Activism and Passivism
We will never know if active action rules the worlds, whereas passivism could have saved the masses from death and self-destruction.
But let’s us see some facts about
My 20 books and 5000 texts and 500 critics against errors in judgement of philosophers and other authors could have worked in direction of saving our humans, to die in the next 50 years to come.
But the crimes of the rich class in rotten “democrazies” of capitalism got in a way to destroy nature, animals, and humans for all times.
Rich folks and corrupt mighty class never saw judges for their crimes in disfavour of the 99 percent – who paid up to 40 percent of their income to the State, because the rich made all on tax fraud and practically paid no taxes at all - ever, just as did their conglomerates.
In Switzerland (and 20 other tax oasis) such junk States prevent foreign-owned societies by help of the “BIG 4” of accounting to prevent taxation, to the extent of about 5 trillion of Dollars.
Naturally, when they should per OECD pay 15 percent of taxes, they lowered the real profits by 90 % and still pay no taxes - by fraud.
The Jewish governed banks and conglomerates are blackmailing all US universities, students, intellectuals – who say the truth about Israel’s crimes and killing instinct against Arabs – and so we have the proof how Jews govern USA with FAKE all around their fucking “Antisemitism”. Jews - please go back to Israel of Natan Juhu or Germany of Hitler!
activism is maximized by USA, NATO etc. in favour of Jews and Israelis,
cheating all normal folks of middle class and poor – when killing Arabs and
other folks, to the extent of 20 million by USA, NATO, who in addition delivered
atom missiles of USA to the borders in Ukraine and all eastern EU nations against
Russia and China - US Junk people believed to have an Empire which is lost for
such murdering activism - just such murder nations like USA and Israel should
disappear from all world maps.
corrupt Elites are active to lie about the real dangers of death, killing the masses
soon throughout all nations and there are no ways to prevent the collective
death of all humans in the next future.
The State of Switzerland and their police forces and judges meant that my Life partner would not have been too active in preventing my books and literature.
A rotten psychiatrist from Zurich and the press of such rotten town did all to activate pro-Jews, pro-Woke, pro-Semitism, pro-homosexuals, pro-queer, pro-gender speak, pro-Nato, pro-tax fraud, pro-cheating banks – against all victims of such crooks – and the State forces thought to extend such crimes against Delavy and other valuable persons.
Münkler historian wrote about the Jews Lehman Brothers bankruptcy – not realizing that ALL banks of Jews at Wall Street, City of London, Zurich, Frankfurt, Paris etc. had to be saved by trillions of Dollars and Euros when destroying the world’s finance systems already around 2008, when the real CRASH is still to come in the near future.
this crook believes we shall have 5 Empires:
USA – China – EU – India – Russia – not understanding the destruction of environment and climate collapse shall destroy humanity until 2099.
All the authors about predicting WHO of these FIVE will have by the end real power, they all ignore the FACT:
USA is on the way to hell (with or without TRUMP) – China on the way to its bankruptcy – India going to mass self-killing soon – Russia muss get into autarque state – EU will break into pieces - you see, no chance for generating power at all.
And finally, climate collapse, weather catastrophes, missing water and my “10 commandments of death” will break the power of 200 nations, in exponential ways, even before the year 2099 will have come nearer.
– The Mass world of corrupt elites and governments leave no chances: This humanity is on the way to the final hell for all times to come – idiots.
The masses are passive in the sense that they will never accept any waives and bans to their way of life and so, the are running into death and there is no chance to stop the great disaster, killing humanity within the next 100 years.
We will never know if we die by activism or by passivism – but to be honest, the chance to survive the 21. Century is almost ZERO.
You better prepare yourself from starving when collapses in finance, economics, climate and Empire show up – you should know – based on my literature – Your days are counted, don’t try to bluff around and away from truth and reality.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
on December 24, 2023