The worst Chiefs of State of the Globe

Trump or Obama – Who is more of a criminal?

Trump is the most stupid President of all Times – HE could only:

- Produce the highest pandemic craze of USA exceeding China, a hype of stock exchanges by indebting America, lower the taxes for the Rich Class, cheat his electing folks of dull individuals, creep in the assholes of Jews at Wall Street and Israel, have the lowest IQ factor around FOX TV, sending lies each day per TWEETS, produce highest bankruptcies and fuck ladies by his factor of idiotic Weinstien Charm.

This man is a fake and a shame and a black swan for our World!

Trump is the most neoliberal Asshole of all times. But the Jewish neoliberals voted for Hillary, all the bankers, the university junk, media, the elite and other SHIT. It was the VICTIMS of neoliberalism who voted for the greatest Stinker of all times - Donald!

In fact, Trump and Hitler are the most effective and stupid politicians of all times, but by far not the most dangerous.

And now some comparison between Trump (Reagan) and Obama (Hillary):

The most dangerous politicians were Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Obama and some 1000 Pinochets, made by Israel und US Congress.

Considering all FACTS, Obama was the most idiotic US President of all times, guarantying all rights to the cripples of Jews and Wall Street and missing the chance to wipe out those criminals (like Trump) who will destroy USA and its hegemony for all times to come. 

Trump gives up his government to the DEEP STATE per stupidity for his one-man-show.
Obama did it as the most deadly cripple of a Nigger - in all rotten Reagan-WEF-Times

Now about Trump (IQ 55)

(TRUMP - in German - Shit Human)

His Tweets are stupid and when he cries around in the White House, some of his comments may be unfriendly and FAKE. He creeps in any asshole of Natan Juhu or any other Jew of Israel and Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

But Trump is right about the Chinese and them destroying USA and Europe and our Climate inclusive the whole planet.

- Trump is right about the immigrants and the Mexicans in USA - and about China-Danger.

- Trump is right about the crazy Islamists and their black women.

- Trump is right about many things, all his predecessors never understood.

Only his criminal favouring of rich class tax-free Junk, of Jews, of those who destroy our planet, this goddamn ass is blind and below the intellect of any child-

Now about Obama  (IQ 56)


(Barack - in German - Shit House)

It was Obama who increased the danger of the Jews in all banking matters of the globe:

- Obama paid 4 trillion Dollar to save the rich class with the taxes of the poor.

- Obama made nothing in favour of the climate and pushed the future destruction of humanity.

- Obama accepted any crime of China and other idiots, destroying dozens of millions of jobs in USA and Europe.

- Obama accepted the idiocies of Musk, Amazon, Uber, Airbnb etc., killing all little commerce and extending the bluff of electro cars.

- Obama accepted the political correctness power of full paranoid females and students.

Obama did nothing in favour of USA and the world and was blind for the fast coming Crash in finances, economics and ecology.

And not even Obamacare, in comparison to Switzerland, was giving any advantages to the poorest class of USA.

Therefore, Obama must be killed long before the stupid Trump be eliminated - NYT Junk!

Read more details – about what I have.... Stupid!

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written on November 8, 2019 and March 16, 2020


"Obama - You are convicted to Auschwitz"

A piece for 3 persons:

- Obama - US Ex-President
- Delavy - Philosopher
- Judge - a Judge

Judge: Mr. Obama, Ex-President of USA, here this philosopher Delavy wants you to be convicted to Auschwitz for some Crimes. Would be nice if you answered to the criminal acts mentioned by this man, so we can find a correct sentence. Mr. Delavy, please ask your first question.

Delavy: Mr. Obama: You knew that negroes went to jail a lifetime for some grams of Crack. However, the bankers of HSBC, Citi Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan etc. did not see any jail for trillions in Dollars of wanted business in drugs, prostitution, arms deals and any crime done in the world - for this you should go to Auschwitz.

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: Mr. Obama. Like Reagan, Clinton and Bush and Hillary and Trump, you knew about the fact that the "rich Class" - to the detriment of middle class and poor workers forced to pay heavily taxes - those cripples and conglomerates and bankers did not pay any taxes, with help of legal tax freedom, Switzerland, Delaware and 50 Tax Oasis, and all this basing on the crimes of the bankers, the Big 4 accountants and 10000 experts - not charged also on capital gains in trillions of Dollars - you knew about this crime and accepted it - n'est-ce pas.

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: Mr. Obama: USA started on national Lies criminal wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria and arranged torturing to death in Chile, Argentina and 50 other nations basing on Kissinger bluffs of US governments and killed millions of innocent folks. Did you know about your own crimes in lands outside USA and forcing them even further?

