Dynamite Prize Paul Krugman - A false Economic Hero
There is no doubt: Like no one else, except the writer here, Paul Krugman analysed the deadly politics and economics of U.S. Congress with their brainless Cash-Monsters GW Bush, Karl Rove, Wolfowitz, Kissinger, Sachs, Rumsfeld, Greenspan, Bernanke, Cox and other Zeroes in predicting the downfall of U.S. and World Economics - into a final HOLE OF NOTHING.
Is Paul Krugman the Hero the Dynamite Prize Committee wants to see?
Let's make some matters very clear and transparent:
When younger, like only few people, Paul Krugman did all to justify and push ahead a terrible THEOREM of globalisation and deregulation.
Don’t' forget, it is for THIS Trading to the max, Paul Krugman gets finally a useless Prize of intellect.
He preached on the basis of "wise" Trade Theories any further deadly increase in Growth, Greed, More of Energy, More of destruction of Raw material, of BIP, of Richness for the Few, accepting some tickle-down theories were true, when the use of these ideals will finally bring our Geo-Sphere totally out of Balance (called by error "Climate Change"), lets population explode far over the measure this planet can bear.
All this lack of intellect will be resulting in lack of clear water and breathable air and produce a Hype that is just falling into pieces now, in spite of funny "Rescue Idiocies" of governments, in the Autumn 2008.
All the mentioned matters represent the usual LINE OF PRAGMATISM, coming out from the USA and England fantasy-reality, since the last 200 years. In a way, Paul Krugman was one of the preparing VIP of today's misery in Financial affairs - and thus too of the bottomless fall of real economy in a disaster never seen in human history before.
But very late, Paul Krugman saw his error and started to criticize the politics of GW Bush, the idiocies of Alan Greenspan, when still lying in the SAME BED OF IDEOLOGY, as Jeffrey Sachs, Lawrence Summers and Gregory Mankiw, out of those crazy Universities, Yale, Harvard and Princeton, that like Berkeley and Chicago Boys Universities preached to the world the deadly theories of Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, some odd "freedom of markets", of stock exchanges, of Hedge funds, of Bloody Mary Fannie Max and Freddie Mae and other Zurich ETH Junk of ideologies - killing now and for the next 5 years the economic basis of an overpopulated Globe.
NEW YORK TIMES, another Blind Willie McTell, opened their pages to Sugar Baby Krugman to bring some nice polemics, far too late, when any child of 5 years, if born normal, should have seen, like Delavy since 1975, and in respect to Friedman disaster in all his books, the coming catastrophe, when 100 times of World-BIP is invested in virtual junk of "value-papers", not existing in fact, except in computers of BANKS, as virtual contracts between dummies of the highest kind, humanity has seen since Adam and Eve.
Now this wise guy gets the Dynamite Prize for World Economic Destruction, when at the same time, the most stupid journalists of Switzerland, Philippe Loepfe and Constantin Seibt write in Zurich Swiss Bank servers, that JEFFREY SACHS was one of the greatest geniuses in Economics ever seen, when every idiot knows perfectly well that this man did more for IMF-POVERTY in Africa and other continents, as Wolfowitz and GW Bush together.
This man also was on Top, when Yelzin and Putin gave the whole wealth of Ex-Soviet-Union to some greedy oligarchs, creating final misery of Russia 's Middle class, getting down in Class of real Poverty, in Moscow and all around to Vladivostok . Same could be said for CHINA and INDIA , standing at the edge of breakdown, and not guessing their own situation, not analyzed so far by Krugman, Sachs, Wolfowitz, Greenspan and Annan.
When the World wants to be speaking holly, our dear old Krugman, by Holly Ratzinger in Rome, we should first make a profound analysis of the craziness of today's Economics, of which 99 percent of normal people, including all TV-"Experts", Professors of the highest Universities out of USA and Europe, have not yet grasped 10 percent of true background of present collapse - and its future disastrous effects.
I will never accept a Dynamite Prize coming from hollow heads around Pulitzer, dear friends. It needs real intelligence, sight on actual theories of economics, knowledge about the functioning of banks, insurances, re-insurances, industries, consulting and auditing Firms, in order to understand the World better than any sleepy Professor of Berkeley or Chicago.
We can invent new "HEROES" and let them be a new "Brand", when some idiotic Media in the USA try to forget their past, when globalised Friedmanism was all - and the State USA and all other Nations were nothing but pure junk.
Or is it so, that Krugman was calling himself a national Hero of Economics, when not getting the points right, but shouting in the wind some critics - without deep-cut background?
Paul Krugman, sorry, you are not - the Hero of Economics, Stockholm wants to see.
Author of "CHAOS" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "Saving International Finance - by greatest Ignoramuses of the World" and some other 200 Letters