GAZA and Israel - Who is the Victim?

Criminal Israel and Hamas' Gaza

Billions could see the war crimes of Israel during two weeks in January 2009 - and is still asking the question: 'Was Israel a criminal State by deciding on attacks, touching in fact world's civilisation, represented by Gaza folks?'

The World has gone crazy:

Israel bombs Palestine, in particular Gaza, back in the Middle Ages, silently assisted by the USA, and all other countries can pay the prize for it. In my country, not one editor in a newspaper, radio or TV asks the question why Europeans, Asians and Not-Americans should pay for a damage, they could watch every evening on TV, produced eagerly by Israel with the assistance of a stupid "war against terror" programmed by American politics and a funny bunch of crazy-gone U.S. hegemonics.

The World has gone crazy:

Immediately after the stop of bombs and missiles, the Red Cross, NGO's and all good-hearted people run to the place and ask for money resulting out of a war-crime that, at the beginning of the 21st Century, is still possible and cannot be stopped by the UNO and its "counsel of security". Security of whom? The one of the USA alone - to the detriment of all other countries?

The World has gone crazy:

One day, we will be asked to finance human rights tribunals of Carla Del Ponte for the war-criminal acts of Bush, Cheney, U.S. congress, Rice, Rove, Sharon, Olmert, his Generals and Livni. We will pay for searching proofs, the World could not only see on Murdoch's Fox-TV but on all channels of our free universe. We all know that a weak area produced by Israel themselves, has been bombed, just for Israelis wanting continue a WW II designed scheme, taking Palestine for hostage. And we all know that the U.S. government accepted under Bush, Israel to enter in his war against "terrorism".

The World has gone crazy:

Barack promises a "change" in politics with a "Yes, we can" formula. But in fact, he is bound to the politics of Reagan, over Clinton up to GW Bush and the power of Orthodox Wall Street. How could he pretend to change any cards and realities? Israel had always all privileges to turn down any decisions taken in favour of Arab States and in particular of Palestine. To leave GAZA was just a dirty trick, to get the chance for closing all frontiers and make a prison out of it. This reminds heavily of some Camps in Germany during WW II.

Some other Worlds have gone crazy:

- Russia ends up its tests for socialism and gives away the whole wealth of Ex-Soviet-Union to a handful of oligarchs; they wanted to atom-bomb Chechnya and found out that normal weapons would do as well.

- China replaced a good-hearted communism for peasants by a neck-breaking capitalism for stylish youngsters: they plan also atom-bombing Japanese Koizumi-shrines.

- Japan plans in its fight against world-terror to open some human-test-camps near Peking with a few over- and under-pressure chambers, making explode Chinese and South Koreans like in WW II.

- And the British plan that travellers should enter planes fully naked to be sure that none of them hides a Coke-bottle under his shirt.


You can see, dear Reader, that this World has lost its fight against terror long time ago - and that we all have become crazy: You pay for damages, other people produce in front of your open eyes and you believe that this is normal and pragmatic daily life.

If we continue to function on this level of intellect and low philosophy, we will soon have more folks like Bin Laden than chaps like our beloved George W. Bush, who in his best times had the total sympathy of 90 percent of Americans, including Barack Obama. -

Well, comparing the two, I don't know who will prove worse - in the back-mirror of history---

The world has gone crazy - and not one of us wishes to know, when this madness started.

That's enough, folks, for this day. You may think that this little sausage of a writer should keep his fingers away from his laptop and highest U.S. and Israeli geo-politics.

But I think that you should grasp very soon the logics of World's systems of insanity - not only in relation of Wall Street Finance crash, followed by Davos WEF economy Clash of civilisations, "possessing" some 100 trillion Dollars of lost values, worldwide in all banks, insurance, hedge and investment funds etc. - before it's too late for a real change and "Yes, we can!"

Let's forget about clean politicians and geniuses in Ethics, there aren't any - nowhere.

René Delavy - 19.10.11 

Sollte es Juden in der Dialyse geben, muss klar sein:

Diese Literatur richtet sich gegen die verwerflichen Juden der Wall Street, Neoliberalismus und Silicon Valley, Israel, Gaza etc. - Ich mag Juden und habe sie als Philosophen auch gelobt, z.B. Bertrand Russell und Karl Marx und Noam Chomsky oder Philippe Roth oder Tony Judt.


