Joe Biden - First Genius

Joe Biden – worse as Obama Genius? 


The question is, if our President of USA, the worst nation of all times, is in geopolitics and economics worse as Nigger Obama. 

But first make clear something: 


Worst US Presidents ever 

There is no doubt that the criminals JFK and Reagan and Trumpy were the worst politicians of the globe ever, more as Hitler, Stalin or Mao. 

Hitler and Stalin and Mao were just crazy chaps that by accident became dictators of stupid nations. 

But JFK risked for nothing an atomic war and we would be dead today, hadn’t the communists of nice Soviet Union not reacted as they did. 

Some Reagan without brains brought the Jewish neoliberalism of Thatcher and Friedman over the globe and in the sense of “Evil Geniuses” by Andersen, destroyed the whole world in finance and economics – still to come. 

Trumpy was the greatest big Shot ever seen, stupid, a snake, tax cheater, blind and broke all his life and accepted by the most stupid mass worldwide ever seen. 

How the hell can Obama or Biden be worse? 


Bad Hope and Black - Obama 

I wrote very extensive texts about the hope, US Black and young Master of the Universe would have had when this type became President of a heap of what? 

All he did was getting the criminal Elite of the “Deep State” and shit banks of Wall Street free of crimes - on charge of low paid masses by trillions of dollars. 

He killed people abroad per listing like Stalin and there was nothing this person made in favour of people, except accepting the Middle East wars of the Israel Junk Jews. 

Nigger Osama of USA and his Junk Vice Jew Biden, both are responsible with Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and the Tea Party Rich idiots for 20 trillion Dollar of infrastructure rotten for all times. Only by increasing debts or tax for the rich human shit, some part could be mended, but this makes no sense. 

The Republican AIPAC Jews are responsible for all Banks with shares and bonds und derivatives without any value and therefore, the gigantique CRASH in Finance and Economy can come - NOW.



The stupidity of Joe Biden 

But have a close look at the achievements of funny Biden (in German: “The Two ones” – say Joe and Harris). 


Funny how USA lost the wars against the Red Indians, against the Negroe slaves, against Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and now the Taliban of Afghanistan and preaching not to repeat Vietnam helpless fleeing out of their destructed land. 

The greatest killer in politics were USA who killed 50 millions of innocents since the creation of this heap of shit of a Jewish nation.... 



The only way to stop the craze and end eternal waves of dead folks would have been: A worldwide lockdown of one month. 

Instead, Biden and the rest agreed on stopping trade and give again full freedom and such stupid folks of “freedom”, give the virus the chance of mutations and killing in waves millions of folks in 200 lands. 

As US president, Biden had no power over Texas or Florida or burning California, to intervene and force folks to get vaccinated. What a shame, even better as in Germany, Israel of the orthodox, Switzerland or India, where people were even duller as US Americans - what in fact was impossible. 


Jews of Wall Street 

The Biden was crawling in the assholes of Jews of Israel and their finance industry. 

In any case, the wars in the Middle East were kept up and atomic war became possible with politics against Russia and China. 

The neoliberal Jews of WEF, Mont Pelerin, Chicago School, AIPAC and all banks at Wall Street and City of London will provoke the greatest CRASH in Finance of all times and all nations shall go to hell, thanks to Reagan and Biden. 


Tax freedom for Rich Class 

The Delaware Junk is like Switzerland and 50 Tax oasis and the tax system of the “BIG 4” of accounting: 

Give freedom to the richest Junk ever, not to tax the capital gains of the mighty criminals of USA and the rest, in the amount of 50 trillion Dollars, but making all to get the masses deepen in debt with always lower wages for the poor. 

Biden like Trumpy and the governments of all nations, accepting such injustice whores and gays must be arrested and driven to Auswitz. 


Climate collapse and End of humanity 

It is clear that the climate collapse shall come soon and wipe of the map all folks on Earth because of my “10 Commandments of death” – in other words: 

Biden and Harris like Obama and Osama want in reality the effects of killing 20 billion folks in the 21st Century – and not one expert was able to describe the FACTS – except dear Delavy.... 



Yes, US Junk and Amis: Think of it, the worst politicians ever, the most stupid folks ever, the greatest bullshit of system ever and still Biden the best of all nuts? 

Now - have one big laugh and end your life! 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on August 31, 2021   


To prevent 20 billion verrecking in the 21st Century, we must come down to 2 billion folks – immediately. 

So must be got away with atom bombs China, India and USA: 

Further: Go back on one to two billion of folks and wipe out the word “progress” and “growth” – those were killing us since 200 years. 

Junk-in-brains like Andersen Kurtly, you are so much of empty brains – I must VOMIT! 


Better now??