How to prevent World End

Saving the World 


One could have the opinion that Delavy should not write about the coming apocalypse and how humanity may die within the next 100 years, but deliver some ideas, how humans and the planet could be saved in the next future.

Well, even my brother meant after reading “Gedanken in Turin” (Thought in Torino): “Any idiot can write about the catastrophes to come. But what is required is how to save humans from going down the river.” My brother in the meantime is dead and because he said this to me, I never met him for 20 years until death. 

Now, remember how often I was writing about what would be needed to escape death of humanity until 2099. 

In “ORAKEL 2099” there was the whole second part of the report called “Loesungswege” (Ways of Solutions) and no person ever understood this lecture. 

Further WorldNews and Pravda published around 2007 the following text, called “The World will be done” - without any reaction of media. 

Further, there were dozens of explanations in my 20 books, why it would be absolutely impossible and not feasible to save anything in any area like: 

- finances - global economics- climate collapse -dying of species – missing water all over the globe – killing what so ever and what I published too my excellent “10 Commandments of Death”. 

So never again try to pretend, I would not have written about - how to save the planet from the self-made apocalypse – friends. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on April 5, 2024 


All 400 Letters - still on WORLDNEWS wn


The World will be "done" by the year 2025,Wed 10 Jan 2007


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Article by Guest Writer René Delavy. 

You are standing in midst of the Brazilian original forest, look up in the sky, out of a green hell, a yellow snake flies into your face, curls her tail quickly around your neck, looks grinning in your face, snaps forward and tears your eyes out and afterwards swallows you and you are dead as dead can be. Okay, I must admit: Brazilian forest is the whole planet, the green hell is the USA, the snake is the US-capitalism of globalisation, the grinning is not the one of a snake but of George W. Bush, your eyes are the two sides of human ethics, and the dead body at the end is the species 

Homo sapiens. 

Do you really believe, that there is just one politician, CEO, Nobel- price holder or philosopher, able to prevent our world from being "done" as a result of self-destruction? Naivety has its price, too. Just note the following: The World of Homo sapiens will be "done" by the year 2025, it may well be tumbled, will have come to the end with its Latin - and in any respects you could think of. The planet may be "done" for reasons of economics, ecology, resources and energy, due to a break-down of cultural life, or collapse due to all imaginable stupidities in politics. Nothing, absolutely no measures humans could guess, will prevent the final down-fall of humanity. Why? Think of the snake and have a look at the following arguments: 


What is happening now, worldwide on all continents, in economics can best be explained by following example: It was in the year 1998 when I wrote to all newspapers and TV-stations in and around Germany: "Swissair is going bankrupt due to false annual statements not reflecting the true indebtedness reaching now billions". Not one newspaper brought that shit. But in the autumn 2001, SAirGroup grounded for good, with an indebtedness of incredible 17 billion Swiss Francs or 17000 million or 5 million a day over a 10 years' period of deficits. Exactly this scenario is valid for all states of our globe. They are in a quasi-bankruptcy state to an extent we cannot size with our little minds. No EU-rules wanting limit deficits, no idiocies of the Worldbank of "development", no US-Fed-dullness will stop the nations from crashing for good and once for all. No government knows a way out, no UNO, no NGOs and no God for Esoterics would be in a position to do so. Thus the financial situation alone could make tumble all stock exchanges, insurances, bankers, old age funds etc. of the world and bring the economics to the edge of pure despair. The same principle is valid for all big enterprises of the world, in the United States, in Russia, in China or any other country, with regard to quasi-bankruptcy. But here, people should be able to read and understand my literature in order to get an idea of all the correlations insinuated above. 

Natural Resources

In fact this chapter belongs under Economics too. All the easy reachable energy stuffs and other raw material are nearly gone and will become priceless soon. These precious treasures are now transformed in small shot, oil and gas poisoned our air which soon will hardly been breathable, first in metropolis and then all over the globe and fresh water is turning slowly into growing cloacas. No models of "experts" in futurology can help, when ten thousands of planes are polluting our sky 24 hours on 24 each day, because these monsters are built and will stay in the air, just as about one billion of stinking cars, that all together transform our globe in one huge pest-machinery. Economy will follow its way - and the destruction of environment just as well. In addition, all energy and raw material will get out of reasonable prices - and thus, the connexion is given to the above indebtedness of states, enterprises and private households all over our planet. Nothing can prevent the final collapse, absolutely nothing. 


Around the year 1979, I have written the small script "Orakel 2099", distributed to all newspapers in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, with following opening: "We have arrived at the Point of no return. If we do not reduce radically the world population, the insanity of wasting all energy and other resources, poisoning the quality of air and water, we will soon be in a situation, where no government or organisation of the world can prevent the process of self-destruction of Homo sapiens any more. All theories of philosophers and theorists in economics in the past have pushed the idea of easy-going feasibility of human interest only. At the same time, we all have put the interest of the wellbeing of our life-platform, our Earth, in the ass. "Democracies = dictatorships of dull majorities" will never understand this reality. In addition, the most important formula of the present is not E = mc2, but instead: "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction". Exactly this prediction has arrived now at his final stage. No superficial and useless Protocol of Kyoto with illusive 10 percent of corrections on worldwide damages will have any effect on a situation which becomes more unbearable from year to year. Such "think"-tank stupidities or conferences are good for smoothing the folks, trying to turn off the fact that we have arrived at the end of all possibilities, long time ago – already about the period of the decade of 1970 to 1980, the period later recognized as "Point of no return". 


