HARRIS as US Presidentess

Prediction HARRIS 


We know that TRUMP as Dictator will kill USA in joint venture with Jewish Israel and Selensky and there will result wars with Iran and Russia and even China.


But would Harris be better, better as stupid Biden being crazy? 

Not at all. 

Learn what will happen with female Harris: 

1. War against Russia and Iran etc. will extend beyond any reason. 

2. She will let drive the automatism of crashing US empire and fasten it. 

3. She creeps in the ass of Wall Street Jews like Trump, try to levy the Casinos of Stock Exchanges before the Crash of all of it. 

4. She will go against China and destroy USA, Taiwan and China as good as possible. 

5. She will do anything for females of stupidity and let men look like little boys – until the reaction comes with all forces. 

Never again, a female will become US President – after that Bullshit of Woke. 

Renée Delavie – Geneva and WEF Davos 

October 2024



Debate Harris - Trump

Presidential Debate – 

Trump – Harris


Both did not declare, why USA killed 100 million folks worldwide since 1945 and why they have millions of black folks in jail for nothing and how they want stop the breakdown of USA in economics and as gangster nation in favour of Israel against all other nations. 

But look at personalities: 


This man is a liar, a criminal, a swine of politics and he never possessed a dime, all his assets were always financed by third parties. 


This woman does not get that USA is not the greatest nation - with its criminal army and responsible for Ukraine and Israel genocide. She simply will lead USA in the Third World War and can never stop the breakdown of US Empire. 




Both creep in the asshole of Netanyahu and are happy that Arabs were killed by million through Israel and all other Middle East countries. They don’t get that all Islamists from Morocco to Indonesia will turn against USA and the Junk of Jews, the dirtiest race ever see.  


Trump wants peace because killing does not help. He would have made a deal and the war would never have stared, what is true. And Harris wants the atomic war against Russia and China – what sort of heroes without value. I bet a fortune that Harris will arrange for 200’000 dead people more without realizing her stupidity. USA just wanted this NATO war

Health Care and Climate 

Both in illusions about what to do. Just continue with fracking and let future generations pay for wars in economics with China and Russia and EU does not help. They both have brains out of shit. 

Both want the young and white folks to suffer with no health care and promise the heaven that will lead to the bankruptcy of USA any moment. 


It is true that Trump is the victim of his Evangelican idiots who would even let birth some Hitler after some father fucked his daughter. Harris thinks, when girls want fucking, they should also get rid of the consequences any time. Both have no brain.

Crimes of Trump 

Well, this man was a criminal by birth and cheating all folks ever. Harris promises the heaven on Earth - but does have no idea, that her land is just a heap of shit for all other nations.  

Liars both 

Where Trump lies just when opening his mouth - Harris is cunning and just talks of matters that seem to be true, but in effect she knows a shit about finance, economics, climate, the dirty acts of USA and to be proud to be “the best nation” of the globe when playing Hitler – is just a shame for USA that should get rotten. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

Written on September 11, 2024   

Putin eats Trump for Lunch? 

Well, he has already eaten Biden and Harris for lunch long time ago  and: 

What a fuss about the anniversary of 9-11 today: 

The USA just provoked it by 100 million murderers, such as Israel and the Jews the 7th October! 

Hope USA will get atom bombed one day. 


And how it goes on: 

Just deliver rocket to Selensky and continue the bluff of NATO against Russia. 

I tell you, some atom power like Russia will simply start some atomic weapons on Ukraine first , followed by some on EU and afterwards USA. 

Trump or Harris want stop their craze of NAZO and killing 100 million folks since 1945? 

Watch out, Israel must be smashed, the Jews gassed in Auschwitz and the US empire grounded. 

That’s what is going to happen – Small brains out of USA!


CRAZE around Donald TRUMP

Crime craziness about Donald TRUMP 


Never saw more WOKE idiocy around the greatest criminal in history about a politician – as with fine Donald Trump. 

This man should be death sentenced 10 times for what he did.

Instead of seeing his real crimes, the US stupids without brains want to get him by a crazy woman pretending having been fucked and got money for her not to say so - and further the amounts would have been wrongly taken in Trumps accounting system. 

This is even more of craziness as the FAKE with Weinstien, who just fulfilled the wishes of crazy women in Hollywood. 

