Total Stupidity of IPCC

Climatic Geo-Politics of famous IPCC

A story about total Ignorance in Climate Change

The Swiss Professor Thomas Stocker of University Berne was elected recently in Geneva at IPCC-Congress as one of the most important Chief-scientists for IPCC.

Here the true nature of IPCC, explaining at the same time the real meaning of "Geo-Politics" with some other NGOs about their odd kind of understanding our EARTH:

Engine-Driver Rene Delavy: "Dear Mr. Stocker, welcome on Board of this experimental TGV. Glad that you want to accompany me on this vagary in your future. Do you have all fine measure instruments you require?"

Stocker: "A large team is accompanying me, behind in the wagon of measurements. And up there on that hill is a huge laboratory. The most powerful computer of the world is measuring all details of our voyage."

Delavy: "Great, now let's accelerate our TGV. We have now 100 km/h, now 200 km, now 300 km. Oh, it's funny. My system tells me that the brakes are going to be out of order.."

Stocker: "Bullshit. I keep my forefinger out of the window. Owe, that a heavy pressure, I assume about 400 km/h. Fantastical. My Team - what speed measuring just now? Yes? 411,38798774 km/h. Fantastic. Go, and bring that VIP NEWS right away to the Mass Boulevard Media of this Planet."

Delavy: "The brakes of the TGV are out of order - and there behind in some distance in the valley, I can see a Monster-WALL.. -- HEEELLLPPP!"

Stocker: "Cool blood. Before our Scientists have measured, how fast we are, if "Air" exists at all, if there is a Wall down there, we want to stay cool and without any forefingers, will you? This is what Media love, the right-wing asses and science of IPCC - they don't like types showing forefingers. Chief of Science - behind their in the wagon - what - all have fainted? Jesus, can't be, go and measure if they fainted really."

Delavy: "Master of all Sciences, Stocker, Thomas. Without measuring anything: When billions of tons in poison of environment go into limited space around our Globe, when reserves in energy of a planet are fulminated within 6 generations, when millions of cars and planes transform limited wells of oil and gas into deadly stuff, when Oceans have gone out of fish, when rivers and lakes have turned into misery and no clear water under the ground, when crazy Theorems of Economics lead to a World breakdown, a crisis of economy and banks and finance, when all stock exchanges and securities are kicking the bucket -and when I wrote already 1975 that this all is bound to happen.."

Stocker: "Delavy, you are, without forefinger, a Full-Idiot. We of the Science did in the year 1975 know nothing of all this, we did not measure it, it was not yet scientificized - ergo, there was no Danger at all in 1975. What Science, IPCC and other useless NGOs don't measure - does never exist. - Counsel of Science up on the Hill: How fast now? What - 1299,999871 km/h. Great! Do we have some curves on the train track? No? Well done. Is there any WALL? You don't see any? Very good - Delavy is an asshole.."

Delavy: "There behind, a Wall looks over the trees - it is going all over the valley and the track. This is fundamental. A fundamentally thinking philosopher does not need any idiotic proofs, such "Farts of No Reflecting" to know. He needs logical deduction, commonsense and eyes to see a wall, damn it - still 5 minutes to go until crash."

Stocker: "Cool, no forefinger, damn idiot of mercy. We will now take away 0,01 per Mille of Power and such go slower in speed. Carnival-Science-Team, still here? What, only one person not yet fallen in the apples? Take away Power! What - does not work? What does not work. Shit, go low in power, immediately. The system got out of order because too much masses, too enormous, too chaotic, too uncontrollable? Idiots, tammi, I AM IN PERSON the scientist, I AM IN PERSON the new Chief of IPCC, I AM IN PERSON the media conscience of modernist MEDIA-MAFIA in this world."

Delavy: "Listen, great Jackass, dear Mr Stocker, in 2 minutes we will crash into the wall and the speed of this train goes into endlessness. Perhaps we take off the tracks and crash in the woods. Damn it! I knew it - I knew it. The fundamentals of philosophy since 2000 years of feasibility led exactly where we are now. Science was just as sleeping and talking nonsense, as Ospel of UBS, consultants and auditors of Swissair, Greenspan and Bush about Enron and with regards to the Sub-Prime and derivative Hedge Funds craziness, and all Chief-Editors of the world with Murdoch-Berlusconi Media of the lowest intellect -all brain-amputated without any IQ or EQ.."

Stocker: "Even in case we would now kick the bucket because of our own Stupidity of IPCC-Science ---- I will not accept the way you are talking to me, Delavy, you are an arseho.. --- HEEELLLPP! There is a WAAALLL, it is coming upon UUUUSSSS ---- My God, why did you leave me, Maria, don't you love anymore Science, IPCC and Thomas Stock… ---"

Delavy: "I saw it coming. For me I installed a catapult chair with parachute. For you, Top of Science, Stocker, there will be a dead body, worse in state than the rest they found near Halifax, when Swissair added the research billion, on top of the existing over-indebtedness of 16 billion, after the Grounding on Unique Airport Zurich. Ciao - mon ami, dear Friend - coming from the best of all worlds, with the dullest scientists, the humanity has seen since Jesus Christ and the Old Greek.."

Professor Stocker: "HEEELPP - no one standing by me? Where is my God? Jesus --- A  WALL --- THE WALL --- "



Listen a minute, dearest Forefinger Thomas Stocker - I just wish you and your IPCC, you will not be crashed during measuring the Crash. The After-World will write: Also this Scientist Stocker was nothing but a FAKE. He and his organisation never understood a jota of reality in this chaotic World. All what they did, was to use immense amounts of Dollars to prove to humanity that science has become of zero value - until the End of Humanity that was predictable with an average intelligence and commonsense of a 10 years old Child.

Well, let's come down a little, it does anyhow not make any difference if we kick the bucket on natural ways, by accident, or due to the dullness before 2100 in the basis of foreseen disasters in Economy, Ecology, Culture and Science. - And anyhow, responsible are those who in long chains of origins and effects could have explained what happening in real time.

But the politicians and scientists, they have become the victims of fame as falsified Heroes of Science - and they did never grasp just one percent of reality and of a planet having been systematically out-powered - because with small brains, never ever a human person was able to understand the real mechanics of the World.

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "CHAOS" / "PLADESNIEKANT" / "Are there other E.T. in the Universe?" / "All the Scientific Nonsense of 2000 years" and some other nice stories