Critic against WWW
Tim Berners-Lee
I just heard a
discussion on Swiss Idee Shit TV, called "Sternstunden" of an hour
with the inventor of the World Wide Web - Tim Berners-Lee.
Tim Berners-Lee is a
very optimistic person who could never think of negative sides of the Internet,
of Computers, of the Finance Business, of WWW and Google and Facebook, Twitter,
Apple and the rest.
He is proud that the
whole world is going to be informed to an extent never seen before. Soon over
50 percent of all folks on Earth can communicate by mobile computers in form of
tablets wherever they are.
There will be in
future the possibility of computers to communicate by computers to extend the
possibilities of humans and make them much more intelligent than today.
He says that there
might be a danger that computers become more powerful than humans, but it's up
to humans to control the computers, the programs, Google and the rest - I said:
Stupid Tim Berners-Lee of CERN is dull to the ultimate maximum.
Let's talk about the
errors and stupidity of types like this shit of a person:
1. WWW is useful to
get information about anything you may wish on Earth. But at the same time,
lots of folks commit criminal acts by WWW, empty bank accounts and get power on
people not so clever as those gangsters.
2. The dependence of
such gadgets like WWW, computers, tablets, i-Phones and other modern shit did
not make people intellectual, but stupid to the max. All folks think on same
low terms of madness and don't get the point.
3. The Jews of Wall
Street and hedge funds can with help of computers make money profits in
nano-seconds and this will end one day with the complete collapse of the
finance industry. Already today, we have rotten banks, bankrupt nations,
currencies short of worthlessness, China, India, Japan and USA to crash and
debts of overall 2 trillions of dollars worldwide, when there is no possibility
to turn State debts down to State profits to pay back those
4. The fact that NSA,
secret services, Facebook, Google and other shit like the U.S. Government
control all what goes by computers, mails, phones, in conglomerates and banks, shall kill any ethics and order on this globe. In addition, Computers
accelerate the feasibility of the destruction of the Earth by out-powering it
in resources, climate, weather machine got rotten and the sharp increasing
paranoia of the 99,99 percent, of which Tim Berners-Lee is one of the main
figures of great shit.
We just have to note
that when the philosophies, the theories of economics, the power of the Jews
in Finances and the stupidity of the Elite in politics, science, philosophy and
technology has come to an abyss and is in its Free Fall since 1975, point of no
Return, we can forget about a sound Progress.
The invention of WWW,
Computers and Technologies in Neoliberalism was the nail to the final coffin of
our humanity and such shit like Tim Berners-Lee are the reason of the coming
downfall of Humanity from 1990 to 2099 - and there is no brain worldwide, to
see the facts written in this report.
We should torture to
death such types like Berners-Lee, Bush, Obama, Ronald, Thatcher, Yellen and
Greenspan, WEF Schwab and all dirt at Wall Street, otherwise the humans will be
killed by billions from now on.
Believe it or not - I
know what I am writing here - Idiots.
René Delavy - Berlin
and Bournemouth
written on May 4,