The machinery of craziness of Murdoch, Disney, Bertelsmann, Berlusconi etc. has achieved to take under control the whole world's intelligentsia as well as other "normal" folks. We are driven - by principle - in a mass-stupidity. Everything has become a cash-casino of false appearances, fierce grinning of the powerful in this world, translating reality in a stupid infotainment: Literature, theatre, operas, all superficial doings in culture, boulevard-press, TV-stations with dullest Berlusconi-programs, thousands of giggle-radios - in fact all media in favour of the taste of 99 percent of senseless folks, unable to sharpen their minds anymore – all this intellectual junk assists us in our downfall of a greedy species. With play-stations, internet and other brain-destroying scrap, our own children are educated to become cynics, growing insane, become criminal, taking heroin and other beautiful embellishers of our world, running for money and shares, terrorizing and humiliating other humans, animals and the Earth as a whole. But we are still wondering about terrorism, wrong maxims with regard to religions and God, cultivating a funny cult for eternal youth. All that represents only the beginning of the end, during a time we are trying not to crash a rest of reason and understanding. No power in our world will be able to stop that wave of growing stupidity. Even if all the uncontrollable problems with finance and ecology would not exist, this fact of losing control on reality of our reasoning alone would finish us, making soon kick us the bucket as a result of self-stupefying. 


It was equally in "Orakel 1995" (today "Orakel 2099 in the book "Lines driven to heaven") when I have written: "There will soon be coming a chap worse as Ronald Reagan and give our Earth the rest. This stupid will give the coup de grace to world-politics, economy, ecology and anything else, assisted by his crazy-gone hegemonic nation USA, and nothing can later be possibly done for adjusting a situation gone out of any control". Now, this has happened. George W. Bush is resurrected as second-born "Jesus". Not clairvoyance or other hocus-pocus has led to this prediction, but pure logical judgement about all the insanities in the most "developed" nation, dictating to the whole world a stupid Friedman-theory in neo-liberalism. 

We have now the situation where the most idiotic president we ever had, thanks to the dullness of his population, gets all chances of driving the states indebtedness into the gigantesque, at the same time playing all religions against each other and thus encouraging the world's terror to pop up for good. In connection with the craziness of neo-economics in Russia, China, India and other, the world position has long time ago gone out of any sense of reasonableness. All governments on Earth, if right- or left-wing, can from now on only "administrate" the slow-going descent of all systems on a lost globe. 

Possible ways out of danger

Hit by the foregoing perspectives, you may wish to read a few lines about positive ways, how to prevent the falling in the final trap of mankind's systems of self-destruction, tumbling in the Orcus of human vanities. How should our brains look on the world in future when we wish to be enough informed in order to recognize why our life-programs are just now collapsing by a multitude of reasons? In the meantime, we all are living like robots, willing to believe in simple truths, instead of grasping the true complexity of our reality. 

Thus we may wish to know what maxims should be recognized to correct our views on the humans' sense for reality: 

First Maxim: Not a World governed by money, greed, destruction of all natural wealth will save humanity. All we need is a sharp turn to a reduction of all our wishes, needs and consumerism. 

Second Maxim: We should build up a "Zielgesellschaft" (society of aims and goals) instead of a society of capital, striving for more and more and more useless goods and uneatable money…. that will lead to logical collapses of all imaginable kinds. 

Third Maxim: Autarky and autonomy are the words for a liveable future. Not "globalisation", neo-liberalism, deregulation, socialism, capitalism, consumerism, and all scrap born in the brains of a species that did never see its limits - and therefore has developed insane systems of living in the last 100 years. 

Fourth Maxim: "Reduce to the max". Reduce the world population from seven and more billions to below two billions. Otherwise, the world will be done by "mass-phenomenon" - even before our coming generations, our youth, will have reached the year 2100. 

Fifth Maxim: Eliminate or reduce all destructing technologies, like cars, planes, power stations, by totally changing human's style of living. For living well, there is no vital need for surpassing immense distances with high speed. Real life-quality should be: Clean air and water, food, space, natural land, quietness, fundamental needs for living - like cloths, shelter, housing, sun, culture and free times for useful doings. 

Sixth Maxim: Nourishment should mainly be produced where you live, like all the rest too (autarky). Transportation of goods over thousands of miles is one of the highest stupidities of the humans. We can have all we need to survive without this splendid circus of technology, by adopting a reasonable system of supply - without destroying our planet. 

Seventh Maxim: Forget all capital resources: Money, shares, treasury bonds, bank accounts, financing and derivative instruments. We don't need money producing non-correctible towers of debts that will tumble on all nations, banks, insurances and stock exchanges, in the long run. We need planning how to survive as a species, with least possible self-destruction.

