FOX TV - CRASH of USA and China

CRASH of USA – CRASH of China - Crash of Europe


Some idiot of Germany and CNN and FOX TV with name Israel Kornelius, a Jew, predicts the total Crash of China because of its geopolitics against USA and Europe, the poor of Xi Jinping will prevent, but always full of aggression against US-Taiwan - being former Chinese murderers. 

Now, this fucking swine has no idea about reality:



The so-called democrazy of US is a fairy tale. With idiots like Trump or Biden or Hillary and worse, USA is going down the drain very fast. The Republicans believe in an FLAT EARTH and a God of Evangelicans and the Democrats believe in Gender-LGQBULSHIT* and even worse of WOKE. 

In fact, USA are going fast down with immense debts not covered in the nation, in 50 States and all towns, all banks, Fed, all idiots in real estate of together some 200 trillion Dollars. 

Worse is the situation in Climate Collapse, were 9 out of 10 Americans with zero brains believe rather in Profits of stunk Silicon criminals than in some droughts to destroy all crops. 

USA is dead as dead can be and about 60 percent of humans on the globe believe rather in Russia and China as in this murdering nation USA, having murdered 100 million folks since 1600. 

China in CRASH 

Xi Jinping is the only force that prevented a total collapse of China so far. With democrazies like in USA, China would be broken and on the bottom since 2015 – idiots. 

But Xi cannot save China. They have about 50 trillion dollars non covered debts, a real estate market just in front of its total collapse and imports and exports going down in future very fast and then, China will die a longsome death and not be happy at all. 

The environment and water situation of China is in a state where this land would be dying, whatever government-style they could have - on dictate of USA. 


Europe in CRASH 

Germany of Hitler - what it is still today, creeps in the asshole of Selenski, of USA and of China since quite a long time. 

The Russia attack against their NAZO established the truth how Russia may soon destroy European's possibilities of growth, to become independent of gas and oil, EU will have to invest Trillions on top of over-indebted nations all around and the finance collapse is imminent – poor swines. 

All just goes on and down for some while, when in fact Europe is in bankruptcy since some time – like China and USA. 



We can now see how idiot Israel Kornelius of FOX TV and CNN and NYT has been stupid with his very sick brain, but still miles above US Republicans and Democrats of bullshit and extremely low intellect.... 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on October 17, 2022


Die Rache am Westen 

Die Rache am Westen durch die zu unrecht sanktionierten Staaten wie Russland, Iran oder China könnte nicht besser sein. Mit der Zerstörung der Ukraine und dem Wegfall von Rohstoffen und Energien und Produkten, wurde der Teufel von der Wand genommen und der Westen in einem Ausmass geschädigt, wie es noch nie in der gesamten Geschichte der Menschheit je geschehen war.

Welch ein Glücksfall!