Trump finance Perpetrators DEAD

Eliminate Trump Perpetrators

Do you know that Trump, Octavio-Cortez, Modi and Bolsonaro and all other Chiefs of States and Jews and Bankers and experts and 99,999999 percent of masses have no idea what’s going to happen after the CORONA-Debacle?

The best Accountant of the Globe will explain:


Like Trump and all corrupt Chiefs of State of these days, she proposed to invest 50 trillion of Dollars into business, banks too big to fail, individuals, conglomerates, in order to prevent the bankruptcy of the whole finance system of 200 nations before 31st December 2020.

What folks don’t know:

Debts are “eternalized”

We will see eternal debts, never to be paid back ever - and making all youth of all future generations, all states and all banks bankrupt. It is impossible to issue Dollars or Euros or Yuan or whatever per trillions as demanded by present collapse, without producing gigantic DEBTS forever in any corner of economics.


Never any interest can be demanded. Although such money be invested in any matter, all production of cruise ships, Tourism, Airbnb, Amazon TESLA, all banks, insurance, re-insurance and rent-systems of the old folks will be DEAD.

Becoming worthless

Governments may invest trillions in stock exchange to keep up values and prevent a worldwide collapse, with the result that tumbling companies will have a value of say 5 trillion Dollars, but the Stock Exchange value will be 50 to 100 trillion dollars – taken as a whole. The effect will be a CRASH of a house of cards, shares become worthless, derivates the same, bonds too, money value go to zero. The Western economy including China, India and the rest will be under default.

The effects on masses

When this happens, the crowds will run on the streets and kill all boni-bankers, WEF Participants, CEOs, Chiefs of States, politicians, Jews, Elite, right-wing universities - and take it. No force can stop them, otherwise all generals and officers will be seized and tortured to death.

Help comes from Delavy

Now, it is sure that I will never intervene and want to see dying all idiots, basing on the CRASH of economics, finance mafia, ecologic crimes and so on. But if I were inclined to give hints, I would ask that all those types above be killed first.

Saving what can be saved

Well, it is clear that our societies will be killed in the 21st Century anyhow. But there are means to stop at least the CRAZE of all masses - to be falling for years in a death camp and eternal wars.

But now I have given you the prize for such intervention.


I have the feeling, that all experts, professors, politicians and geniuses just did not get what they were reading just NOW.

This is fine and perfect - exactly the result I wanted – Assholes!

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written in May 2020

Delavy Accounting Rules of the Highest

You – Idiot of the BIG 4 – can learn about these rules in my books and BLOGS.

One of the 5 to 10 points of the rules was:

"Any conglomerate, bank, insurance, State or family is the same in view of bankruptcy."

Any Company or State or Family has its Assets (wealth or fortune)

But on the liability side, each of those Trump-stupids have debts and equity (capital of his own).

Most of equities (own capital) do not make 10 percent of Assets.

So, when Assets (value of shares, of portefeuilles, of factory, houses, of patents, of debtors etc.), go down by about 10 percent, what is the case today:

ALL companies, States and families of the globe are bankrupt in 200 nations – JUNK!

However, with the Corona, the debts will mount or increase by 30 to 50 percent of assets and kill the whole ECONOMY all around our World.

We are finished and out for all times – Assholes!