CRASH – roll over Beethoven 


While 99,999 percent of stupid authors pretend that we will overcome all possible difficulties and collapses and CRASHES in the future-- 

-- only some Delavy writes since 1975 how all humans and Systems shall CRASH within the next 100 years. 

Let’s see what will crash in the near future: 

1. The finance market of the JEWS in Wall Street, City of London, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Beijing, Zurich, Singapore, Luxembourg and 50 other places and tax paradises. 

2. USA, China, India, Africa, EU, Switzerland, South America, Asia, Japan and the rest, inclusive the tax free class of billionaires. 

3. Will get out of all Water under the ground, over the ground, droughts, floods, storms, death, fire on woods, all world cities without water and death coming over 10 billion idiots. 

4. No energy anymore, collapse of electricity streams, material getting out, all infrastructures tumble into pieces, all towns decaying, banks and lands in bankruptcies soon. 

5. All poor folks will massacre the rich class und all governments and dirty judges in all lands of the globe. 

6. No jobs anymore, no rents anymore, no money of zero value anymore, all casinos of stock exchanges tumbling down to hell. 

7. All Woke bullshit coming to its end and all Trumps and populists being murdered by the masses and the tax-free class hanging around in any corner of the globe. 

8. Climate collapse not allowing anymore any farming, animals dead and out, bees no longer on the way, humans having no hospitals, no schooling, Jews of neoliberalism being tortured to death in 200 nations. 


And who ever believes to have read some bullshit, just tries to prove one simple error in this reasoning and having studied my book of 2000 pages: 

“Philosophy of Reality – Craziness of every day’s Life” 

and now, go and -- verrecke..... 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on June 26, 2023

Produce the World finance CRASH 

As the best Accountant ever and Tax Expert of PWC and Deloitte, I could easily produce the CRASH of USA, Switzerland or England. 

I know all tricks and crimes in accounting and taxation of the “BIG 8”  (today of the “BIG 4”) and there is no problem to launch a tribunal and call to LAW all idiots of accounting Tricks and tax Fraud of all consulting idiots of our globe, 

But I can wait still some moments of time, to start the CRASH of the dirty JEWS in all finance industries of the world – but believe me, the breakdown of the finance business and stock exchanges under Jewish neoliberalism is just a question of time – and then, the whole building will break into pieces, including China, Japan, India, EU and the rest. 

Make a BET?? 

René Delavy