Elon Musk - missed

Elon Musk – TESLA and Mars Skunk 


After Biden or Dony Trump, Musk is the greatest criminal together with Ku-Klux-Klan of the USA. 

It’s easy: 

Murk presents with TESLA the greatest BLUFF of all times in the market. Considering the damage of battery-cars, we can see the climate collapse murdering billions of folks, instead creating the one gallon motor.

In addition, the craziness of Mars rockets for billionaires, destroying our climate forever even more, the PANIC shall come over the world and about 2035, each Ami or other idiot wanting to fly a plane or drive a TESLA will be shot by the self-murdered masses of idiots in USA and the rest of the globe. 

It’s time to wipe out such US Presidents and Musks from the face of the Earth. 

- and Yellen can just bury herself instead of further attacking China and Russia by her Empire of nuts, going down the Drain just NOW! 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in July 2023

Orwell TESLA Craze - Electro Cars Swindle

Electro-Monsters of GRETA
- 10 times worse as AKW
Greatest Swindle about CARS 


Musk and Straubel of TESLA are idiotic Criminals. E-Car mobility is impossible. In spite of Recycling there will be never enough payable Seldom Earth and the house of cards will tumble and bring death and destruction to such industry.


One of the greatest crimes of humanity was the creation of AKW (atom energy). Now the building-back of AKW will prove to be 10 times more expensive as the creation, but the deadly ultimate effect can never be taken out of the future.

10 times more crazy - are the new ELECTRO-CARS: 

They will prove to be some of the major TESLA-stupidities never to be corrected, 10 times more effective in destruction as petrol or diesel cars and using up for all times any seldom earths you could imagine.

And those 2 crimes are just the PEAK of the iceberg of 1000 human stupidities of modern PROGRESS...

The fear of mounting water in oceans is 100 times less dangerous as the droughts, killing humanity in the 21st Century, together with water floods and superstorms in exponential increase, down to death for all humans in next 50 to 100 years.

By 2060, all people living in mega-cities will be DEAD.

Orwell World: Next catastrophe - Electro Car

The craziness of maximal mobilisation for almost 7 billion people goes on. The sins of the past will never serve to let politicians, scientists, ecologists, economists and popes understand where the voyage of humanity will end.

Here the lesson: the explosion of prices of the fast vanishing oil and gas, leads to a situation where families can no longer nourish their children, or make plane-travels over 20000 miles, or have a third car in the USA or Europe, and soon in China and India, for any group of middle class fans of high technological life.

Any person should have understood, already 30 years ago, that this situation is inevitable and that the day will come, when mobilisation, mass coverage with food and water, crazy ways of life-style invented since 1900 in the USA and Europe, could no longer work. And the longer it will be made to work, the higher would be the downfall and collapse at the end.

This end is here now. There is no recall and no recourse. Not with these governments, these parliaments, these scientist congresses, these NGOs and Cash-Money Casinos of highest spiritual esoterics and short-sightedness.

Now look a little bit the alternatives for our cars, driven by Petrol or Diesel:

Petrol and Diesel cars

This technology, old by 100 years, still makes run about 90 percent of all cars worldwide, and the new produced cars became not only bigger and bigger, more powerful and more using up precious metal and other resources. No, they used up all reserves of oil, created by nature over billions of years, exhausted soon by about 40 percent of people on this globe, only within 100 years, and leaving a deadly track of poisoned air.

And the so-called "climate change" is not the problem: Billions of tons of fuel have created on immense power of energy around our globe, making in sort the that our geo-sphere got completely out of balance and will produce - not only nice and warm weather in the next 100 years - but huge droughts, water-floods, storms and deadly waves in oceans, not in 100 years, but since 1960 all years a little more and with more power, inside.

And even if the whole stupidity would be stopped tomorrow, the effects would get on in accelerated scale and bury with its effects, apart the collapses in economics, politics, resources etc., our children and their children, until a residual humanity will stay in the burned woods and shout: "Who, the hell, is responsible for that planetary misery?"

