US Crime - Anti-Putin


Pro-Netanyahu Haters 


Who has his head in the asshole of the AMIS, must be some greatest greenhorn ever and have a brain full of shit.

Since 1945 – MeToo – we guess that US Americans - who seemed to save Europe from Hitler, when in fact it was the Russians – some believed, USA would be out of gold. 

But they killed over 100 million folks and allowed the dirty JEWS to commit any crime they wanted. 

They promised GORBI not to extend their US rockets to Russian and Chinese frontiers and thus provoked the Selensky war of fame. 

In addition, USA invited Netanyahu to murder thousands of Arabs before and after 7th of October. 

NYT – NZZ – Le Monde – ZEIT – Spiegel etc. ignore the facts - they tell lies and fakes, they creep in the asshole of Israelis and condemn great and intelligent Putin and his understanders. 

People without brains – like Biden, Harris, Trump, Selensky, Netanyahu and the Jews hate genius Putin and Wagenknecht. 

To be clear: 

Who falsifies history for murderers out of USA, England, Israel, Germany – must be gassed with financial Jews in Auschwitz. 

But history is just: 

Right now, USA is tumbling down to hell for eternity. 

Followed by England, Israel, Germany – and even China and India and Brazil and South Africa and all Jews of the globe. 

There are many Israel-USA ass-creepers to believe in God of Dollars. 

But in fact that Story comes to a terrifying end and Israel will find themselves in the Mediterranean Sea.



Its time to see Amis going to hell – inclusive Jews, Pro-Semits, female assholes, queer Woke Bullshit, Elon Musk, Tesla, Silicon Valley Jews and EU and the Russian haters as well. 

Time to go down the drain - all neoliberal Bullshit of all countries around the world – for all times to come. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on October 1, 2024  


Criminal TRUMP: 

Trump never possessed one Dime in all his life – all financed by banks and Russians and else. 

He sent killers to the Capitol and said to kill people there. 

He knew from the start that he lost elections. Even in 2016, he was not the real winner - and Russians manipulated the counting machines in Swing States. 

Not yet being in JAIL is the greatest justice Scandal of all Times. 

Murdoch must be killed as well and also the Israel Jews.

Biden - his Atom Bombs for Putin

Joe Biden offers Atom Bombs 
to Putin 


The most stupid President of all times after zero-brain Selenskyj, Joe Biden delivers all his US Cluster Weapons over NATO to Ukraine. 

As a response, Russia will cover up all towns and fields and traffic and some Ukraine area of Black Sea with such weapons. 

As a result, this rotten Land that wanted to bring all US rockets to the frontiers of Russia and China, will break into pieces and stop any exports. 

Not even wheat can be sold, because the EU lands will not accept such imports, being a forbidden competition of EU farmers. 

Sweden and Finland being taken up in the rotten NATO, Putin may not accept further any exports of Ukraine, of wheat and other products. 

In this case, this land will have a financial disaster not to be covered by the capacities of USA and EU and Ukraine goes to hell for all times – even without a real atom war taken up by Russia. 

The idea that some crazy TRUMP would have done or would do better as Joe is nuts. 

Considering the downfall of the US Empire just now and the crimes of the Jews in the finance Industry of Wall Street and City of London, we just wait and see the forthcoming CRASH of all nations – even without the deathly droughts and floods taking place by climate collapse in future and killing all 10 billion of idiots, living with crazy brains in 200 States. 

Well, this seems to be the present situation, but being governed by JUNK of tax-free “Deep state” of Jews, we better count on the FACT, to be dead faster, as you can count on ten. 


René Delavy - Côte d’Azur - written in July 2023 


US Army influences Russia

US Troupes destroy Ukraine
Crimes outside Russia  

Fake News in FOX TV of Trump und NYT of Biden-Harris pretend that Russian Troupes of Putin would make a mess in the Ukraine. 

FACT is that the Russian Army replaces the US troupes of Vietnam, Hussain’s attacks of USA against Iran, mess in Iraq and Afghanistan and 100 million folks killed by USA since 1650.

Instead of making atom war all around the globe, USA was cunning enough to bring Russia in the Situation to attack Ukraine and to save their borders from the rockets of NATO and USA very near to Moscow and St. Petersburg. 


It's not the question if US neoliberalism or Putin are horrible - but alone WHO would be MORE horrible. 

There is no doubt - Putin can learn all by the dirty cake of Chicago School and Mont Pelerin Society!


Now to be more comprehensible.  

The dirty Plan of USA

Since quite a long time, under JFK in Cuba and Reagan against Soviet Union, USA tried to bring Russia in a situation, they would be blind from hatred. 

It was a fine idea of skunky Nigger Osama bin Laden to sanction Putin and Belarus for a while and ask Ukraine to ask access into the NATO, to bring US atom missiles to the border as near to Moscow, as Russians brought Atom forces in front of New York and San Franco. 