The case with Donald TRUMP is even more of WOKE Fake as the one of OJ Simpson. 

Let’s see what the real crimes of TRUMP were: 

1. He destroyed democrazy of USA by letting storm the CAPITOL and invited his criminal Clans to kill folks in the US parliament. 

2. He denied having lost his election and influenced VIPs to falsify the results of elections in some US States. 

3. He produced bankruptcies in the real estate market by billions and criminal games around casinos – being a swine of the highest sort. 

4. He never possessed a dime and therefore paid no taxes ever and committed indeed the heaviest tax fraud in US history. 

5. He and his stupid clan falsified all accounting processes over years by help of accounting business criminals. 

6. He pretended to be rich and got billions of cash from rotten banks and Russians and folks - to destroy those amounts for nothing. 

7. He fucked around and raped great number of women during his life.  

This man has committed more criminal deeds as any other American ever and still walks around and can influence 50 percent of his comprat-idiots to want an even more crazy-gone US president as Delaware Biden or Nigger Obama and 10 other US Bullshit Presidents - having killed millions of folks in other nations.

They protected all JUNK of Rich Class and destroyed folks of the poor side of USA and other countries by free will of USA - a real monster nation. 

Under such conditions, USA should be wiped out by atom bombs of Putin any moment. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in April 2023

Criminals all around TRUMP 

The greatest Junk of USA is Trump. Pinochet was worse? Not sure. 

This skunk can elect Supreme court judges who just do what he wants. 

As President he can dictate what criminal will be free and what Cohen must stay in jail This is rotten USA - the worst Nation of all times, much bellow Hitler Germany who killed only some 6 million Jews whereas US killed 50 million and creeps in the asshole of Netanyahu. 

Cohen does not really know about accounting in Trump Empire – but Trump and his funny sons do. Having doubts Cohen would lie? My God – it’s Trump and his lawyers who lie in New York like hell. 

And so he just choses to be billionaire or having no dime for taxes because all in fact is covered by debts, his total fortune. 

In addition, je cheats his electors and does not help the poor, but favour tax charges in advantage of the rich class. 

Further he influences judges in a way that don’t dare to throw him in jails. 

His attacks on the state and the Parliament would be sufficient to any other person for 10 percent of what he did, to go in jail until end of life. 

Under such premises, the press, NYT und judges of USA should be thrown with AIPAC and WEF and Well Street Jews to Auschwitz in the gas chambers – friends. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 


Biden and Harris - some Failure

Biden and Harris – Criminal Failures


"Die Beiden" (Both) – Biden and Harris – are the worst US Presidents of all times. worse as Trump and Thatcher and Reagan and Bush. 

Here the Proofs: 


Against his assertions, Biden made out this land some second Vietnam and kept Taliban at power and is responsible for the misery of females and children since 2021.  


Biden charges dead finances USA by trillions of Dollars, keeps up the Omicron in all Republican Trump States (who should be sentenced to death) and cannot prevent the bankruptcy of USA.  


Biden and Harris defend Israel and Wall Street Jews with rotten stock exchange papers overvalued by 1000 percent and the coming Finance CRASH is guaranteed. Same for deathly inflation and murder to tax-free billionaires. 


It is clear that the masses of the South are still coming, this brings Trump back to power and the result will be some atomic war during his term.  

China and Russia 

Whereas Trump wanted peace with Russia and limited the destruction of US market by China, Biden just wants the stupidity of masses per rotten Democracy at power, some Trump, Modi, Bolsonaro, Johnson and Scholz and WEF idiot voters and does not see that in future, only autocratic lands, nations like China, can survive, since folks became duller all the time.  


By wanting growth and progress for Silicon Valley, he risks the crash of the Cloud and the Climate collapse destroying all lands and Water missing not only in India and Africa, killing billions of folks - but USA getting to the ground.  

Democratic Stupidity 

The Mass stupidity is advanced by Harris and Biden more as per Nixon or Bush or Trump. The US folks are together with Switzerland and Israel the most crazy population on Earth. And Iran is getting his atom bomb!


In Fact 

USA goes down to hell, the golden town on the hill is DEAD and “Die Beiden” (Both) will be massacred by their own folks soon and Trump will come and finish off the great corrupt nation and rotten democracy – USA in shortest time. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in December 2021 


 Joe Biden – worse as Obama?  