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: You promised to close Guantanamo full with folks having done nothing, except being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Still your ordered like Stalin to kill anybody being no Jew worldwide - by drones and bombs. Did you know about your crimes?

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: Obama, you knew that USA and China and India and the rest did all by Jewish neoliberalism, to increase growth and the number of folks by explosion of pops  and thus it was an illusion to held Climate Congresses and to promise lower destruction of the Earth and you willingly bluffed all normal folks on the globe with bluff and gigantesque Lies. You knew about this bluff...

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: The whole world knew that the folks of Israel are guilty for the terror as reaction of Islam, such producing 9-11 and other terror. The Jews built the atom Bomb, AKW and they brought the deathly system of WEF neoliberalism and criminal finance industry in the world, leading to the collapse of States and the loss of fortune of the 99 percent about 2025. And all this was done with help of the crimes of Fed, ECB and some other Note Banks, on order of yourself. Would you deny such crime?

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: All oil and coal and fracking and alternative shit of Egon Musk, only served to use up all resources and seldom earths in very short time and at the end, humanity would be killed in the 21st Century, on order of US Republicans, Tea Party, Hillary, the dirty Jewish bankers, nations killed by trillions in Dollars of debts, China just heading towards his sub-prime crimes and water and air getting out. This was pressed in your brain by US scientists. Do you deny to have known all this?

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: The rich class not paying taxes and getting richer and richer and the other 99 percent getting poorer and having zero human rights and be sent in wars to be killed and you fucked around and had crazy speeches in Cairo and got the stupid Dynamite prize from Oslo. Did you know that you were not a US President but only a crazy asshole?

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: The IT business destroyed millions of jobs, got enfeebled in mind and stupid all women and children and most men on Earth, but you kept silent and were only interested in seeing the criminal bankers and billionaires getting rich and tax-free and having more rights than any other persons on the globe, the one going down silently to death for all times. You were informed about your crime.

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Delavy: For those crimes and letting explode Bitcoins and the "Cloud" and the fact that the finance business and USA and the globe collapsed, I order that you be brought to Auschwitz and learn, what it means to be a Jew.

Judge: Did you know, Obama, about these facts?

Obama; No, no, I knew nothing  because.....

Judge: After some studies with scientists and philosophers about the truth of the arguments of Mr. Delavy, I sentence you - Ex Presi of USA - to go at once to Auschwitz and tell God or Allah about your crimes - dear Mr. President. With you go all other still living Presidents, all Jews, all bankers, all politicians and all media folks, having known what you knew. We will have to organize some 1000 Trains for the voyage - sorry to say.

Obama: No, no, I knew nothing because....

Delavy: Justice is done.

René Delavy - Côte d'Azur

written on December 13, 2017


Entsorgungen und Rückbau
Die Entsorgung und Rückbau von AKW, Minen, Ölfeldern, Fracking, Windmühlen, Kreuzfahrtschiffen, Elektrobatterie wird Billionen kosten und alle Staaten zusätzlich in den Ruin schicken und dann können die Verantwortlichen jammern, weil ihnen die Köpfe abgeschlagen und die Haut abgezogen wird.

Bei der finalen Abrechnung mit Milliardären und Politikern wird das Blut bis ans Ende der Tage fliessen....

Netflix "Die Geldwäscherei"

Dieser sehr gut gemachte Film über die "Panama Papers" zeigt nicht einmal ein Promille der Sauereien der Schweine von Juden und Banken und "BIG 6" und andere Kriminelle - wie die US Präsidenten und alle Politiker, die um den Umstand wissen, dass die Reichen und Mächtigen und Konzerne beinahe keine Steuern leisten müssen, während alle anderen grauenvoll drangsaliert werden.

Es müssen nach dem CRASH alle diese Täter ermordet werden.

Der irre und paranoide Umstand aller Völker, dass Mörder, Kriegsherren, US Präsidenten, Judenbanker und anderer Dreck unbedingt zu schützen sind, dass die Täter weit, weit über ihren Opfern stehen sollen laut verlogenen „Rechten“ der saudummen Demokratien - widerspricht der Tatsache, dass im Krieg jede Sau zum Mörder werden soll und so viele Unschuldige massakrieren soll wie es nur möglich ist, im Namen von Religionen, Kapitalismus und anderem Mist der oben erwähnten Sauhunde.

Deshalb sind Erstere zu töten, sobald die Masse begreift, dass schon immer nur sie die Opfer waren - von den Mächtigen, den Konzernen, den Diktatoren und allen Idioten, die sich als Elite bezeichnen wollte.

Weg mit diesem DRECK – ein und für alle Mal!