We are DEAD

We are DEAD

“We are DEAD – and don’t know it yet”

This is the sentence, by which I started since some time to end up many of my late texts and books.

The nationalistic and Jewish neoliberal Populists such as Trump, Obama, Clinton and Bush – and all other Chiefs of State only cared about:

One great deathly Globalisation, Deregulation, Privatisation, the Craze of Silicon Valley, Crypto Bullshit and Amazon tax-free criminals, making out of stock exchanges one big CASINO of widely overstated papers, destruction of State money and all currencies, plus destruction of the environment, also over some fine pandemics - and at the same time absolutely worthless ELECTIONS of idiots - were in the centre of a dull becoming mass of folks on Earth. 

At length, India and China and other overpops lands can only survive, if their own Mega-Cities be atom bombed before 2050. This is the revenge for not having limited world pops at 2 billion around 1925.

Since 1960, I wrote in all my books:

The explosion of population on Earth alone shall kill HUMANITY in the next 100 years!

Now, there are matters and truths that deserve to be taken for serious for all times.

The Great miserable Dying in the 21st Century

Around the year 1960, I got it that all Scientists, philosophers, liberal idiots of economics and Jews would bring utter stupid theories into our world - and this was always the case since ever.

Around the year 1975, I wrote my "ORAKEL 2099" and found that the situation in our anthropocene as the moment of "Point of no Return" - to say, from this point of time, never more the miserable Killing of the planet and of humanity could ever be reversed.

1990 onwards, the Jewish Neoliberalism spread out over the whole globe and it became ultra evident that the global finance industry and the explosion of pops and the exhaustion by GROWTH of fools would bring very fast the total RUIN over a bullshit world of the Amis and Jews within our rotten reality.

Now - in the year 2020, the miserable Killing of humans, nature and animals would not be the result of a pandemic catastrophe - but rather by crimes in finances, economics, progress of fools, rotten cultural life, stupid science and ecology, geopolitics of all idiotic parties from left to right - exactly in the sense of my books and "PLADESNIEKANT", written around the year 2000 - poor idiots! 

Revenge of the 99 Percent

As soon as the Collapse of Finances and Economics comes, the masses will murder all bankers, politicians, false scientists, Jews, CEOs, rich class and WEF Idiots and all the criminals of the world's DEEP STATE.

Is it true - what I write since 1975? ---

"- In the year 2099, humanity will be DEAD and wiped out and all philosophers, thinkers, religion leaders, politicians, science idiots and VIPs of all times were crazy and stupid to the max - and only about 100 people in all times understood REALITY".

- Now, this wording may be wrong - and in such a case, I was a bloody idiot without brains – and humanity consisted of geniuses like some famous GRETA or TRUMP.

- Or facts are the other way round: I was a genius and about 99,9999 percent of all folks on Earth in all times were crazy, stupid, blind, below real possibility of thinking in true terms and did know nothing about the true STATUS QUO – and Elite and Masses will be DEAD before the year 2099 will have come....

There is no choice, Future is given and the Downfall a guaranty - for rotten Life of Fools!

The question is quite clear:

Well, well, well, in fact, this question is secondary when humans around 15 billion are still Pinker-like happy around the end of the 21st Century.

Should however all humans, most of animals, the nature and about all we could think of be ending around the year 2099 by effects of our stupidity -

- this is now our real question, if it matters when some millions of idiots will survive and possibly see the 22nd Century, to die as late...

- when in fact the climate collapse, and all crimes in finances, economics, philosophy, religions, wars, the CRASH of the US Empire and China and India and the rest proves to have been true in all of my scripts since I started to write my books, in special the CRITICS about 300 idiots – meant to be VIPs of greatest FAME - of the last 3000 years.

Let’s see some factual TRUTH:

- Within the next 10 years, all finance matters of our globe will break down in pieces.

- Afterwards, all economic exchanges go down to zero and all of us will start to starve.

- The population of Africa and the rest goes fast down to zero in the next 100 years.

- We will miss water, nourishment, raw materials, sea sand, seldom earths etc. and – at some time in next future, due to the power of some 500 rich class families - all imports and exports go down to zero.

- Today about 99,9999 percent of all persons living on Earth are without any brain and this State of Affairs was increasing exponentially during all the time since about 1900, called the Anthropocene of Death.

There is no chance what so ever - that humans will survive the coming climate and environment collapses, foreseen in my literature since around 1975 – what I called “The Point of no Return”.

Now, get it finally: 

Either - I am a full idiot and other folks on Earth prove to have been normal and full of wisdom and common-sense all the time.

Or - I prove to have been some universal genius and the rest was a rotten TRUMP idiocy, believing in some Gods, Allah, the prophets of religions and other esoteric shit and in fact all humans were idiots and GRETA-types of wrong belief and driven by a stupid sight on reality - in late times after the idiocy meant to be some “Enlightenment”.

Well, the TRUTH will come up by around the year 2050, when the evidences are much clearer as today and facts become as evident as clear alpine water up in Swiss mountain lakes...

At length, India and China and other overpops lands can only survive, if their own Mega-Cities be atom bombed before 2050. This the revenge for not having limited world pops at 2 billion around 1925.

In order to save their populations and prevent mass starvation, mass killing, mass revolution, many of almost unknown towns in China and India - plus Cairo, Lagos, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Tokyo, mega-towns in Indonesia etc. will have to be wiped out. Anyway, all folks living then in a world not worthwhile to be at life.

Those killing us most, are types like Pinker, Popper, MIT McAfee, Trump and WEF Schwab and all Jewish neoliberal JUNK of our Globe.

And so, I shall continue to write:

“We are DEAD – and don’t know it yet!”

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written on January 26, 2020

Das Paradies

Es ist völlig klar, dass jetzt an die 20 Milliarden an Hohlköpfen und Idioten bis etwa 2099 verrecken werden - an sich selbst und meinen „10 Geboten des Todes“.

Als ich etwa 10 Jahre alt war, wurde mir bewusst, dass um die 500 Millionen auf dem Planeten ein PARADIES schaffen könnten, in welchem die Tiere so belassen werden wie sie sind, auch die Ozeane mit den Fischen werden in Ruhe gelassen.

Keine Technik der Selbstvernichtung, Zerstörung von Umwelt und Natur und kein Mist des Denkens ist erlaubt.

Religionen können sein, Sexualleben auch, alle gehen zu Fuss oder höchstens per Fahrrad. Die Distanzen werden mit Zeit überbrückt, allenfalls kleine Schiffe mit Segeln sind erlaubt.

Die Rohstoffe werden belassen, alle Tiere sind frei, auch die Kühe und Pferde. Jeder Mensch kann ein Haus besitzen mit Garten, die Menschen leben in Frieden, das Netz und Porno käme keiner Sau in den Sinn, man liebt die Natur und die Kultur und nicht die Massenevents des Blöden.

Regierungen ohne Ethik wären unmöglich und das Verstehen, wie unsere Welt ist, wäre das höchste Gebot.

Nun denn – es kam anders und was wir heute haben, ist der TOD der gesamten Affenheit von Idioten, und zwar geht es jetzt sehr rasch dem Ende entgegen, auch wenn 99,999 Prozent aller Idioten diese Aussage weder begreifen wollen noch können, weil die Gesamtverblödung der Massen durch die korrupten Eliten sich verselbständigt hat und wir jetzt an den Verbrechen einer Spezies des Übermasses verrecken dürfen – was ein Gnade ist, weil ohnehin jeder verreckt am Leben oder in Kriegen.

Was soll’s. Es ist jetzt so wie es ist - und es war gut so....