The ART to explain the World Finance Crash
We experience a Finance Crash that cannot be stopped. We have a finance Crash not to be corrected ever. We have a finance Crash due to general stupidity of science, politics, economics and common sense - gone for all times.
We have today a final World Finance Crash.
And the most interesting thing about this Crash is, how experts, how professors, how politicians and how complete idiots explain the reason, the origin and the effects of this Crash.
Before explaining wherefrom this Crash comes and what it is, let's laugh a lot about the trials of idiots to explain us the reasons of the disaster - and how to come out:
Idiots explain the Crash
- Some tell us that we should use the principles of Popper or Friedman - more liberty of markets, more growth, more credits - and all shall come out fine.
- Some tell us that we should follow Keynes, invest billions into the Economy on cost of future generations - and all shall come out fine.
- Some tell that the problem with Europe were unequal inflation rates, the prices developed differently in Spain, Italy, Greece as it did in Germany and France. Reverse the thing - and all shall come out fine.
- Some idiots tell us that unequal export power made it, Germany and China had it all in exports - and USA and the rest could starve and live on deficits since 20 years. Reverse or equalize the matter (no problem at all!) - and all shall come out fine.
- Some idiots tell us that all comes from interest rates being too low or too high. Lower or increase the rates, stop the spiral, and get the debts under control - and all shall come out fine.
- Some idiots tell us that the Jews of Wall Street and City of London have nothing to do with the Crash in Europe - all would be the crazy result of crazy politics of States when they built up the tower of indebtedness, never to be paid back. This is true, and the Americans tell so to stupid Europeans, but the whole is big Shit coming out from Wall Street in the brains of Jews - and nothing shall come out fine.
- Some Martin Feldstein argues that we should make a distinction between State deficits being the effect of structures, when deficits are made in times of growth - and deficits being the effect of missing conjuncture, when deficits were made for the same reason. Stop the craze of conjuncture losses by application of huge financing of fine Growth Programs - and all shall be fine.
- Some idiots say that we should try to get the Hedge Funds and investment banks under control and put the trillions of lost cash into BAD BANKS - and all shall be fine. They cannot see that losses are in the World - wherever they are. Write off debts and you kill the richness of the rich Junk of the Globe.
- Not the worst idiots are those counting on SAVING - to say work back the national deficits and indebtedness, which really is necessary, However, these idiots cannot see the DILEMMA with capitalism: Saving kills growth, what is fine, but make the program impossible. The other idiocy is believing to bring down the debts by means of the real reason for the whole disaster - deadly GROWTH by higher debts!
- Not the worst idiots are those counting on SAVING - to say work back the national deficits and indebtedness, which really is necessary, However, these idiots cannot see the DILEMMA with capitalism: Saving kills growth, what is fine, but make the program impossible. The other idiocy is believing to bring down the debts by means of the real reason for the whole disaster - deadly GROWTH by higher debts!
- Some idiots say that we should replace Obama by Palin, Narkozy by Wilhelm Tell, Cameron by Shakespeare, Berlusconi by Monti, the Chinese communists by Chinese Jews - and above all some crazy heads full of shit being in charge in all lands of the world by technical Cracks - and all shall be fine.
There are even more stupid explanations and recommendations, but I must take care not to vomit on my shoes - and stop here…
Delavy explains the Crash
To make it very short: Some of the above recommendations are true - but useless like pissing or vomiting in front of your shoes.
The true reason for the Crash is the natural automatisms in Capitalism, increased by:
- globalisation, free market concept, Chicago School of Popper and Friedman, the idiocies of Keynes, Smith, Hayek and the rest, of living on cost of all future generations, of the freedom of Hedge Funds and Investments banks, on the power of idiots (to say the above "Experts") - and depending of criminal WEF, Rating Offices, Accounting Firms, Jews full of greed, some shit like ABS, CDO and CDS, the idea of the generalized Euro in Europe, the idea of letting finance USA by China, Japan, Korea and Europe against worthless U.S. Treasury Bonds and the criminal behaviourism of Bankers, Finance Ministers, U.S. presidents, Worldbank, IMF and the Cash concepts of Jews and Non-Jews.
It's the SYSTEM - Stupid!
How can it be that I predicted in all of my books the present outcome of the banks on Wall Street, the bankruptcy of USA , Europe and Africa plus the implosion to come in China und India - due to politics of debts and believing to make gold out of shit?
The whole ART was it in all times to "read" - not my lips - but the system and interdependences of all the matters discussed by the most idiotic experts ever seen on a Planet.
The ART of stupidity is to believe that with Shit in trillions of Dollars, the end shall not be a World Finance Crash that would never end and could never be cured.
The Spiral of Interests is crazy: The less a bank or nation can pay back its debts, the higher mounts the deadly spiral of interests, based on the power of Rating Offices and hedge fund Jews - and so, as a fine result, an outcome of misery proves impossible. What a craze when the north of Europe can no longer finance the debts of Greece, a tiny little land, just because of Greece living for 20 years on cost of Euro Bonds purchased by sharks of Cash? And Greece is just the Peak of the Iceberg - the rest is 1000 times worse!
What I am wondering most is the fact that today, we have still trillions of dollars of Junk Papers in all balance sheets of the world at valuation high, high up over zero, when not even the ones who owe the cash can be discovered - and this is so not only with the subprime poor idiots in Florida. When the values of securities were based on BETS, on CASINO on worthless becoming grounds and houses in USA and Spain , how the hell will you fix the damage?
But all this is easy talking on the intellectual level of the above "EXPERTS".
The real reason for the craziness of Humanity is based on greed, growth, injustice, democrazy being a dictatorship of dull majorities, leaving all power to the Jews, believing in Growth destructing not only Finances, but a little later anything in economics, the illusions to have still energy and resources when all is used up, the funny idea that with billions of tons of poison, the climate and weather machinery would not turn crazy and get out of order and - worst -
- ignoring the mass laws coming out of explosion of Pops, of consumption, of extraction, of killing the planet and of lying about the true reasons - based on my book with title
"Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung"
And be sure that not even these explanations are true:
The whole of truth is that 99,99 percent of Folks on Earth have not a brain, but pure shit in their heads, they cannot "read" even the piss they send in front of their shoes, when they invent things like atom works, atom bombs, armies and weapons, banks and investment funds, cars, planes and Costa Concordia - all governed by the most idiotic ELITE and VIPs ever seen in history of our Big Bang Weltall.
Well , I just wait now for the fine result, how "Experts" want to draw back the time table, when the child has fallen into the well and is dead as dead can be, since some 10 years of time.
There are things that are possible and there are things being utterly impossible.
To come out of a wanted World Finance Crash - NOW - is one of the second category.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 19, 2012