It was clear that Putin would not accept at length such strategies and instead of the Vietnam armies and the Jews of Wall Street rotten finance industry, and rotten Israel being responsible for 9-11 and all wars in the Middle East and Switzerland making Tax Fraud for 5 trillion in disfavour of all nations – just to convince Putin to stop gas and oil from Russia for stupid EU and Switzerland and keep raw materials for themselves and starting some actions in Ukraine just for fun. 


The results 

The results for the Western World are great: 

All commerce goes now down, inflation mounting to heaven, interest no longer payable, China goes down with low imports and exports and the world order is coming to hell - thanks of USA.  

Atom War 

I would make some advice to Putin to start some atom bombs against idiotic German US arse creepers, destroy Geneva and Zurich and Davos, get rid of stinky Silicon Valley and wait for the answer of Biden-Harris today or Trump in the year 2024. 

At least, the matter is so god-damned funny that any stinker of USA must vomit or die from laughter, but this is just another story – Friends from killer-nation USA.  

Renée Delavy – Côte d’Azur - written in March 2022

The Russian “Z” 

The Russian “Z” stands for the CRIMEZ of USA in favour of all neoliberal Dictatorships in 113 lands since 1945, killing masses of folks in the interest of the RED LINES of USA against the rest of the Globe.

Putin’s Errors and false information of Russians  

Putin will lose the War and his nation, if he continues the way he did so far. 

Putin must do the following: 

1. Restrict the war in Ukraine to the most important matters:

The Crimea is Russian and the Eastern part of Ukraine where Russians live, as well. USA and EU guarantee by contracts that the NATO will not advance further to Russian borders. 

2. Putin must point out the millions of dead Russians in the last 100 years in the interest of Europe – also against Hitler Germany- 

3. He must explain the crimes of USA and 50 million killed folks by USA since 300 years and compare Ukraine with Vietnam, Korea, the crimes of US neoliberals in Argentina, Chile and the ugly reactions and silence (as compared to now against Russia) by Western media about US crimes. 

4. He must point out the crimes of Europe und Ukraine in the last 25 years in disfavour of Russia. 

5. He must point out why the Soviet Union was cut in pieces by Reagan, JFK, Nixon and other idiots, when at the same time, USA committed any crimes and murdering all around Asia, Africa and South America.  

6. The counter forces of Ukraine is the greatest stupidity: It prolongates the war by weeks and causes towns destruction and ten thousands of dead Ukraine folks – idiots of the west.

Very funny the CRIMES of Europeans, US Amis, NATO and UNO and WEF, having killed since 1400 about 150 to 200 million folks by: 

Extermination folks and races in any corner of the globe, futile wars, torture in the name of Jewish neoliberalism, crashes, nigger killing (so called by white US) or slavery and take it – when crying like hell about to attacks of Putin Russia. 

This USA nation produced the most criminal HOLOCAUST in history, larger as the Hitler holocaust on Jews, the killing of own folks by Mao and Stalin and any other national crimes. Killing natives and millions of civilians in other nations, is the TOP of crimes of all Times. 

Funny too the acceptance of “democratic” Switzerland, Delaware, Hong Kong, Singapore, Caribbean and 50 tax fraud paradises by millions of postal boxes and rotten finance companies in favour of all conglomerates and Rich class VIP per millions of persons, not be paying taxes in the amount of some 5 trillion Dollars – as compared to paying taxes of appr. 30 percent on all real profits on the globe and realized capital gains of the rich Class. 

Switzerland alone murdered one million Jews by allowing Hitler to prolongate his war through 1944/45 by their politics and actions in favour of the Nazis. 

And this listing could be extended by other 1000 fine points of crimes of the West in disfavour of all folks on Earth, when Climate collapse and my 10 commandments of death will cause 20 billion folks - being dead by 2099. 

When Putin shows to his people how the West tried to steal all oil and gas after 1989 plus all raw materials from Russia, he will have his folks on his side for some years and can end with a congress about, how Europeans want stop their attacks and the war in Ukraine during the next weeks. 

Do this or leave it – man! 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur - written in March 2022 




Immigrants – Fundamental Rules 

When we continue like until this day, we will have in 2030 solely right-wing parties throughout the West. 

Therefore my rules to follow: 

1. Islamists and Jews and Negroes don’t have to fuck like hell and produce 10 children per woman. 

2. All nationals stay at home where born and try the best. 

3. Some Migrants can come to Europe or USA when there is a chance they would be useful and behave. 

4. All criminal bullshit of migrants must get home immediately or stay in jail for eternity. 

5. All Woke Left bullshit, ask WHY-Questions: 

- Why there are neo-nazis all around? 

- Why do the left idiots not help the poor and miserable WHITE folks? 

- Why come idiots out of all Southern countries without even asking, if they would be welcomed? 

- Why should we accept gangs of murders in Europe at all? 

And some other 20 WHY-questions. 

There are so many bullshit brains around - that finally all will be Trump or worse…. 

Renéeee Delavie – October 2024