You know Habermas - Juergen Habermas?
Habermas is the most famous philosopher of all Times. He is German, he is comparable to Fukuyama , Milton Friedman and Levy and other Derrida types of VIPs, he is old and when he had some higher anniversary, the Journal DIE ZEIT wrote an article over several double pages with title
Now, what is the philosophy of Habermas?
This very famous man pretends that we would have a perfect World, when all folks on Earth would have:
- Freedom of speech, of writing, having justice, having democracy in all nations, having peace, having equal rights, equal cash, human rights for any person, man, woman, child - and so on and so on.
By coincidence, I dreamt tonight that there were guys around that could only touch a person, and exactly the above Habermas program would enter in their brains, and it would happen what Habermas is dreaming about - and
Now, let's look at the facts:
How can this humanity be perfect when we still have:
1. Indebtedness of States and banks bringing all nations and the finance system of the globe in total bankruptcy.
2. Having still armies and interest of cripples of hegemony, making slaves of other humans.
3. Having still the resources and energy stuffs gone from the planet for all times.
4. The Climate Collapse still a fact and the weather machine bringing one catastrophe after the other, of millennium droughts, water-floods, super-storms and worse over the planet.
5. Having still humans not being able to understand 90 percent of what's going on in economics, finances, ecology, culture and the future of a humanity, being since several years in free fall to hell.
6. Humans not fit to live in a paradise, since having destroyed oceans, forests, lands, having 7 billions and soon 10 billions of idiots without brains and an elite being more stupid than any ape in Africa . The fact that we have the given mega-towns means, that tomorrow gigantic riots will start when water and nourishment got out.
7. Democracy being the worst system of politics, since it is a Dictatorship of dull majorities, the power of the average that can be bought by Cash and being the reason for the terrible State of Affairs in our given World.
Now, Habermas is not a World power, but highest Idiocy ever seen.
Now assume we had a perfect DELAVY World:
This is what I have written in my 4th Book "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" (10 Maxims for continuation of existence), how humanity could have a future, if implemented around 1975. However, if implemented today 2012, there would no longer be any effect. And this is what was about in that book:
- Nationalism is replaced by a system called "Zielgesellschaft" or Society by AIMS.
- No frontiers, no governments, no parliaments - only a "Weisenrat" to say a government or World Council of the wisest Guys of the Globe under my dictate.
- No death machinery like cars, planes, atom and coal energy stations, billions fooling around and killing with each mile the small Geosphere of our Earth.
- Highest aim is to maintain the Earth as paradise, protection of water, air, oceans, resources, lands to get a humanity, for still a long time.
- No torture and wars, no prisons, no holocaust of animals and humans any more
- The pops explosion is reversed and as fast as ever possible to go down on one billion
- No rich sacks and no poverty. The fruits of the Earth are for all.
- Any person must work as good as possible without a concept of growth, but with a concept that we have water and food for all, justice for all, the lands and lakes and oceans and original forests maintained, no gene food of killing a future, health care for all, rights of EXIT for all, control of births for our human Apes not to let explode the stupid and the beautiful, abolish the crazy traffic, transports, holidays killing a globe, Internet making stupid, some goes for Hollywood and Bollywood etc.
- The intellect of folks must be levied on a higher level, so that any child could immediately see - as I do in all my books - understand the downfall in finances, the coming collapse of world economics, the effects of internet and other shit of mind, people being privileged and not paying taxes but living on cost of those forced by nations to pay taxes….
Now, there were on 150 pages some other proposals and followed by the Delavy Warning: IF this book is not brought largely in the market, humanity will fall in pieces in the 21st Century and be dead and gone by 2099.
Now, since for some reason, the given editors throwing the manuscripts in the basket, thought this was science-fiction and an illusion - and just because this fact, I swear with God, with Allah, with Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha that
- this rotten Habermas Idiocy will be massacred by itself until around 2099 - and NOTHING can stop the present collapse in finances (I wrote in 1000 Texts - why) - collapse in economics, politics, culture, philosophy and ecology. Absolutely nothing. Look into your mirror at your home - what you see is a picture of a species, very soon gone and out for all times.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on June 30, 2012
Somehow I knew for all times, that if a text written on June 30, 2012, is not taken for serious, humanity will have missed any chances for the survival of this idiotic Species.- And be sure that the masses will soon massacre the rich and powerful.