Eights Maxim: We should live in symbiosis with animals, nature, air, soil, water - the whole richness of our planet, the sole possible platform of living for Homo sapiens. If we forget about this basic and not replaceable principle, we will soon be lost for all times. 

Ninth Maxim: Nothing will and can better without a fundamental change of thinking, a new philosophy, understood by each person on this globe. Yes, we need a change of paradigm in philosophy, psychology and science in order to guarantee the survival of our species. 

Tenth Maxim: Should the daily reality of living not be able to adopt these maxims in his mind, the humans can forget about a future for any generations to come. In fact, today, we are already lost, definitely and for good. Since about the year 1975, the "point of no return" has been ignored by a mental mass-phenomenon and has produced the results we can see at the beginning of the 21st century, with regard to the effects of a criminal behaviour towards the sole base of living, a potentially beautiful paradise, the human's platform Earth. 

What could stop the final descent and down-fall of this reality? Not much. Even if it was decided that an outstanding person should become the sole dictator on Earth, nothing could be corrected anymore, because 

- A reasonable brain would reject by far any exercise of power under the given circumstances, because he knows that there are no possibilities to save whatever we could think of. It is like with a plane crashed on the Sea and having no wings any more. This plane can never again be put in conditions of flight. 

- No government or UNO or NGOs could correct anything of what we have created in a process of eternal misunderstandings, during the last 2000 years, and finalized by a crazy-gone age of technology and money-casino of the worst kind. 

- The lines are driving to heaven, and time stands still. In other words: The sins of the past cannot be corrected in the present and certainly not either in the future of coming generations, that become dull and duller. 

- No might or power on Earth will bring the planes from the skies or the cars from the streets, no genius will be able to bring to an end that machinery of destruction of all our energy stuffs. We would require a rebuilding of society, but with the fast increasing mass-populations, it takes decenniums to bring new lines in reasoning, but time goes out, before the year 2025. 

- No editors company, no university, no form of education is prepared to stop our collective act of self-stupidity. And the adults and our youth will therefore not be informed and fully cleared about the real state of affairs. And in this situation, some universal genius who predicted our present and future, should come and force the situation back to normality? 

We may be crazy in believing any junk, without a shadow of a doubt, but certainly not to that extent. 

We have gambled away all chances of the future human society, we are sitting and grinning in our express-train, eat caviar and drink nectar, amuse ourselves to death - and thunder like hell in the wall at the end of a valley of misery - called "The end of all human vanities". 

And now, dear friends, have a good night. 

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth 

Author of "CHAOS" // "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung" // "Demokratie = Diktatur der dummen Mehrheiten" // "Orakel 2099



Humanity - How to survive?


SURVIVAL - What has to be done


This is an Insider Report about REALITY in the year 2012.

State of Affairs in 2012 

The World as it is, has no further chances. Capitalism goes now down to hell without recourse. The Planet will be gone in the next less than 100 years. Humans are on the fast way down the drain, without a future beyond the year 2099 - and don't know. 

There is no other way out than to repeat some of my arguments in my 10 books and to show, what today should NOT to be done and should not be done in any times of our future. 

And naturally - under B below - what should have been done some 40 years ago. 


A. What today has NOT to be done 

1. Nations should not try to get surplus instead of deficits, because it's impossible. 

2. Banks and Jews should not try to cover up their crimes, dictating more growth and profits and greed or austerity, because it's impossible. 

3. The rich Junk should not try to pay now their taxes of the past and stop their destruction of Middle Class, because it's impossible. 

4. Politicians, experts and conferences should not try to find ways out of the complete breakdown of finance crash, economy crash, culture crash and climate crash, because it's impossible. 

5. There is no point in cutting interest charges for nations or industry or private, by dictating the rules to WEF, rating offices, banks too big to fail around rotten Negroes like Obama or rotten WASP like Merkel, Cameron or the Pope of Rome, because it's impossible. 

6. The Idiots of Science should not try to replace atom, petrol, oil, gas etc. by alternative energy, because it's impossible and by far too late. 

7. The idiots of planning should not plan to get water and nourishment for 10 billion of crazy idiots in full paranoia, because it's impossible. 

8. China should not try to prevent their implosion, just as BRIC and USA and Europe and the rest, because it's impossible. 

9. The NGOs and their IMF, Worldbank, WEF, FED, ECB and Bank of China should not try to save the planet and capitalism, because it's impossible. 

10. The Humans should not try to become better, to stop wars, torture and the lies around "Human Rights" and prevent coming riots and the coming catastrophes and collapses, because it's impossible. 

11. Humans should not try to think and wanting to understand the World-Theatre and change anything to keep up the lives of the 10 billion paranoid idiots, plus a nice planet and their resources, spoilt oceans and lands and the illusion of having jobs and houses for all, because it's impossible. 

