Reading the STATE of the EARTH

The truthful STATE of our EARTH and Nations

The Idiots

Yesterday, I saw a documentary about the life of John Lennon. Lennon was one of the idiots, shouting with YOKO for peace, human rights and democracy without understanding just one percent of the mechanics of the Globe. It was time he got shot.

Same goes for Bob Dylan and other idiotic song writers all over our Globe, plus the Pope, the U.S. President, the Dynamite Prize shit and the rest of VIPs.

Same goes for all NGO, governments, parliaments, WEF, IMF, ECB, Worldbank, UNO, Occupy and anonymous quark in Paris - and any organisation, being completely lost in view alone of finances. Don't let's talk of the overall situation described below.

Same goes for all religions, all present philosophers, the blind and stupid literary guys of the world and of the 100 percent of females, the brain of which can never think in abstractedness - in other words, no female of the globe, but also no male of the world, could have written this text here.

The overall Situation

Are the USA and rest of world bankrupt NOW? YES - no force on Earth can reverse the compete downfall of globalised bankruptcy under the weight of indebtedness of all States and the coming INCREASE of all Deficits in all nations on the basis of texts written in my GAZETTES.

There is no doubt that the ECOLOGIC collapse will make disappear humanity from the Globe, 2012 to 2099, based on millennium droughts, water-floods, storms, waves of heat and cold - in each area of the world - accelerating and being sharp increasing in force from year to year.

There is no doubt about the missing water, resources, energy and else, used up by 6 generations only, to the detriment of all generations to come.

There is no doubt that TV, internet, schooling and education and philosophies made all humans to be dull to the max - and the only GOD in all nations has become in exclusivity our fine CASH - as last true philosophy.

Nations that could never survive

All overpops lands without water and resources and experiencing the greatest effects of Climate collapse, can not survive at all:

- China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Africa from Maghreb to South Africa, Australia, great parts of Asia, and all Arab countries that cannot drink their rotten oil.

About the same FATE have some Southern European Lands and South America, but they could try to run against the race of overpopulation and catastrophes to come.

Nations that could survive

The only lands with little chances of survival, but only for some time to go, are:

- USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, Northern parts of Europe

But there must be made some corrections right away:

- USA like China etc. have no resources and oil, and they are bankrupt - when less than Japan - but more than the Southern Lands of Europe. It will be difficult, but USA have water, nourishment, wide spaces, they can try to survive for some time.

- Canada, Scandinavia, Russia are in autarky, self-sufficient, have space, water, resources, they could survive best, but not against the force of the ecologic collapse to come and being run over by the rest of World.

- Switzerland, like Germany, France, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Norway etc. have water, some have oil, some have other means of energy, but no resources and too many idiots imported from Turkey, Serbia, Africa and else, in order being able to nourish the exploding masses at length.

- Brazil seems to be a special case, but here again, the overpops make it almost impossible, since they destroyed their land and original forests - for other lands in South and Central America it's even worse.

I wrote a lot about China and India: They are on the edge of implosion in economics and water, and this is the greatest problem, water, no resources, no oil, they go down to hell with the next millennium drought to come and already today are bankrupt when USA and Europe fall in pieces in Finances.

The Risks

After these comments, there it is absolutely sure that the idiots Romney, Palin Obama, Narkozy, Berlusconi (still in force in Italy), Merkel, Hu and Wen and Singh and John Lennon and other stinky idiots shall pretend to know it better. No problem - it's not my risk but the risk of their States.

What is fine to tell, is now to point out at the NOT YET mentioned dangers:

- Revolutions, riots, burning mega-towns, all rich and powerful VIPs massacred by the poor masses of over 90 percent, armies falling in pieces, and the risk of deterioration of plants, animals and humans and above all the fine PANDEMICS to come.

The major risk - what is over NOW - was the stupidity of humans, all of humans, in matters of science, religion, politics, economics and the rest, not reading my lips and my texts.

The Chances

It's better not to lie about the Chances. The only chance has been to get my 10 books published and over 1000 Editor Letters published with World News and in my diverse Gazettes in the net (World gazette / Welt des Geistes / Chaos Gazette etc.).

Those texts showed since 1975 how to reverse the deadly developments, the errors of philosophers, popes, politics, theorists in economics, the true State of the Climate and Weather Collapse and how and WHY all Elite and their Masses are going down in sheer dullness and blindness with effect from the year 2000.

But the chances how to change Capitalism in a "Ziel-Gesellschaft" was there, published and shall not be repeated, since most of the 100 editors rejecting my books wrote, that all of my genial books would present to the rotten public just one huge ILLUSION.

No illusion is the rapid breakdown of Humanity on their Road to Hell - just NOW.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 21, 2012