rich and powerful, like never before in history of a rotten Species called "Homo non-sapiens".

Now, all Media and Journalists and Writers may be silent about the truth of a Globe having not the slightest Chance to escape the complete COLLAPSE in finance, ecology, economics, stupid cultures in Christianity of Popes, Islam Machoism, Jewish Greed and Buddhist blindness killing like Chinese socialism some billions of folks by very normal reasons, on which not one person except mine can see the true state of affairs.

The Crimes of the Past of VIPs, of rich tax-free skunks of States too big to fail and of empty brains in 99 percent of heads, these crimes are so gigantic and monstrous that any counter-action of some Anders Behring Breivik and other Shit-in-Brains is of no value and sense at all.

We just have to wait how such matters like some dead folks in Norway would not even be mentioned in any world media, when folks starve per millions a day….

And when?

Perhaps in a few months from now, when some present DROUGHTS shall go on.

But for sure when USA and China get into bankruptcy, or when the ecologic Time Bomb becomes an absolutely normal affair of every day, and droughts and water-floods and storms "of the Century" not even worth to be mentioned - and the Media will be dead, and the Internet will be dead, and all banks and pension funds will be dead, the rich VIPs massacred by the masses, after getting that they had no further chance for survival - et j'en passe….

Norway and terrorism?

Even the Chicken of the world would laugh, if they knew what I know - today.

written on July 26, 2011