12. Humans should not try to become even more intelligent - because from Zero there are no degrees in betterment. From Zero intellect in destructing from 1900 to 2012 all future of coming generations, there is no way out to a bright New World, to a "Better World", when the existing one has gone for all times, because it's impossible. 

Now let's see what should have been done - according to my books rejected by all idiots of the globe as described above, to guarantee some nice SURVIVAL of Humanity.  


B. What in 1975 should have been done 

1. Change the whole system of education about the functioning of humanity, of the planet, of what is really important for humans, animals, plants and the Rest. The contents of all brains of humanity had to be turned by 180 degrees. 

2. Give all advantage at once to the maintenance of the planet, of our paradise, to our oceans and lands, full priority on clear water, planetary resources, held up a reasonable nourishment basis. 

3. Abolish capitalism, frontiers, nations, banks, conferences of fools, universities for bankers and Jews, the cash mentality in the USA, Europe, China, Russia and Greenland. 

4. Install a world "Council of Wisdom", dictating the rules of survival on the globe, with absolute power on stupid world politics of the today existing CROOKS. 

5. Building Guillotines for politicians, bankers, power people, Jews, rich sacks, false philosophers and scientists - short for all who will - and did - destroy from 1975 to 2012 the whole future of humanity. 

6. Explosion of POPS to be stopped, reversed and try to get not more than 2 billion of folks. No China, no India, no rotten Africa, no wars, no torture, not capitalism, just look out for preventing the climate collapse by preventing the mass production of planes, cars, transports, tourism, cruiser ships and no container industry to the max just for some 50 years - and then is emptiness in Space. 

7. Teach all idiots of children not to be crazy money-folks by the age of 5, killing the whole day some folks in their computers, guaranteed by Gates and Jobs and Japan and Korea, when the internet plus Facebook and Twitter and all the rest will with 100 percent guarantee shift a lot of Shit in the brains of humanity from 1975 to 2012, leaving no chances for a change out of "time stands still - and Wall of catastrophes mounts to heaven", because it proves to be impossible. 

8. The rotten mega-towns, culture for idiots, cinema of feelings instead of thinking, all books to be thrown away, mass production, mass consumption when all resources and chances of the planet have gone, is not a craze, it is the normal normality of humanity accepted by 7 billion of crazy Fools, by the year 2012. 

9. There should not be some God, Allah or other idiots protected by Popes of Rome, shitty Islamists and stupid American Evanglists around Jesus, Maria, Mohamed, Ronald and Thatcher plus Obama, Berlusconi, Murdoch, Bernanke, Schwab, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Hu and Wen and Singh and Lula and some other religious SCRAP, when God did allow the humans to become the worst animals in history of human mankind, producing a fine holocaust of animals, in comparison some Auschwitz was a festival for the Wall Street Jews, having destroyed all human Systems, leading today down to HELL. 

10. The Elite should not have strived for profits, destruction of a planet, higher and higher deficits of States, all power to the finance Jews in banks, stock exchanges, derivatives and state controls to dictate who shall be U.S. president. The Elite should have been replaced by the very little number of fine heads, understanding the world-theatre at least to 80 Percent instead less than 10 Percent. 


But I know well that this is spoken and written in the Wind. 

But the important thing was not to teach to idiots, that they have no brains, but shit in their heads, a FACT very clear to God and Allah and Jesus and Mohammed, but to make sure that at least ONE HUMAN SPECIES has described the situation of humanity in the year 2012 with some exactitude. 


C. Our Golden Future 

Our golden future of humanity is according to lying and rotten politicians, zero intellect scientists, philosophers with shit in brains, CEOs only interested in the destruction of Middle Class and Poor and zero Taxes for the richest Class, they all will be massacred very soon by the VICTIMS they have produced with their IDEOLOGY of Growth, Profit, Cash und Stupidity of the highest. 

USA has not 15 trillion Dollars of debts, but some 250 trillions. And this is the rule for all States inclusive Switzerland and Sweden. Plus - some 700 trillions in rotten derivatives still not valued in all balance sheets of the Banks, Hedge funds and the rest of time bombs destroying capitalism and criminal neoliberalism. 

Further, 90 percent of resources and energy have gone. The rest can only be taken under immense risks and further using up the rest of our finer sort of energy. 

A world with 5 and more billions of POPS never had any chance for survival at length, not in China, not in India, not in Japan - and certainly not in soon rottening Mega-Towns built by crazy architects and engineers. Who gets all the Dynamite Prizes for speeding up the downfall of "Civilisation" of Fools, some DEMOCRAZIES being nothing but "Dictatorship of dull and paranoid majorities" - never had the slightest chance for survival. 

Assume the world POPS would by wonder get my brains, so even by trying hard in all nations of the globe, there could be no changes for saving our humanity and the planet Earth, because it is impossible. 


But not impossible is it, to see the folks get duller each new day, reading just in all newspapers and internet and TV the common downfall of our reality and be grinning and fucking further around, because SEX is much more interesting than intellect, and this has been the major fault in the program of human brains, since Adam and Eve over Adam Smith, Keynes and Friedman - and the Wall Street JEWS just did the rest, because the other idiots of "Elite and Criminals" on the globe gave them the full power to put CASH over any other Principle of survival on this god-damned and rotten Globe. 


