Recently I saw on TV a documentary about the Free Fall of USA down to hell in economics. It was fine and helpful, to see in what shameful state this Great Nation of God's own Country was fallen.
But first the documentary spread some HOPE:
- They had saved the banks on Wall Street, General Motors has record profits, the social programs work and above all, USA can present a fine Silicon Valley - Great!
Afterwards was shown how all towers of debts in the USA explode to heaven just now and USA would be bankrupt since a long time - worse than Greece or Ireland . The hidden unemployment would let mount the figures to 20 percents of pops of USA . The towns and infrastructure would fall in pieces, the politicians would have shit-in-brains and the bankers still do what they like in destruction of all savings of Americans and the world. U.S. Elite has no concept against the future climate-collapse - and their armies can no longer be financed, just as well as the coming spiral up of interest rates on debts made by Jews and Rating Offices.
It is easy, on the example of USA , to prove the real situation, not only of economics, but of LIFE throughout of the world during the coming mounting of a idiotic End of Times. Let's interpret the HOPES and the MISERIES of USA which are exactly the same in China , Europe, Australia and any land you may guess.
General Motors
The profits of General Motors are the natural result of having burdened some 100 billions of Dollars on the State and former creditors of GM. Further, the production of cars, planes and other gadgets come to the end, because resources and material get out. Further these death machines killed the climate and our dear weather-machine (read further down "agriculture"). And so to have "success" with Cars is the most stupid concept a land ever could have.
It was shown how some youngsters are working with Google, Facebook, Apple and some 100 other IT firms and they are SOO happy, full of new ideas, get rich and ignore the rest of USA and the misery surrounding this island. However, IT is big shit. No land can ever live of such scrap in intellect given in the net. It does not bring freedom, not democrazy or any other value to the globe. All it does is to fill the brains of rotten folks with shit and illusions, and anyhow, during the big break of finances, nobody has cash for such idiocy anymore.
Chinese Solar Panels
Plenty of folks without jobs start to learn how to fix Chinese Solar Panels on the roofs of the U.S. houses. This brings electricity. Great! But remember: The panels are Chinese, who destructed the whole of industries in USA and Europe with slavery Cheap production. Second the resources and materials shall get out. Further we should ask for what reason we need electricity - if it is for Electro-Cars, it is for the most idiotic Idea our folks ever had, apart the building of Cruiser ships leaning on Toscana.
Banking on Wall Street
The Jews of Bankers on Wall Street have added to 50 percent to the finance crashes of USA and of the World. And they continue with sending our finances of the Globe to Hell. And Obama has shit in his pants and followed up all politics of GW Bush - and the Republicans can be thrown away, they plan the direct breakdown of the U.S. Empire. Note - Wall Street, WEF Davos, City of London , Joe Frankfurt, Zurich Bahnhofstrass and Swiss Tax Fraud will be burnt to hell by those who lost all money and did pay taxes for the Rich and Powerful, during the coming very big massacre, when all Mega-Towns of the Globe shall burn.
To make business with the misery of the rotten-going world, with the planned future climate and weather catastrophes and with the sinking Costa Concordia is in itself the most idiotic business of humans. The alternative to insurance would have been not to break our planet in pieces plus all human brains - but now it's too late for any corrections.
Media of Murdoch
Murdoch and Berlusconi and all other media succeeded to sell shit for gold. Instead of writing about the real state of affairs on the Globe, they just inform us about the collapse of all systems, going very slowly down and thus lasting, instead of one year, some 50 years, before this humanity has driven itself to hell.
The success of medicine and pharmaceuticals is the one of people getting more and more sick, insane, having panic attacks and burn-outs and anyway, to make profit on the stupidity and sickness of the global idiots without brains, is not a business, but a crime.
High technology
ABB, Siemens and other shit, where USA runs behind, is still a success because of China and India and Brazil - but read my lips: China will implode before 2018, same goes for India dying alike due to overpops like many other lands - under the weight of the world's Pops-Explosion. The exports of China vanish like the Cash in the U.S. banks, same goes for energy stuffs and resources. China is dead as dead can be - same goes for ABB, Siemens and the U.S. Army.
Some time ago, I would have written that Agriculture is the last hope of the global Pops. This was ERROR: Monoculture, climate-collapse and a weather-machine gone out of order plus gen-manipulation shall prove that first India and China kick the bucket, but also Africa, Australia and even USA. And you cannot put all folks of USA on the fields for Crops, especially not when the next millennium Drought comes over China or USA : And all contributes to a terrible Holocaust of Animals and this must come to an End soon.
In Taxation the Americans are the greatest SKUNKS of the globe: They accept the crime of the Rich not paying their taxes, they admire Swiss Tax Fraud systems plus the Junk-Jew politics of bankers on Wall Street plus the financing by trillions of banks and GM and other shit by Middle Class taxpayers, the rottening of infrastructure, the financing of killing Vietnamese, Chileans, Argentines, Iraqis, Palestinians, Afghans and all the rest. Americans have self-murdering deficits and stand 5 hours after midnight in front of bankruptcy of a bloody nation - and are still proud to be God's own Tax Criminals.
All the Rest
Just name me one business, industry, service or tourism or else that would generate a matter that could save our planet from the coming
- collapses in finances, economics, resources, stupidity of humans, burning Mega-Towns, media fully rotten, IT and Internet for fools, U.S. and other armies to kill each other, ground water and oceans gone for ever and 10 billion of empty heads, having replaced their brains by big shit.
There are journals and media in USA , England , Germany and Switzerland pretending that the climate-sceptics are heroes and how all written up these lines is pure idiocy. They pretend, the greatest Idea ever would have been the Jewish WEF Banking of the world and the destruction of all resources, of air and water and land and oceans, within 6 generations only
- and the feast and party could get on for Eternity - when USA just TODAY is in its Free Fall and no Force of God or Allah or Buddha can save this rotten shit-land, just as well as China, Brazil, the Maghreb, the Sahel Zone, Europe and Australia in free fall - and anyway - why writing for idiots valuable text, for those without any brains?
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on February 19, 2012