The question is, if President of USA, the worst nation of all times, is in geopolitics and economics worse as Nigger Obama. 

But first make clear something: 


Worst US Presidents ever 

There is no doubt that the criminals JFK and Reagan and Trumpy were the worst politicians of the globe ever, more as Hitler, Stalin or Mao. 

Hitler and Stalin and Mao were just crazy chaps that by accident became dictators of stupid nations. 

But JFK risked for nothing an atomic war and we would be dead today, hadn’t the communists of nice Soviet Union not reacted as they did. 

Some Reagan without brains brought the Jewish neoliberalism of Thatcher and Friedman over the globe and in the sense of “Evil Geniuses” by Andersen, destroyed the whole world in finance and economics – still to come. 

Trumpy was the greatest big Shot ever seen, stupid, a snake, tax cheater, blind and broke all his life and accepted by the most stupid mass worldwide ever seen. 

How the hell can Obama or Biden be worse? 


Nigger Obama 

I wrote very extensive texts about the hope, US Niggers and young shit would have had when this type became President of a heap of bullshit. 

All he did was getting the criminal Elite of the “Deep State” and shit banks of Wall Street free of crimes - on charge of low paid masses by trillions of dollars. 

He killed people abroad per listing like Stalin and there was nothing this person made in favour of people, except accepting the Middle East wars of the Israel Junk Jews. 

Nigger Osama of USA and his Junk Vice Jew Biden, both are responsible with Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and the Tea Party Rich idiots for 20 trillion Dollar of infrastructure rotten for all times. Only by increasing debts or tax for the rich human shit, some part could be mended, but this makes no sense. 

The Republican AIPAC Jews are responsible for all Banks with shares and bonds und derivatives without any value and therefore, the gigantique CRASH in Finance and Economy can come - NOW. 


The stupidity of Joe Biden 

But have a close look at the achievements of funny Biden (in German: “The Two ones” – say Joe and Harris). 


Funny how USA lost the wars against the Red Indians, against the Negroe slaves, against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and now the Taliban of Afghanistan and preaching not to repeat Vietnam helpless fleeing out of their destructed land. 

The greatest killer in politics were USA who killed 50 millions of innocents since the creation of this heap of shit of a Jewish nation.... 


The only way to stop the craze and end eternal waves of dead folks would have been: A worldwide lockdown of one month. 

Instead, Biden and the rest agreed on stopping trade and give again full freedom and such stupid folks of “freedom”, give the virus the chance of mutations and killing in waves millions of folks in 200 lands. 

As US president, Biden had no power over Texas or Florida or burning California, to intervene and force folks to get vaccinated. What a shame, even better as in Germany, Israel of the orthodox, Switzerland or India, where people were even duller as US Americans - what in fact was impossible.  

Jews of Wall Street 

The Biden was crawling in the assholes of Jews of Israel and their finance industry. 

In any case, the wars in the Middle East were kept up and atomic war became possible with politics against Russia and China. 

The neoliberal Jews of WEF, Mont Pelerin, Chicago School, AIPAC and all banks at Wall Street and City of London will provoke the greatest CRASH in Finance of all times and all nations shall go to hell, thanks to Reagan and Biden. 


Tax freedom for Rich Class 

The Delaware Junk is like Switzerland and 50 Tax oasis and the tax system of the “BIG 4” of accounting: 

Give freedom to the richest Junk ever, not to tax the capital gains of the mighty criminals of USA and the rest, in the amount of 50 trillion Dollars, but making all to get the masses deepen in debt with always lower wages for the poor. 

Biden like Trumpy and the governments of all nations, accepting such injustice whores and gays must be arrested and driven to Auswitz. 


Climate collapse and End of humanity 

It is clear that the climate collapse shall come soon and wipe of the map all folks on Earth because of my “10 Commandments of death” – in other words: 

Biden and Harris like Obama and Osama want in reality the effects of killing 20 billion folks in the 21st Century – and not one expert was able to describe the FACTS – except dear Delavy.... 



Yes, US Junk and Amis: Think of it, the worst politicians ever, the most stupid folks ever, the greatest bullshit of system ever and still Biden the best of all nuts? 

Now - have one big laugh and end your life!  

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on August 31, 2021