Sense of Life - A lifelong DEAD

You are a lifelong dead

The Sense of Life

All Folks on Earth in all times asked themselves: What life and death mean and what the Sense of Life could well be.

The only thing that really was - was I

Here you learn all you need:

The Presence

There is no PRESENCE and never has been:

Within any nano-second - ALL is past and future - no presence.

There has never been a presence.

All what has to do with the PAST TIMES, is gone for ever and therefore is without any importance anymore. You cannot change anything to it. All what has been done in all lands on the Earth in all times, has an effect on the future and you can't change the power of destruction going on to destroy humanity in the 21st Century.

Therefore, anything you do NOW, has to do with the FUTURE and this is the only thing to be of interest, since there is no PRESENCE and PAST remains without any influence ever.


We do not know what is Time and what is Space.

Whatever you learn about the relativity of Einstein, is for nuts. All there is, is that the JEWS around Einstein created the atom bomb on which FACT we shall be starving or dying very soon, in view of my "10 Commandments of Death" describing how we will be killed and be dead soon - within the next 100 years.

Time is eternal and this is not to be understood. And Space is unlimited and there is no way our brain can grasp this fact.

Life and death in this context can never be understood by the small brain of the dirtiest animal ever living without sense with torture and wars - the human shit race, killed by themselves.


Life has its sense alone by the fact that we are finally DEAD for eternity.

We cannot understand the sense of life, if not viewing it from the death and non-existence of an individual after Death in eternity.

We were living an Earth for a nano-second only in eternity of times, just to be away for ever and only the memory for another nano-second by over-living animals could be of value - if humans could be of value - which is never the case.


Life starts by birth (never before), lasts between a few seconds and over 100 years, and is surrounded by eternal darkness before and after life. It has its sense only by the overwhelming feeling to be "here". Considering the fact that humans never did anything else but destroy our planet, there cannot be any sense in life and death.

And therefore, humans with two sexes (like any animal) are on Earth just to do something like have sex and wars, kill in the name of religions, destroy all animals, nature, oceans, the atmosphere and whatever we could - with help of technology, growths, machinery and greed of Jews in their banks and having systems like Marxism and Neoliberalism, killing first all our poor folks, extending to 99 percent and see the rich class massacred during the CRASH of finances and economics, put in the world by the power of idiots without any brains in the 21st Century.


The most import matter of humans during life - is SEX. Although sex and making children and crying for lust and ecstasy, having the penis inside the woman body, the sense and true aim of sex is alone the explosion of humans by numbers on the small and helpless Earth, killing such the rest of nature, animals, fishes and the future - but this is too complicated for your idiotic small brain - man.

The monotony of everyday Life

What monotony! We have professions, working time, family, holidays, voyages and take what you want just to forget that we die some day and can be killed any moment by the rich class and their wars and the fantasies of religious idiots, believing in a non-existent God or other Shit.

The daily life is the contrary of deathly SYSTEMS - humans have set on the surface of our planet to kill any future, not only of humans, but also for nature and animals and everything you could think of today.

Such death and life had never any sense, because it ends by the destruction of humanity and of our planet Earth.

The Planet

The only LAWS to be taken for serious were the "LAWS OF THE PLANET".

These were for reasons I cannot get, replaced by BEHAVIOURISM by all philosophers and idiots ever having lived on this rotten planet.

By the end, our SYSTEMS have destroyed the intellect of 99,9999 percent of all folks on Earth and what remained was a program of Death by growth, progress, technology, Facebook, digitalisation and greed and stupidity, based on "Dictatorships of dull majorities" - and this was the End of any Sense of Life - ever.


Now you can read all my books and all my Editors Letters and try to understand, why you are living and be dead soon - without ever having understood just one per mille of the fundamental reality, we had on this planet - before let it destroy by your laws of masses.

If you have any question - go to your god-damned GOD or ALLAH and ask him.

All you will get from now on, is Shit in your mind - even more as you ever had.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 21, 2019