Trump and Musk are bankrupt
why Trump must be bankrupt - not paying any dime for taxes since 20 years, the
reasons are down below.
Musk with his fantasies about Mars and Tesla got bankrupt too.
shit car can no longer be held as some fine climate changer.
fact, these cars go down the drain any moment for 1000 of reasons (see text
is the greatest bluffer of all, even higher as Zuckermountain, Bezos or Thiel,
those destroyers of USA.
go to bed and kill yourself - you all in USA are some little Musks without any
Delavy - Côte d'Azur
TRUMP - Bilanzanalyse - Trump is broke
Bilanzanalyse zu Donald Trump
Trump was
broke during his total business life - a criminal, a bluffer, a terrorist and dull like hell
Assets of
Trump always belonged to Banks and Russians (debts higher than assets!)
folgt hiermit die Analyse der Finanzlage des zukünftigen US Präsidenten TRUMP
aus meiner Sicht und jener von Mr. Fox (nachfolgender Text), seines Zeichens
einer der besten Accountants der Schweiz:
Analyse von Delavy
weltbester Wirtschaftsprüfer will ich, Master Delavy, die Bilanz von Donald
Trump untersuchen und sagen, wie es um diesen Betrüger und Wall Street Idioten steht.
davon abgesehen, dass die Juden der Wall Street und der Finanzindustrie viel
schlimmer dastehen als Donald, ebenso die Schattenbanken von China und die
reale Schuldensituation von Nationen wie die korrupten USA, China, Indien,
Brasilien, Japan und dem Rest, amüsiere ich mich dabei, die Bilanz von Donald
Trump zu prüfen.
Aktiven (Trump Assets)
dem Tages-Anzeiger besitzt Donald an die 3700 Millionen Dollar.
Etwa ein Drittel der Summe besteht aus Einzelobjekten in New York und San
Etwa ein weiteres Drittel besteht aus Hotels, Casinos, Golfplätze und noch
unverkauften Wohnungen in Florida und Las Vegas.
Der Rest ist der unnütze Marktwert des Namen TRUMP mit 250 Mio Dollar und
Managementverträge und anscheinend etwas Flüssige Mittel.
lacht sich der Fachmann schon jetzt zu Tode.
habe Dutzende von Gebilden in den Konkurs rasen sehen, die diese
Assets-Konstruktion hatten.
nun kommen wir zu den idealen Schattenseiten von Donald -
die Passiven oder die Schulden und das fehlende Eigenkapital:
Mensch weiss, wie hoch verschuldet dieser Kriminelle ist - bei Banken,
Aktionären, Russland, China, hedge funds und sonstigen dreckigen Juden.
Annahme ist, dass der Mensch weit über 3000 Mio. Schulden hat bei diesen
Idioten - und dies wohlverstanden als Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten.
EQUITY of Donald is zero since 2010
Eigenkapital von Donald
weiss, dass Donald seit Jahren keine Steuern leistete. Also kann man hieraus
schliessen, dass der Mann kein positives Vermögen zu versteuern hat und die
Schulden und Zinsen und Chargen dermassen gewaltig sind, dass der Mann gar kein
Einkommen oder Vermögen besitzt. Und wenn es nicht so wäre, würde ein
gegenteiliges Urteil auf purem Bluff basieren.
kommt der Hammer:
kollabiert der Immobilienmarkt von China und sämtlichen Megastädten der Welt
inklusive Dubai und Doha. Man wird sehen, dass dies das Immobilienvermögen von
Donald dezimiert.
kommen die höheren Zinsen auf seinen Mega-Schulden.
kommen der Tourismus und somit die Golfplätze und Casinos ins Schleudern, die
Marke Trump ist ohnehin ein Badwill und zudem kommen die Verbrechen der
Vergangenheit auf den Tisch und vielleicht wird er endlich vor Gericht gezogen
für die dreckigen Geschäfte bei den vier vergangenen Konkursen dieses Idioten.
im besten Falle aller Fälle, ist dieses Arschloch bankrott schon heute, den
Mann kann man spülen - er wird das Ende seiner Machtübernahme mit Hilfe von
Hohlköpfen nicht erleben.
muss gesagt sein, dass Obama ein mindestens so blödes Arschloch war und jedem
Juden in den Arsch gekrochen ist seit 2008 und dass die Hillary einfach eine
feministische Schweinin war, die den Schwanz jedes Juden der AIPAC und des WEF
schon im Maul hatte.
habe ich es hingekriegt, dass mein Report kein Aas mehr ernst nimmt und genau
diesen Effekt in dieser Drecksmenschheit wollte ich erzeugen - und bin
wahnsinnig stolz, wie ich diese Manövriermasse von geistesschwachen Paranoiden
einfach immer dort habe, wo ich sie will.
wird noch staunen - Schwachsinnige der Medien....
TRUMP possesses ZERO in the Trump Clan assets!!!!!
Trump is poor and criminal and a tax fraudist and dictator
All Republicans who protected Trump must be thrown in jail
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
in November 2016
Orwell TESLA Craze - Electro Cars Swindle
Electro-Monsters of GRETA
- 10 times worse as AKW
Greatest Swindle about CARS
Musk and Straubel of TESLA are idiotic
Criminals. E-Car mobility is impossible. In spite of Recycling there will be never
enough payable Seldom Earth and the house of cards will tumble and bring death
and destruction to such industry.
of the greatest crimes of humanity was the creation of AKW (atom
energy). Now the building-back of AKW will prove to be 10 times more
expensive as the creation, but the deadly ultimate effect can never be
taken out of the future.