Muss Pankaj Mishra aus Indien wegen GAZA dazulernen?

Das Beste was es je gab über den Drecksstaat Israel, das Judentum, den Holocaust, den Prosemitismus von Irren und Lügnern, über die US Juden des Neoliberalismus und die Weisen von Zion, über die Neonazi des heutigen Deutschlands (eigentlich eine Rehabilitierung der RAF), die Differenz von Ost- zu Westdeutschland, die Araber als Opfer, die Verbrechen der Kolonisation und Vietnam etc. und alle anderen Verlogenheiten rund um den Holocaust und GAZA-Krieg der Juden-

Höchste Zeit, dieses Buch in allen Schulen des Westens einzuführen. 

Natürlich ist das Aufklärungsbuch über das Judentum in Israel von Mishra Gold wert.

Aber er sieht nicht:

1. Der Westen und die USA haben Hunderte von Millionen ohne Grund ermordet, wie alle westlichen Staaten seit 1650.

2. Die NAZI wurden nie für ihr Grauen im Holocaust und im 2. Weltkrieg bestraft.

3. Die Juden sind Kriminelle und Mörder nicht nur in Israel, sondern auch als Beherrscher der Finanzindustrie.

4. Die Gründung von Israel und die Kriege und Folter gegen Araber sind vergleichbar mit den Angriffen des Westens gegenüber der Ukraine als geplante Vernichtung von Russland und früher gegen die Sowjetunion.

5. Der Westen ist insgesamt ein Medien-Verdreher und sie verkehren alle Tatsachen wie ihnen beliebt.

6. Israel hätten niemals im Nahen Osten gebaut und den Arabern entrissen werden sollen, sondern hätte zu Lasten der Deutschen gehen sollen.

7. Die Amis und die Juden sind die perversesten Rassisten, die die Welt je gesehen hat.

8. Indien unter Modi ist nicht besser und eine Sauerei - wie in allen anderen Staaten des Südens - insbesondere der Antisemitismus als Waffe der Juden und AIPAC ist ein Graus.

Die ganze Geschichte um das Judentum, die Gründung von Israel, der Ursprung des Holocaust und Shoa, eine Macht des Prosemitismus und alle Menschen mundtot machend, ist eine einzige Fake- und Lügengeschichte des Westens und des Neoliberalismus.

Insbesondere was nach 1945 und vor dem 7. Oktober geschah, ist ein Skandal des Judentums und der USA - ein Mörderstaat, der Hitler-Deutschland bei weitem übertrifft und immer noch blöder wird und den Dritten Weltkrieg zusammen mit Israel erzeugen wird.

Ich denke, Pankaj hat noch etwas zu lernen.

René Delavy - Feb. 2025

Keine NAZI nach 1945 in Deutschland:

Mishra weist nach.

- Unter Adenauer gab es keine NAZI mehr - alle wurden Banker, Konzernleiter und Staatsvertreter und die USA akzeptierten den Mist.

- Die Deutschen wurden nach 25 Millionen Morden in Russland zu US Vertretern von Russenhassern und damit reingewaschen von Hitler.

- Nach 1945 entwickelten die Deutschen eine Judenliebhaberei, wo selbst den berühmtesten Juden der Literatur die Verlogenheit des Deutsch-Hitlertums nach 1945 zeigte.

- Israel konnte morden seit 1920 wie sie wollten und eine Million Araber enteignen und aus dem gestohlenen Land im Nahen Osten schmeissen und den 7. Oktober aus der Taufe heben und dann 15'000 Kinder ermorden und 35'000 unschuldige Palästinenser und keine Hamas sozusagen.

- Die Dorfzerstörung in Südlibanon wird zu Folge haben, dass die Hisbollah Israel in 10 bis 20 Jahren zertrümmern mit Raketen - Schöne Neue Welt!

Thanks God - Hamas had attacked Israel

And now Israel and the Jews go down the drain for all times and there is no hope to stop the process ever.

Not the Junk Jews of Israel are murderers - but this goes for ALL Jews worldwide - all finest Prosemits! (Wall Street ( Jew Bankers / AIPAC / WEF/ City of London etc.)

Middle East Disorder - made by USA

Criminal Disorder in Middle East - made by USA and Israel

The greatest "failed State" of the globe is the nation of USA.

