WEF - Why do we do - what we do?
There is no need
is no need for me, to write each new day some new Editors letter in German,
English or French language or on texts for coming books.
is no need to think about the "condition humaine" in our world, not
paid and published by anybody and such giving no profits, no cash, no fame and
no reason.
for the reason that I CAN and the texts are immensely important and there is
not one person on the level of knowledge and philosophical thinking, being able
worldwide to write my texts.
it is very important for human kind to know one day, why we did around the year
2000, what we did in 200 nations and all congresses and all meetings of the
fools and idiots of a rotten world, tumbling now to hell from about 1950 to 2050
and perhaps ending with our humanity for all times until about 2099.
I got the freedom to write on any ethical matter of truth, that passes my mind,
since I have no longer to do better things before dying and disappearing from
this planet without knowing, what was before my existence on the planet Earth
from the middle of the 20th Century to some day after 2000, when there is no
God but only unknown endlessness in space and eternity in time.
congresses: Not one of them shows more the firing signs on the wall of human economic
craze killing all folks, as our beloved WEF in Davos of Tax Fraud Switzerland:
WEF in Davos
Jew with name Klaus Schwab, a SS German wonder and free spirit in the sense of
Karl Popper and Milton Friedman thought, to have a good Idea if the Crooks of
the globe, the Jews, bankers, CEO, richest tax-free shit, the stupid chiefs of
States, finance ministers, hedge funds admirers and killers of the savings and
rents of the 99 percent of the rest would have a meeting in the alpine
mountains in one of the most criminal Nations after USA and Israel - and he
founded the WEF.
about 40 Years the greatest Mafia bosses of neoliberalism, those having
prepared the crash on Wall Street from 2006 to 2010 and the coming total
collapse of all money systems on this globe, convinced the world, including
China, India, Brazil and Russia, that we must have State Deficits in all lands,
derivative shit like ABS, CDO, CDS in all stock exchanges, a tax-fraud system
in Switzerland and 50 other paradises alone in favour of the richest banks,
conglomerates and richest VIPs, those who have stolen all raw material, energy
stuffs and other treasuries of the world to the 99 percent, to sell them with
highest profit to the masses, before USA, England, Japan, South of Europe,
Russia and the rest go into bankruptcy and the whole building of capitalism is
going to collapse before the year 2025 would have come.
still the Pope of Rome, the idiots of the White House in Washington, the stupid
Chancellors in Berlin and such idiots like the Jews of Wall Street or as Klaus
Schwab are considered to be the nicest and most valuable characters of our
world, when they in fact increased the paranoia and stupidity of the
masses, together with all media in the
world, to a new peak, short before all will be ended.
day, the masses will know who was guilty for the gigantic crimes of our Growth
model to death, the crimes in finances, economics, politics, science, culture
and ecology and they will massacre to death about any VIP who belonged to WEF
and other famous resorts of happiness and tax-freedom, having destroyed the
future of mankind and of our fine planet.
What we do
is evident that we needed some over 3000 years after the Old Greeks, after 1000
of Wars and torture in the name of a given inexistent God or Allah or Jesus or
Buddha or other scrap, the finding of technology to exhaust a planet, a cash
system in Euro and Dollars and Yen and Yuan with debts politics in 200 nations,
the Jews of capitalism to dictate all lands how to produce lethal Growth and
how to destroy for all times all soils, clear water under the ground, all
oceans and all original forests and our climate and bring out of order our
weather-machinery, in order to kill not only nature and bring a holocaust of
animals on this globe, but from 1900 onwards slowly end the story of a higher
APE called "Homo non-sapiens".
process was so slow that the most stupid elite of Apes in the universe just took
cash profit, tax-free, from what happened, whereas the big masses of the 99
percent first believed to become wealthy and rich like the VIPs and create some
middle class in all lands, when in fact the whole process by the end only
produced over 99 percent of folks going for all times in misery and not finding
a way out of such result of human high-spirit.