René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth 

written on September 4, 2012 


Human Beings have 4 Lives - Basic, personal, historical and real,Tue 14 Aug 2007

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Human Beings have 4 Lives - Basic, personal, historical and real

Article by Guest Writer René Delavy.

Each Human Being has four Lives, without knowing that this happens. Each human being has a basic, a personal, a historical and a real Life. Let us make aware of what we talk here: The Life-time of each man or woman - who ever populated our Globe, the Earth in the Galaxy Milky Way in an endless universe, embedded in an endless time frame - consists in lives on 4 different levels of consciousness.

1. BASIC Life

The basic lives make for most people about 90 percent of consciousness. It is the daily going-on of time. You sleep and you dream, you wake up, eat a little bit, hear news on radio, go to work, do your duty as well as possible, meet people, talk a lot, go home, meet family, play with children, watch TV and go to bed. And the other day, the same again and again, not reflecting too much about general and human life as such. And time goes by, day by day, year by year - and new people are born, others die, happy things happen or you may experience a catastrophe. You may survive natural catastrophes, like dryness or water-flow, historical catastrophes like wars or torture-regimes, you may go through personal catastrophes, like getting cancer, if you survive your destiny goes on, from day to day, and some time in the future you will die your natural death and be gone, without having thought much about it, all your life-time. - And so, this would have been your BASIC life.


The personal life is of a nature, not many people invest too much intellect and time to study about it. But each human being has it. The personal life is the one, over which an author could write a novel. It's all the comedies, dramas or tragedies of life - are happy periods and sad periods of time. We know them, the biographies: The life of van Gogh, the supposed life of Shakespeare, the life of Kennedy, the life of Gandhi, the supposed life of Jesus or Mohammed - and the life-biographies of all of us, our present and our future children. I talk about a overall-look upon ones total life, his or her achievements, the length of life, the circumstances having lived in poverty, middle situated or in richest surroundings. A life like an animal hundred thousands years ago, or a life in Ancient Rome, or a life in the Middle Ages, or a life when Hitler was here, or a modern life with planes, cars, electricity and internet. The decor may change, but personal life will always be there, under any history frame - and the value and feeling for life will be at all times, since one million of years, the same for human beings with regard to PERSONAL Life.



Only very few people think about their historical life. Most persons think that it is most normal to be at life when Napoleon asks you under his regime and go to war in Russia. Or to be voting for GW Bush who with hybrid folks reacts on 9/11 with terror-increase in Asia. You are interested in getting your salary, children having a good time in school and university, your spouse being in got terms and healthy etc. But in fact, we live embedded in a human history, with always changes screens, a never ending Hollywood history film, all of us acting as figures in a great novel, going on and on since millions of years. And the times of our personal lives are just flashes to go through in history, without leaving any trace, or if you become "important", you may stay mentioned for same time in history books. But being aware of HISTORICAL Life, from the morning to the evening, as child, middle aged or old, is very, very rare. But in fact, this historical life comes neared to truth, who and where you are or have been, and later basic and personal lives together.

4. REAL Life

Almost no person has any idea about the most relevant and important Life: The REAL life. And what I do in my Editors Letters is nothing else but trying to make you aware that you, dear Reader, have a real life. During all the time, your basic, personal and historical life goes on, something much more profound happens: Reality. Let's explain what reality is: In the frame of historical times, in which our personal lives pass by, we live in a Universe of times and spaces of endlessness, simultaneously in fast changing conditions, but in fact being slowness pure for human brains - and therefore not taken for fundamental importance in humans’ existence. And think: We live on a planet, a globe. And this is very important to understand, because your life may be dependent upon this understanding. In former times, your basic or personal life would not have changed if becoming aware of the real life. But today we have come to crucial and final frontiers on this Globe, the planet Earth.

Not only humans, but our planet Earth has his history also - and here again we can talk of flashes of Epochs, which may last for some millions of years, ended by an unknown catastrophe that may have wiped out 90 percent of all beings and species on Earth. Such long periods were followed by always shorter becoming epochs. And now we may have reached, not the ultimate epoch for our Planet, but the ultimate epoch for the species Homo sapiens, the end of human times.

Now "real" life is what really happens in the Universe and especially on our own planet. For millions of years, human beings lived like animals. But then science and philosophy were developing, always more and always faster. And today we are living in a fairy-tale of flying planes, rushing cars, power stations, atom bombs, ending resources, energy transformed in deadly poison, climate changing, weather getting out of balance more and more and bringing dryness and water-floods, short: A lots of environment collapses.

At the same time, we live in a Las Vegas tax casino, with Monaco taxes, with a scissor of few people getting for some time still to come always richer, and the big rest rapidly poorer. We are standing at the edge of collapses in economics, ecology, culture, politics - and don't understand one second that this alone is real life for humans - out of awareness of personal and basic lives.

