Death of PLANET - All was Psychology

Nothing is real - all is Psychology 
(out of Book "Collection of Editors Letters)

The End of Humanity will have come, when nothing in our World would any longer will be REALITY - but about all will have become PSYCHOLOGY.

And this is FACT since about 25 years in all nations of our Globe.

In all my great Oeuvre I wrote that our world is NOT governed by our Microcosm of "Behaviourism", but solely by the Macrocosm of Systems - and nobody would see reality.

But now, let's take the same theory from the side of Psychology, destroying from now on to 100 percent humanity and our planet within less than 100 years to come.


You may believe that Obama (now TRUMP-Crook) makes anything different to GW Bush or Ronald Reagan. This is NUTS. This U.S. President is bound to do whatever Jewish neoliberal idiots would dictate. He is crashing USA in matters of finances, economics, culture, ecology - he tells about USA being save soon, when USA is going down the drain for all times to come. USA is bankrupt, corrupt, playing master of universe with nothing, all being stupid ideology. USA itself is DEAD - after having led the whole world in a final disaster in finance, economy, culture and ecology with a crazy ideology of Growth, profits, greatness and feasibility, where there was nothing but PARANOIA.

And believe me, the model of USA is the one of Japan, South of Europe killing the rest of Europe, of China, Russia, India, Brazil and all the rest.

What I write about Obama could be written about any politicians, but craziness and psychology make it, that all folks worldwide believe, there would be differences in Politics, when ALL of VIPS and a very dull Elite destroy humanity and our planet for all Times to come.

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.


In Finances it is even easier to understand the facts:

The Jews of Wall Street with some idiotic final capitalism found cunning ways, to destroy all savings and pension money of Middle Class and the Poor of the whole globe.

But experts, professors, politicians and rotten Dynamite Prizers believe that what was a fundamental ERROR in psychological thinking of stupid 99 percent, was just some time of lower fate and could be corrected with easiness, if we continued with stupidity and craze as done from 1800 to 2013.

Note that all States of the Globe are - today - completely bankrupt (as explained 100 times in my scripts) as well as banks, insurances, rents and then also all big conglomerates. But the facts, going into 100 or 200 trillion Dollars in "Values" lost today - at least - can not be read by blinded idiots of "normal" VIPs, since Psychology dictates that Reality is what we think, not what is going on around us - in all of our extremely dull systems of macrocosm

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.


Lagarde or Draghi or Obama (now TRUMP-Crook) and his Jewish experts can tell to the world, whatever comes into their tiny little brains. When all deficits of State are exploding and the trillions of Dollars of worthless shit still remain in all balance sheets, these Skunks cannot pretend that USA or Europe would get up again in deathly Growth, when the contrary is true:

A final downfall to hell in economics in direction of a worldwide Crash.

Let's see some points in technology and economics:


Gold had always in all times a real value and the real value is the question, how much of it there is worldwide and what else could be seen as value, when the rest of shares, bonds, real estate etc. goes to hell. But the price of Gold is alone dictated by daily psychology and therefore, it can be worth some millions a Kilo or less than 500 Dollars - all is possible and nothing is real. And this principle goes for any matter, alone dictated by psychology.

Shares and Bonds

Such papers are just papers or figures in a computer. The price is dictated by belief in future profits, innovation, craziness of modes and other unreal shit. And so when the truth about economy to tumble until 2020 becomes true, not one person would buy anymore such scrap of mind - and all banks, insurances, pension funds and saving will have gone down to hell - and nobody would understand under his rotten psychology, what happened in Reality.

Real Estate

Except for rare arts and other stupid beliefs, Real Estate are the last value, normal people seem to have a religious faith in their real value. After all, you can live in a house, don't we? But when we have Bubbles like we had in Japan, USA, Spain, Greece or any other land, there will in the complete and real downfall of finances and economics also a worldwide Bubble in Real Estate.

When we can no longer believe in the Value of Dollar, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Pound, Swiss Franc etc., there is no way to have a real estate market, basing alone on Belief and Psychology, but we shall see an absolute downfall of any markets you may ever have believed in. And all will prove to have been automatism of the most stupid Theory ever in existence:

- the belief that Capitalism and Neo-Liberalism could ever function without Crash.

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.


I wondered a lifetime, why people would be wondering around the idiocy how theatre or films would have just a little bit of quality or quantity of REALITY in them. But all is musical, opera, shine of shouting human stupidities on stage, nothing was ever real - all psychology of idiotic folks.

Same goes for paintings and other arts, inclusive literature:

Where can be value, when not one brain can read our "World-Theatre" - but millions of rotten brains of writers or artists do always the same and copy each other, pretending to reflect reality of human life?

It was so that the greatest geniuses in arts were only discovered long after their death and in lifetime, they were found to be idiots. When today the easy painting of van Gogh or Picasso costs some millions a picture, all is psychology and the wish to see great culture, when in fact and reality, it was just the work of an isolated brain who knew not more than how to paint in a few hours a picture of van Gogh or Picasso. Some goes for Music and dancing and philosophy and any sorts of "higher achievements".

People want in psychology see a genius, when standing in front of me, being regarded as the greatest idiot of all times, but later being handled as the one genius in the universe. When in fact, all the masters in speciality were just isolated folks with a special gift - and not one was a universal genius - not one, or I pay you a million for proof.

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.


The masterpiece of rotten humans without brains was given in ecology, to say the destruction, finished today - of future Climate, weather, oceans, land, producing the catastrophes to come, making real life impossible from 2013 to 2099, when the end of humanity will have functioned as only true theory of systems in all past times - and the last idiot shall have gone from the planet.

But the discussion today goes around "Green idiots" believing in corrections of change about one per mille of daily craze, alternatives in technology and energy, sceptics in ecology, scientists writing controversial idiocies the whole year long and media being too stupid, to read the firing signs on each Wall in each town of our planet.

But we have infrastructure to get rotten for 500 trillion Dollars, no State ever could keep at life or be re-financed. We have mega-cities dying very soon and each one killing the next in a fight for water, nourishment, energy, resources and the right to life for his stupid family or mafia Clan - and the Obamas of the world, those rotten Jewish and black souls, will shout, why folks should get "normal" again - when all systems dictate in REALITY the complete downfall of all functions in finance, economy, politics, culture and ecology.

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.

The full dullness of the 99 Percent

You may raise the question, why our famous ELITE is dull and blinded to the max in these matters. Well, I asked the same question when young, but some 25 years ago I understood the facts and figures and the immense stupidity of all important persons of the Globe, having in general much less of IQ than Apes or those simple workers and peasants and housewives, living an easy and normal life.

But the idiocy was growing and growing and today, the 99 percent believe in CASH, in Islam or Pope Francis, they have faith in the value of their corps and faces and internet and scripts of biggest intellectual shit ever seen in human history - and cannot get that we are on a Travel to death, when all idiots of higher VIPs pretend how lovely we all are living in the "Best of Worlds" ever seen on Earth.

I am not again repeating what was written in my books, but when you start to read them and understanding about 10 percent of its contents, you may wake up for the first time in your lifetime and commit suicide, after having seen:

And this is our Reality - the rest is pure shit of Psychology.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 30, 2013