USA - contra Russia - pro China

USA - contra Russia - pro China
Timothy Snyder - brainless Idiot

The most criminal State of all times - USA - was since some time contra Russia or Soviet Union -  and pro China.

This FACT will kill USA, Russia and China and the whole world from 1950 to 2050.

And here the PROOFS:

USA Pro China

China destroyed since 30 years some 100 million jobs, not only in the USA but altogether in 200 nations of the globe. (Same process now with AMAZON.)

In this way China became the highest economic force of our world today, left any sort of socialism and Marxism behind and became the most neoliberal shit ever, basing on US bullshit of Friedman, Popper, Chicago school, WEF Davos, Mont Pelerin Society and worse.

Trump now - for the first time - seems to give CONTRA against this deathly Chinese power, but it is too late by 2018.

USA goes down the drain forever now and there is no chance, this dirty Jewish land USA will not go in bankruptcy in the nearest future.

Worse is the FATE of China, dependent on imports and exports to 100 percent and having 50 trillion Dollar of uncovered debts - China is DEAD already now, has a gigantesque problem with nature, soil, water and climate and no chance to survive, whatever noise they make about their Silk Road.

USA Contra Russia

What a fuss about gaining the RACE of capitalism and neoliberalism against the Marxism of Soviet Union, crazy politics of Thatcher and Reagan.

Not one idiot in Science told USA that the Phyrus victory would be the end of the world, of 200 nations who believed in technology, masses of 10 billion idiots on Earth, eternal growth and progress and killing our finances, world economy, making stupid and crazy the masses and dying at the end under some deathly CLIMATE.

Trump understood under heavy debts in favour of his Russian oligarchs (who in effect owned his dead empire - as China owned USA) that he had only a chance for himself and USA, if making a good game with Putin.

But in the meantime, the Republicans and Democrats of Hillary and other human scrap were so much against Russia, that they tried to kill the economy of Russia  - and of China - and did in fact never understand that this would kill USA, Europe and the rest of the Globe.

Until now the Third atomic World War was not yet brought into the game, but for sure Trump has his finger on the Red Button and he phones each night with Putin to ask, what they should do, not to fall down in the underground forever.

As written in all my books, there is no chance whatsoever that our world of 200 nations would not "verrecken" within the next 50 to 100 years,

basing on a CRASH of finances, the crimes of the Jews, the increase in dullness of the 99 percent, and finally we will have no water, no resources, no energy, no sea sand, no seldom earth and weather conditions and a climate to die for all times - and there is not the slightest chance to end the process - going on each day a little faster and faster towards a dead globe.

We all are DEAD - and don't know....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on August 27, 2019