Any person can write about basic life, any person can write about personal life, any person can write about historical life about human existences. But apparently there are almost no persons on this globe who would find the right words to make understand what real life of the special of Homo sapiens can be. I tried to do it here, with this text, once again, but as always, this will remain a useless shouting in the wind.

And during this "Nothing but a silent cry", during the time we don't think about to stop deadly procedures on our Planet, "normal" lives of human beings will go on, and all think to be able to understand basic life, some may be interested in personal biographies, some other may even read books about history, science, culture and arts of humans of the last 4000 years.

But very few will wish to know, how, when and why the REAL Life for human beings as a species, the Homo non-sapiens - in an unknown Universe with endless space and times - will come to an end soon.

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "CHAOS" / "PLADESNIEKANT" / "Nothing but a silent cry" / "Thoughts in Turin" 



Nothing but a silent Cry - World is now destroyed by "Hybrid-Brains",Thu 15 Feb 2007

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Nothing but a silent Cry - World is now destroyed by "Hybrid-Brains"

Article by Guest Writer René Delavy.

You are driving your car, on the way to an erotic adventure, your spirits are full with pre-meditation of what's going to happen - and all of a sudden, a child runs before your car. You think of letting the child survive, go on the brakes and stop the car. What happened? Your brain can impossibly have two thoughts at the same time. Not even René Delavy can. It is absolutely impossible to think of love and - simultaneously - the brakes of a car.

This is important to know when following the idea about the "hybrid" brains. About 99,999 percent of world population have a hybrid brain, which means that normal people can think in alternatives, but never in alternatives of thousands of possibilities. I think that Descartes and Blaise Pascal where able to this achievement, and I prove below, that René Delavy belongs also to this category.

What more is: 6 billion people heading forward to 7 billion suffer from the disease of "Hybrid brain". And this will prove to be deadly; it will cost the existence of the species Homo sapiens. And it does not help if a handful of "Pascal or Descartes" are living, perhaps, in post-modern times, being reasoning in thousands of alternatives when regarding at any topic you may name.

Well, it may be an achievement to think just in one alternative: Believing in a God or not doing so, believing in a Pope or in a General, believing in Bush or Hillary, believing in bicycles or cars, believing in money, stock exchanges, casinos or in the forgotten power of nature, making useless distinctions in periods of welfare and periods of depression - this all is without any further importance with regard to the total effects on the local universe of our Earth. Better would be, believing in the two perspectives - and to extend it to several thousands. But most of the people cannot even think in perspectives, the live like robots and function in the way, his "superiors" want him or her to function.

If we want to save our platform if living, our Earth, including our species, we must learn to read those who have the unique capacity of building up chains of causes and effects (Ursachen-Wirkungs-Ketten) - instead of alternatives. I admit that this matter seems complex, but it isn't when we go in applying it into practice.

A. Hybrid-Brains in Techniques

Take the hybrid-motor of cars: Al Gore, Jared Diamond, WEF and WSF, IPCC, attac, Greenpeace and other stupid politicians, scientists or organisations believe that here would be a key for better environment, all newspaper are, after the IPCC-Report, full of that idea. I say: That's bullshit, a dead-born matter (Totgeburt). Why? Because using batteries and electricity for cars will prove to have been the worst possible application of energy on Earth. We have already not enough current for houses, industry, trains, cooling and heating systems, all house and other machineries, computers and play-stations possible - and a crazy man wants to make run as many cars as possible on the planet with that diamonds-stuff? Crazy and dead-born idiocy! It will never function - in great masses, because there is "The law of the great figure" (Gesetz der grossen Zahl). And the maxim of great masses is the major problem with growth, energy, car driving, with having thousands of planes any minute of the day at the sky, with China and his adventure into its future collapse, due to the coming dead-end of a bankruptcy of the United States of America. Take whatever you want, you will discover - when not thinking in alternatives - the impasses immediately: Sun-power? You need masses of raw materials if replacing all oil and gas energy providing - and you find that you run out of dozens of raw material before even started with replacement of techniques. Same goes for any other sort of replacement of our oil-energy-world. You come immediately to new frontiers, but all the technicians and Nobel-prize-holders do as if there would not be any problems. Why? Because they have a "Hybrid-Brain" and can't think in huge figures or totalities. Without this capacity we can throw away all "geniuses" in all Universities of the World. Either they learn to reason on high level, or our growth-oriented civilisation will be collapsed by the year 2025. Because today, all lines drive to heaven and time stands still. We are going down the drain right now, slowly first, so we cannot see our collapse, taking place in front of our eyes, created by hybrid brains in the heads of the 99 percent of "Non-reflectors".