Hydrogen cars

They are not yet built and they will not be built, due to the danger of masses, when this very explosive stuff would be given in the hands of non-scientists.

But even if cars would work, we still need all the material for the building of two billions of cars, again, and the effect of the petrol-cars would still be there. And in the Third world, they would continue to 90 percent, to use up the old engines.

And be sure that some stuff for the production of this high technology would soon get out in resources and could not be replaced - and so we would have a new and deadly mass-cemetery of useless cars, all around our globe.

Biofuel cars

I could cry like GW Bush and is sick-brain adepts: "Let's plant in Brazil, Mexico, USA, France, India, China and all lands on this globe some huge areas to make run and maintain our craziness on heat."

Well, everybody knows by now that Bush is the craziest man on this planet, all know except Israel, UNO, G-8, WEF, Econcomiesuisse and similar bank-friendly buriers of capitalism. Sarkozy, Berlusconi and Brown are equally blind, just as the Pope, but the rest of us should know by now that this technology goes on the account of FOOD for the poorest class on this mad-gone world. Any further word to this topic would be a luxury for blinded fans of the impossible.

And here comes the winner: ELECTRO CARS

Friends: have you ever thought a greater stupidity? Electricity has the lowest effect in transforming energy. And we have already not enough electricity for our households, factories, production of aluminium and all the rest.

And now the whole traffic should go with hybrid ideas and hybrid cars, or even worse, with full electro cars, the most expensive stuff we soon will see, on this globe? And how to produce? With further deadly French atom stations or better ones in RussiaChina or India? Or using up our poisoned rivers by 100 percent for mobilisation? Or burning our woods, coal and oil to transform in current, to be used by the most stupid species ever found in our immense universe, for cars and planes?

You can do it, and I hope you will do it, because the way of self-destructions needs heavily to be sped up, to make the killing of ourselves not so long lasting and endlessly hard to bear.

This idea proves that scientists have always been crazy, but increased their stupidity over all times since 1850, to reach the max of these days in 2008.

In fact, I had written all this already in the year 1975 in my famous "Orakel 1995" and all VIP who got the booklet wrote: "Some nice ideas, but far too pessimistic, far too black-white, not really possible… just try to do better and write fine novels on human EQ." Well, it has in fact, as you can see, become possible, and now even YOU are starting to get knowledge of true realities surrounding our life.

Last resort: Bikes from CHINA

Honestly, China should be maintained as cheap producer, or the whole financing system of our bankers' world will fall in pieces - in shortest periods of times before 2025.

If China produces again masses of bikes for all of us, we would have tremendous advantages: No pollution anymore, no increasing costs for immense expensive fuel and petrol, much of healthy sports and better sanity and then, humanity will finally realize about the pleasure, when going slow, of real life and how beautiful our dying EARTH has been some times in the past…

Best thanks, for your attention, friends. Hope that WN will again take over my nice Editors Letters. If they stop, they would never know what they may have missed - to the detriment of their fine readers…

René DelavyBerlin and Bournemouth

Author of "Orakel 1995", "CHAOS", "PLADESNIEKANT", "G-8 Congress of Ignorance", "Nice days will come over world Media soon" etc.

Article out of year 2007 in WorldNews 

NOW, TESLA and MUSK are destroyed forever!

The very great TESLA CRASH

The whole world is blind and tremendously stupid with regard to TESLA of criminal Bitcoin MUSK.


Accounting analysis:

TESLA shows a negative Capital of 6 billion Dollar – due to accumulated losses since foundation – and the management treats it as positive capital. In fact, such capital should be deducted from DEBTS on the liability side of the Balance Sheet!

This accounting betrayal of the highest: Assets (full of bullshit) valued far too high, make the difference of the accounting fraud - not seen by the "BIG 6"!

Further, it is shown in the net, that TESLA does not deduct accumulated depreciations on fixed assets - by several billions of Dollars!

And get it that TESLA has billions of non-valeurs and cheap immaterial Shit of Assets in the Balance Sheet – End of 2018…. – and never will see profits through years!


And all accounting experts of the globe did not see the evident CRIME.