Greatest CRASHS of all Times
Here follows the Hit Parade of the greatest CRASHS to come per nation of all times. By 2099 all will be finished.
And note: I was never wrong in predictions – ever….
TOP – India
The greatest CRASH of all will find place in India. They have increasing idiots to 1,5 billion and no water anymore. In addition, they soon can no longer nourish their Idiots. Further, the Economy is bound to crash like in China and the real estate market will go under like overall in the world. And you will see some climate collapse and therefore damages killing by drought over one billion of folks without any brains and shit in their character.
Second – CHINA
Well, it starts well with the crash of real estate by billions in Dollars of non-repayable debts for 100 million Chinese Junk. Further, the market of export will crash due to the fact, that USA and EU will be forced to get down with figures. The land is coming into the climate collapse and like India, China has no water anymore and their coal industry will make evade all big mega-towns and youth is already now out for all jobs.
Third – Africa and part of Asia and South America
It is clear that Africa is dead land. They will never come up and the idea to nourish themselves considering the droughts to come and other weather catastrophes, it will be impossible to maintain such folks. In addition, the western world has stolen all of oil and other resources and given to dictators for nothing. Same goes for some like Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, many South American sections.
Fourth – USA
It is not clear if Trump or Biden will make the start of a fast killing the nation together with the Finance Jews. The war against China and EU and the huge debt heaps and the infrastructure rotten and fracking killing the grounds, USA is dead already today. No chance to come up again – ever.
Fifth – Germany
Even before EU, Germany goes down the drain. The exports
will fail, real estate come out of order, German products lose all attraction,
folks go to AfD because Scholz and Merz and Bockbaer - who have Shit in their
Brains and anyhow, the Russians just war costs German all they had. Germany is
quasi dead before they get it.
Sixth – EU
Well, all nations will get out of EU sooner or later because EU has killed all Democrazies of 30 nations and there is no other way to get control again, as if all nations get out. But in fact, some matters like over-indebtedness and climate collapse will do the rest. Nice to see such ORG dying soon.
All oil exporting nations will fail, because some
day, no oil or gas will ever be sold, since the catastrophes with the climate will
be so atrocious that any people who want fly will be murdered. Just note, what is
coming exceeds any idea of death and so such nations shall die just like India.
The Great Rest
Don’t guess how Australia or Japan, or Canada or Switzerland would make any exception – on the contrary. The race who will be first to collapse, is open and the given future of downfall will be very funny indeed.
Now – you may have another opinion - but remember - YOU just have no functioning brain, but just Shit in it – sorry to say.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written in December 2023
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