But first, let's look into the two Parties of idiots, judging on matters and politics that happened in the Middle East from 2000 to today:

One Party says: We should have intervened in the Middle East

Many "experts" have judged after the Springtime in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Iran, that the Jews of Israel and the AIPAC Army of Obama and Bush should immediately make order in those lands - and they did in their rotten way...

In my opinion, it was highest time to get rid of terrible dictators in Iraq and Libya, but never in the rest, where it could have foreseen that the Muslims brothers, some fanatic religious Jews Group, would come with Terror and Sharia in the governments or bring to birth some armies against the WEST for making good for some past crimes and stupidity of USA, Israel and Germany.

But any such foolish intervention should never have been made by the FOOLS without intellect, the U.S. idiots around Ronald, Bush or the Nigger, but by some wise men from Europe, to dictate the Amis, what they have to do to get decent order in Libya and Iraq - but leave the rest with nice Assad, Mubarak etc. alone to keep the fanaticism of Islam out of the Middle East in free fall.

Americans and Jews of Israel are the source of terror in Arab Lands, of 9-11, of the today crimes and IS and for the rest of what goes to hell now, due to the idiocy of the JEWS of AIPAC and Wall Street bankers, full of shit in their brains, around the dirty Niggers Bush and Obama.

Second Party says: We should have left the Dictators

Some idiots in German, Swiss and NYT newspapers pretend, that we should have left the criminal and killing dictators, wherever they are in the world, as long as they deal and kill and torture like Pinochet and Videla in the interest of Western World, USA and Europe.

This is biggest intellectual shit ever heard:

It is true that they helped, Gaddafi and Saddam, to keep the terrorists a little while from Europe, but for what price!

The problem was, that the neoliberalism Jewish Shit of USA came over the world, instead of wise politics and economics as best example for the world's order, basing on intellect of Delavy.

In addition, any intervention by US. and Israel army forces should have been accompanied by very intellectual people to understand, how after those acts the lands would become nice democracies with some real justice in there, but since USA are really the biggest shit ever seen, with rich VIPs stealing all Cash from the Poor and destroying the Middle Class, how the hell can we expect from such failed idiotic STATE with his criminal Fed, U.S. Tea Party Congress, and a dirty Nigger like Bush with name Obama in the White House, to bring order in the world, or at least to the Middle East?

Forget it, USA should be atom bombed by Putin, who is no longer willing to accept the arrogance of the Amis and EU and NATO - near their frontiers.

The cripple States USA and Israel

It is clear that the most hated cripple states of the World are USA and Auschwitz Israel.

USA has brought the final collapse of world finances by Jewish neoliberalism.

Israel has brought Auschwitz and Hitler and Settlements over the Middle East and are soon thrown in the Mediterranean Sea for all times to come.

It is funny how USA and Israel point on the ones, that are much nicer and more intellectual and logical as they themselves, such as Iran, Russia, Greece, Italy and certainly not the EU killing Germany and the Tax Fraud Master Switzerland.

We can wipe out USA and Israel - NOW - but the world-collapse in finances and economics and ecologic time bomb can never more be corrected or stopped.

The future of the Middle East and Islam Terror

It is clear that the example of IS in Iraq and Syria will spread over the whole Middle East and Africa and there is no point, trying to stop the ghost sent by Amis und Israel over those areas in any given way, by army forces and even more stupidity in politics, coming from USA and the Jews.

Let's be clear: We are standing at the edge of U.S. Terror, Islam Terror, Jewish finance Terror and not one Media on this rotten globe can see the given situation as true and inevitable.


Whatever Europeans may believe about USA, the Finance Jews, Israel, Putin and China:

Those idiots are dead and out, because the finance collapse is a fact and can no longer be prevented. The economic disaster of neoliberalism is certain and no "expert" of force on this globe can evade the deathly matter. The ecologic time bomb ending in a total collapse of climate and weather machine is a bank, and can never more be stopped, it has become irrevocable.

It was the shit in the Brains of U.S. Congress, their rotten Presidents, the idiocy of NYT and Fox TV and the Jewish neoliberalism of Chicago shit that brought us the end of existence of humans in a world without resources, energy stuffs, but some stupid Japan and China and India before its collapse--  and USA and Europe being DEAD since quite a while of time.

And now go to hell and starve, the coming idiots of 10 billion of folks with shit in the brains are already condemned - NOW.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 10, 2015