Crazy America - Trump and Musk
The whole world doesn't get, what is going to happen
in USA - on the way down under….
Let's see what it is in fact:
Dismissing thousands and lower billions of Dollars? Forget it: Musk may dismiss the "Deep State", but notice that CHAOS will follow. He cannot prevent trillions of Dollars spread for nothing - the damage of such politics will bring USA eternal misery and damage.
God thanks - Trump got the eternal disaster of debile
Joe Biden and Selensky - and Harris would even have been worse. To stop the
craziness of Selensky was already too late - we now have the destruction of
Ukraine that can never more be financed by the rest of Europe. Putin wanted the
Donbass and that’s it. And the atom war is still an option.
Such Jewish Junk - our Trump will make it higher and
higher. If Israel attacks Iran, soon Iran will get the atom rockets and destroy
Israel in one day. USA cannot react since Russia and China will stop USA by
warning of a World War III.
Forget sending back millions out of USA. In very
short time the damage for USA will become evident and Trump must stop the craze
- not to be thrown out of the office - such idiot of zero intellect.
Trump and his crazy crew had no idea of the panic
caused by climate collapse to come. But it's much better as having European illusions
with Tesla and Solar bullshit of zero effect - as given in BAKU and EU expect
to have expertise in such bullshit?
MeToo and LGQBULSHIT of Democrats have different logics
on WOKE-craziness and built up Trump by their stupidity und created all
populist partys in USA and Europe and even worldwide. It's the best anti-Jew
and female program of all times.
USA believes to be the greatest Empire when being
nuts. But USA gets down the drain right now and BRICS+ will come up - before getting
down in total ruin - like the rest.
Old Europe is dead - England lost - Italy run out of
cash - Germany gets down - Ukraine is dead - East Europe in descent. What else
- and now come NATO war out of Russia against Trump - plus a traffic war with
Democrats are for females and queers and homos und Trans and against all workers and Amazon slaves. And they will never more come up and have politics of good chances. And our Trumpy is a rotten fanatic without one dime and IQ 36 - feasibilities gone for ever - the devil drives USA into hell.
Die Juden zocken Billionen ab für verlogene BONI beim Versuch, uns alle zu ruinieren.
USA is going to end and gets out of importance for
ever. Still World Police? USA is just the worst Swine after Hitler and represents
since 100 years some fine Killer Nation.
René Delavy - Côte d'Azur
written on November 15, 2024