two world-wars and the killing of socialists by the U.S. Jews of WEF and Wall
Street, finally the finance structure of the west started to shake and show its
true face. But the Chiefs of States and all WEF Characters of this world were
so greatly stupid, that they immediately increased the doses of destruction of nations
by debt bombs, the Earth by increased mass-consumerism, and the brains of the
99 percent falling soon into misery, were filled in with shit of intellect,
coming of the Jewish WEF folks - but still all media of the globe creep in the
asshole of those mafia monsters, like the Pope of Rome and Obama, Merkel,
Berlusconi, Murdoch, Cameron, Hollande, Putin, Xi and all rotten politicians,
CEO, richest tax-free sacks, the scientists without any brains, all of the
philosophers only interested in a Dynamite prize for fools and then it
Before 2020 all finance systems of humanity started to shake and fall into full
collapse and leaving nothing but bankrupt nations, rotten hedge funds, banks
and stock exchanges, and currencies become worth, less than the paper of banknotes and the trillions of Dollars in the internet computers of a paranoid
Before 2030 the whole capitalism and economics tumbled to hell and all becomes
a standstill, nothing moved anymore, all companies are going into bankruptcy,
billions without work and jobs are producing a "Mad Max" World and
killing any VIP they may find and there is no army or police to protect the WEF
The intellectual stupidity of the Elite and their masses of 99 percent will
have lost any oversight except for my texts, about what happened on a rotten
planet and why anything of happiness went into pieces, basing on a crazy
technological money System of higher Apes without ethics, without intellect and
without any other interest but to seem important as shitty VIPs.
Soon the climate of the globe will play crazy and our weather-machine will get
out of order in a way, today the idiots cannot even judge, those around IPCC measuring
like G 20 and WEF-folks the temperature over the ground, instead becoming aware
that the crimes of the past will produce such catastrophes in droughts,
sint-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in oceans never seen in history
before, and this goes since some time on a highly increasing basis.
then humanity is gone and out -- and no God or Mohammed or Allah or Buddha or
unfucked Maria will shed a tear about the disappearance of such an Idiot.
Why we do this
this is the major question of the day:
do folks of first one billion, then increasing ever faster to 10 billion of
idiots, such a crime as mentioned above?
partner in life and fine lady always said: "The stupid folks and elite do
it alone for CASH, they want become rich, famous and they shit on ordinary
folks. Don't look out for other reasons."
my answer was always the same: "Look Dear: This is nuts. There are ethical
folks all over and very fine philosophers, thinkers, scientists, writers and
even politicians and other famous heads and they wanted the best for human
mankind. So cash and profits and tax-freedom may be a good argument, but this
is not the reason. The only true reason can be: An immense funeral in all
brains of highest stupidity in all heads of wide over 99,99 percent of paranoid
elites and masses. It is impossible that those folks can believe in eternal
growth, trillions of Dollar, Euro, Yen shit killing our finance systems, some
China and India doing the same thing in crimes as USA, Switzerland, Israel and
the WEF, without knowing what they do, except all of them have a brain and an
intellect of a dull child, fully debile, in the age of about 6 years. There is
no other reason."
my girl shakes her head and thinks, this cannot be, dullness to the max can
exist, but not in the heads of democratic 99,99 percent of humans out of 7
this is in reality the case:
the philosophers preached for 3000 years only human behaviourism to get all of
profits and advantages from the life possibilities on this globe, without
explaining the end of the story on a limited planet.
the religious shit believing in some Gods, only killed folks not believing in
such shit, and by the end, when all was crashing around 2000, the Evangelicans,
the Jews, the Catholics, the Buddhists, the Hindi and the crazy Islamists
started to break through and killing more folks by terror, worthless cash and
derivative Junk and a worldwide cast-system of some tax-free rich Class,
forcing the 99 percent to be covering all State bankruptcies for a while, when
the whole TGV of Growth and Stupidity was going to hell or to Davos for good.
the scientists produced a crazy technological world, where 7 billion of folks
had their cars, planes, cruise ships, atom works, ending energy, mega-towns
going into pieces and decay and some 1000 trillion Dollars in infrastructure
already getting rotten today since some time. Scientists got a Dynamite Prize
just for fun to produce the means to kill all nations, and all folks and all we
had by systems that were more stupid than WEF, Klaus Schwab, Milton Friedman,
Karl Popper, Hitler, Stalin and Mao together.
we only got shit-heads in politics since democrazy as "Dictatorship of
dull majorities", eager to kill a planet, was found and now we wonder, why
such masses only elected the most stupid brains to manage their CHAOS gone out
of control since about 100 years - my friends.
all worked to get the masses more cash-brainy and more stupid all the time and
use up by out-powering the globe from all restricted resources, spoiling all
water and oceans, building some Auschwitz places in form of mega-cities and
finally destroying for all times to come our climate and the weather-machinery
of a planet, killing humanity within 200 years before the year 2099 will have
so the conclusion lies in the text itself and I have again just invested 90
Minutes on the day of January 23, 2015, from 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning and
the full day is still at my free disposal. Now send it and correct it and read
the stupid newspapers of the day and the very low-intellectual shit on TV and
Radio to know, how with our WEF we went
nearer to death than ever before.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on January 23, 2015
Death to all WEF participants and Klausi Schwab - after the finance CRASH