B. Hybrid-Brains in Economics

You want to know about one of the greatest criminal acts in economics? It's the perversion with Cheap-Airlines. They use up all energies that will become priceless soon, misuse existing infrastructure paid by nations by billions, like airports, streets, trains, transports etc., they make people work like slaves for an apple and an egg and they destruct the ecological basis of our world. And all bankers and other idiots at stock exchanges and chiefs of states applaud like idiots and the clients take risks in scrap-machines, they would never take, if they would be forced by a Nation to take similar risks. And all this is the heritage of crazy theorems, started with Adam Smith, continued over Karl Marx, von Hayek, Keynes, Max Weber and worst of them all - Milton Friedman and Karl Popper, pushing with unbelievingly mad optimism all vane rules of self regulation, producing by nature an increasing chaos, over which not one organisation or person in the whole world could effect proper controls anymore. Everything has gone mad, but we all agree with life-conditions as they are developing, in conformity with major "hybrid-brains" that allege: "Everything goes better from day to day." The pragmatists made believe all managers and CEO, including "normal" politicians and their folks, that we can increase growth, profits and happiness forever, without destroying at the same time our planet of living, our platform, our Earth. This is craziness of the highest category imaginable - and unfortunately never corrected by the reasoning of philosophers. But about those cracks of "intelligence", I will give an opinion further on. We are running in our own self-destruction with open eyes, happily eating caviar and drinking nectar, at least the richest between us, whereas the express train - or better the Cheap-Airlines - is heading into a brick-wall with great letters on it: "Dead-end of feasibilities created by Homo stupidentis". By the way: Did you know that around the year 2000, the greatest philosopher of the world must be, by principle and in union-of-person, the best accountant of the world, because the whole functioning of commerce, like industry, banks, insurances, services etc., is fully dependent upon knowledge and mastering accounting principles on highest level? There would not be such a thing like economy without the measuring of it, worldwide, with means of figures and accounting in annual statements and their analyses.


C. Hybrid-Brains in Politics

It's all the same: When solely reasoning in alternatives such as US-Democrats or Republicans, neo-capitalistic Putin or a Marxist government, Brazil's Lula da Silva or Cuba's Fidel Castro, socialist regimes of fascist dictatorships, Pinochet or Bachelet. It's all the same. Why? Well, everything is a question of what we are measuring. If we think of marginal differences about daily politics, it does perhaps matter what party or person or regime governs a nation. From the point of view of growth, destruction of environment, ecological blindness, using up all energies and resources of the world within ten generations, in all these fundamental question for our survival, it's absolutely of any interest who represents the "Skunks of power" (see my Editors Letter "Skunks of Power" govern our World). In fact, we could extend the stupidity of politicians by the one of CEO, philosophers, theorists in economics, heads of NGOs, bankers, UNO and any other organisations or persons, having some power on Earth. One of the greatest mistakes in the heads of the world-population is the belief that anything can change by changing regimes or persons. Now, read the following sentence one 1000 times: You may take a Conference like WEF in Davos or G-8, take World Social Forums of any kind - if all have about the same degree of intelligence you cannot accumulated the issues, you only get an average of overall stupidity. But take one universal genius, not being philosophers in the common sense of that term, as were individuals like Plato, Galileo, da Vinci, Keppler, Blaise Pascal, René Descartes or Delavy and you will have resolutions that exceed in its consequences the one of any World-Forum by the factor of 1000. You should learn to make the distinction by reading the following paragraph.

D. Hybrid-Brains in Philosophy

The great philosophers were never those who we believed they are. They have produced, with very few exceptions like Plato, Rousseau or Russell, pure rules of human behaviourism. It was always a question of how should we handle as humans to be successful, to be loved, to be superior to other animals, to govern the world as such, to become some sort of Gods. Never ever, with very little exceptions, the Globe as platform of living, was of importance and therefore, the philosophers pushed forward the idea, Homo sapiens can become a mass-product with 6 billion heads, using up resources, oil, gas, energy and all the rest, can transform it into deadly poison, thus destruction air, water, grounds - and the resources themselves. The reason for this craziness lies not only with the religious leaders of all faiths in the World, it lies with philosophers, technocrats, scientists, theorists of technology, economics, logics and all the rest, solely here to fulfil American dreams. And this was so already in the Middle-Ages, in times of Enlightenment and became its Peak from 1900 onwards to "Modern Times" as we have now in the year 2007. We all have become blind, crazy, money-oriented, believing in shares and bonds, in scrap of any sorts - and at the same time are destroying our reality in a speed largely over the one of Einstein's light; he also pushed this development of "Greatness and Vanity", when he tried to stop early Hitler by giving the atom bombe to some other Hitlers and Stalins. And today? We have only "Hybrid-Brains" of Pragmatics all over the Globe: Huntington, Fukuyama, Sloterdijk, Habermas, Agamben, Levy, Finkielkraut, Chomsky, Al Gore, Diamond, Bush, Putin - it's all the same. No universal geniuses in sight - only local viewers of apparent realities behind daily news. They will never find ways how to resolve the problems, humans have to find ways out of all impasses. Never! They still think in terms of adaptation, of "The little steps" of Susan George, creeping in the asses of the "Skunks of Power", hoping to get fame with some Prize of Dynamite - and understanding absolutely nothing about laws of big figures, of economics of nations and companies, or of accounting, they do not know what are: Banks, insurance companies, how function big entities in industry, energy, consulting etc. These "Hybrid-Brains" in their ivory-towers have not the slightest idea of reality in the Chaos we all are living in, at the "End of Humanity" - when driving with light-speed into the wall at the end of the valley called "End of all human Vanities". Pragmatism, sophism, esoteric enlightenment, post-modern beliefs - all the same useless shit. They make us believe that we have alternatives of living with wrong maxims and principles whereas we had always, since 2000 years, only one chance: Taking Homo sapiens out of the idea being the only important matter on Earth, and replacing him by the idea that we must help the platform of living, the planet Earth, to survive and to guarantee a style of life that would in the long run accept a crazy-gone species, restricted to a few hundred millions, instead of over six billions believers in the impossible.