10 times more crazy - are the new ELECTRO-CARS:
will prove to be some of the major TESLA-stupidities never to be
corrected, 10 times more effective in destruction as petrol or diesel
cars and using up for all times any seldom earths you could imagine.
And those 2 crimes are just the PEAK of the iceberg of 1000 human stupidities of modern PROGRESS...
The fear of mounting water in oceans is 100 times less dangerous
as the droughts, killing humanity in the 21st Century, together with
water floods and superstorms in exponential increase, down to death for
all humans in next 50 to 100 years.
By 2060, all people living in mega-cities
will be DEAD.
Orwell World: Next catastrophe - Electro Car
craziness of maximal mobilisation for almost 7 billion people goes on.
The sins of the past will never serve to let politicians, scientists,
ecologists, economists and popes understand where the voyage of humanity
will end.
the lesson: the explosion of prices of the fast vanishing oil and gas,
leads to a situation where families can no longer nourish their
children, or make plane-travels over 20000 miles, or have a third car in
the USA or Europe, and soon in China and India, for any group of middle
class fans of high technological life.
person should have understood, already 30 years ago, that this
situation is inevitable and that the day will come, when mobilisation,
mass coverage with food and water, crazy ways of life-style invented
since 1900 in the USA and Europe, could no longer work. And the longer
it will be made to work, the higher would be the downfall and collapse
at the end.
end is here now. There is no recall and no recourse. Not with these
governments, these parliaments, these scientist congresses, these NGOs
and Cash-Money Casinos of highest spiritual esoterics and
Now look a little bit the alternatives for our cars, driven by Petrol or Diesel:
Petrol and Diesel cars
technology, old by 100 years, still makes run about 90 percent of all
cars worldwide, and the new produced cars became not only bigger and
bigger, more powerful and more using up precious metal and other
resources. No, they used up all reserves of oil, created by nature over
billions of years, exhausted soon by about 40 percent of people on this
globe, only within 100 years, and leaving a deadly track of poisoned
the so-called "climate change" is not the problem: Billions of tons of
fuel have created on immense power of energy around our globe, making in
sort the that our geo-sphere got completely out of balance and will
produce - not only nice and warm weather in the next 100 years - but
huge droughts, water-floods, storms and deadly waves in oceans, not in
100 years, but since 1960 all years a little more and with more power,
even if the whole stupidity would be stopped tomorrow, the effects
would get on in accelerated scale and bury with its effects, apart the
collapses in economics, politics, resources etc., our children and their
children, until a residual humanity will stay in the burned woods and
shout: "Who, the hell, is responsible for that planetary misery?"
Hydrogen cars
are not yet built and they will not be built, due to the danger of
masses, when this very explosive stuff would be given in the hands of
even if cars would work, we still need all the material for the
building of two billions of cars, again, and the effect of the
petrol-cars would still be there. And in the Third world, they would
continue to 90 percent, to use up the old engines.
be sure that some stuff for the production of this high technology
would soon get out in resources and could not be replaced - and so we
would have a new and deadly mass-cemetery of useless cars, all around
our globe.
Biofuel cars
could cry like GW Bush and is sick-brain adepts: "Let's plant in
Brazil, Mexico, USA, France, India, China and all lands on this globe
some huge areas to make run and maintain our craziness on heat."
everybody knows by now that Bush is the craziest man on this planet,
all know except Israel, UNO, G-8, WEF, Econcomiesuisse and similar
bank-friendly buriers of capitalism. Sarkozy, Berlusconi and Brown are
equally blind, just as the Pope, but the rest of us should know by now
that this technology goes on the account of FOOD for the poorest class
on this mad-gone world. Any further word to this topic would be a luxury
for blinded fans of the impossible.
And here comes the winner: ELECTRO CARS
have you ever thought a greater stupidity? Electricity has the lowest
effect in transforming energy. And we have already not enough
electricity for our households, factories, production of aluminium and
all the rest.
now the whole traffic should go with hybrid ideas and hybrid cars, or
even worse, with full electro cars, the most expensive stuff we soon
will see, on this globe? And how to produce? With further deadly French
atom stations or better ones in Russia, China or India?
Or using up our poisoned rivers by 100 percent for mobilisation? Or
burning our woods, coal and oil to transform in current, to be used by
the most stupid species ever found in our immense universe, for cars and
can do it, and I hope you will do it, because the way of
self-destructions needs heavily to be sped up, to make the killing of
ourselves not so long lasting and endlessly hard to bear.
idea proves that scientists have always been crazy, but increased their
stupidity over all times since 1850, to reach the max of these days in
fact, I had written all this already in the year 1975 in my famous
"Orakel 1995" and all VIP who got the booklet wrote: "Some nice ideas,
but far too pessimistic, far too black-white, not really possible… just
try to do better and write fine novels on human EQ." Well, it has in
fact, as you can see, become possible, and now even YOU are starting to
get knowledge of true realities surrounding our life.
Last resort: Bikes from CHINA
Honestly, China
should be maintained as cheap producer, or the whole financing system
of our bankers' world will fall in pieces - in shortest periods of times
before 2025.
China produces again masses of bikes for all of us, we would have
tremendous advantages: No pollution anymore, no increasing costs for
immense expensive fuel and petrol, much of healthy sports and better
sanity and then, humanity will finally realize about the pleasure, when
going slow, of real life and how beautiful our dying EARTH has been some
times in the past…
thanks, for your attention, friends. Hope that WN will again take over
my nice Editors Letters. If they stop, they would never know what they
may have missed - to the detriment of their fine readers…
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "Orakel 1995", "CHAOS", "PLADESNIEKANT", "G-8 Congress of Ignorance", "Nice days will come over world Media soon" etc.
Article out of year 2007 in WorldNews