E. Hybrid-Brains in Culture

There is not much to be said on this topic: The Western ideologies mentioned above have marginalized all other cultures, colonialists have destroyed one by one. Instead of leaving any new-born Jesus in the European churches, they grinned about cultures believing in the value of nature, plants, animals, water - all of which today are going to leave us, by pure idiocy to those representatives of Western philosophers and popes that meant to know, how the Universe functions. And today, far too late, we all are shedding tears of crocodile about a lost paradise, that would have been possible, had we learnt some lessons from Red Indians, Incas or other believers in the power of nature, the importance of taking care of resources, plants, air, water and all the globe as such, since we have only one planet. The ones who would have taught us how to survive with much less people than 6 billion were taken for little numbers, for stupids - and they were decimated by force, by a hegemony of power that we can today still experience with the USA, dictating US-capitalistic neo-liberalism as a basic principle of the world that is on the way of making some individuals or nations very rich and over 90 percent very poor, just before even the richest will also have lost everything. And China, India and Russia just now copy a model that in the long run will prove to have been one thing only: deadly.

F. Hybrid-Brains in Media

Here we come to the worst chapter of all: The media should have had the task of giving us the chance to think in higher degrees. With the help of almost all editing companies of the Word, especially idiots like Rupert Murdoch, Berlusconi, Bertelsmann, Disney, Springer and many other runners for money, we were misused to become dull and duller. Same thing with TV and Radio stations. Not the intelligent people on Earth became the respect they deserve but the always greater part of the dullest part of males and females on Earth, having just the wish of being amused, entertained and "informed" on the lowest possible intellectual level. And there is no distinction between written press or online pages in the net. It's all shreddering daily news, 24 hours on 24, no distinction of matters of importance and gossip. The stupidest president of all times - and similar figures on top of each media-set. The universal geniuses, still capable of overlooking the given chaos, do not get the slightest chance of being heard, and when they are published, they are shreddered through quicker as Einstein could spell out his most famous formula. The 99 percent of "hybrid brains" shout "Hurrah", when they hear on TV or read in press that shares of a Cheap-and-Scrap-Airline has exploded due to exploding passenger figures - and next infotainment being the IPCC-report complaining about fast deteriorating life-conditions. So "normal" participants in mad-gone life cannot even bring one alternative of self destruction in a proper relativity in his brain, mislead by education and false theorems of thinking. Such a world-society is lost forever.

Overall Conclusions

Considering all the arguments above, some of you may realize that 6 billion brains are functioning according to the rules of hybrid-thinking - instead of the art of universal views on the major issues of future humanity, Blaise Pascal around 1600 and René Delavy around 2000 have written about, mentioning thousands of perspectives that show, why we have only one chance of surviving, within the next 50 years. It's to change to 100 percent any kind of superficial reasoning of these days on Earth - in favour of a scheme of survival on our planet, in maintaining the rest of resources that are going to end just now. The world's total volume of air can be placed in a very small bullet, just covering Middle-Europe, and it is already polluted to the max, the mass of all water on Earth can be put in a bullet covering Spain, the natural resources are almost gone, transformed in scrap and poisoning air, the climate change is just now going to produce a huge rocking-chair of increasing dryness, water-floods, storms, monster-waves, snowfall and coldness, never ever experienced in the past. Forget the few degrees of increase in temperature! The major threat is this "Unbalancing of weather" all over the globe, because we shall never be able to leave this planet to find a better world.

It's time to change our philosophical view and our style of life, which in fact has already gone far beyond the "Point of no return". IPCC did not understand that the whole scheme is not a matter to be measured by scientology which is exactly the reason why we are lost. In "Orakel 2099" I have written more about environment, false developments in politics and economics than a million of square-heads, working for IPCC, could be able to bring to paper. Have we lost all chances for the generations to come, for all children, Homo sapiens would have had onwards the year 2000? It's up to you and than think, if under these circumstances a living for future humans would be desirable. Well, I rather think, that we have all done well so far. Much more of an intellectual misery about our future cannot be burdened upon our own children. And let's the universal reasoning stop here and give the liberty of free-thinking to the human masses of "Hybrid-Brains". Then, the process of unpreventable collapses will not take a long time.

Want to learn about possible "Ways out of danger"? Okay, go into page "rene delavy" and read the Editors Letter "The World will be "done" by the year 2025".

René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Orakel 2099" / "PLADESNIEKANT" / "CHAOS" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" and 60 Editors Letters