and his deadly error about E = mc2
There is a tiny little thing. You can't see it with your eyes only. And
then, all of a sudden, there is a "BIG BANG" - and out of the
nowhere, out of nothing, comes the whole universe, billions of suns, millions
of galaxies, the whole space of about 16 million light-years, apparently
representing our eternity of space and time. And all good-hearted scientists of
our Earth start their useless struggle for logical reasoning. It is that
simple. Out of God's pet has come our World as it is and everybody believes in
his stupidity that THIS is reality. In fact, our false reasoning is dictated by
some superficial brains, those of all our philosophers of the last 2000 years,
who have centered the importance, the power and the stupidity of one single
species, the Homo sapiens, in the middle of the Universe. They didn't
understand anything about the true reality, dictated by the fundamental laws of
our platform of living, our Earth. And thus, all politicians, prize-holders of
dynamite and all "Science"-readers cannot see that they cultivate an
impossible view on the World as it is and they dictate an idiotic reasoning for
us, the so-called "normal" people, about the reality in which we
apparently are living and dying - towards a future being destroyed by us
wilfully and out of pure dullness with the idea of growth and stock exchanges.
All this started, when Albert Einstein created his formula E = mc2.
He has written afterwards that he does not know if that formula was really
correct. Assisted by his very highly developed brain, Einstein felt that
something could be wrong about his E = mc2… Here follows René
Delavy's doubts about Einstein's theory and the proofs for his highly risky
The formula E = mc2 is perfectly correct, but it does not
apply to what we think it means, although it is perfectly true that: Energy
equals mass (of any kind) multiplied by (simple) speed square.
But Einstein's formula pretends: Energy equals Mass multiplied by
LIGHT-speed square!!
This formula is definitely a MAXIMUM-Formula. The highest speed ever is
light-speed. Physically speaking, it cannot be multiplied. Einstein himself
gave the proof for this. But nevertheless: mathematically it can be multiplied
with itself. But light-speed is nearly an indefinite figure. Multiplying an
indefinite figure by itself results in a number that could be nearly set equal
to infinity. (A stupid man pretended that less than nearly infinity would still
be infinity. Crazy: Any figure below light-speed square is thinkable, in order
to justify Einstein's theory.)
The formula of Einstein is perhaps applicable for the Big Bang, but
never for making explode a simple atomic or hydrogen bomb. Never. Be the mass
so little as might be: Multiplied by c2, this material would
logically make the whole Earth explode.
The correct formula for the atomic bomb should have been:
Energy (E) = Any mass given (m) x LIGHT-speed square (c2)
minus factor X (E = mc2
- X)
Conclusion: To make explode any mass in a bomb, we don't need
light-speed square, because this formula would result in an absolute maximum of
speed and mathematical acceleration being possible at all. And such a formula
would make explode the sun system, our galaxy or even the entire universe. And
remember the following fact: What is tried to happen in CERN, Geneva , is NOT c square - but the neutrons
are accelerated below light-speed. What CERN does is simply NUTS and very
Whoever wants like CERN make explode our universe, therefore, must achieve
to let explode our Earth with the formula E = m x c2 (Energy equals mass
times light-speed square) and we will have a peaceful Earth and a peaceful
Universe forever and ever. And afterwards, no good hearted God can ever more be
invented, because there would be no human beings to wish having their holocaust
on other beings sacrificed by his personal God, be it invented by any guy of
any sort of religion in the World.
What I mean is the following: Human mankind is responsible for so many
disasters and holocausts in this world that it is logical of him trying now to
achieve his self destruction as a result of my formula "Power x Stupidity
= Self destruction". This in fact, could be the only way out from his
total call for nihilism. No God would ever accept a Homo sapiens able to kill
and torture just anything that is moving, that is thinking and believing in his
unique God. The true God of existence would have finished our hell long before
any US-designer creating a fucking idiotic specimen of a cynical Homo sapiens.
In fact, God's nihilism is saying: "Get rid of all poor and weak beings.
Let the fittest get all the honours and Nobel-prizes. Therefore, throughout the
Universe, the powerful beings must kill and torture all other beings in an
eternal holocaust. This is my holy programme of nature: That the fittest and
most powerful animals or plants, including the stupid Homo sapiens, kill in
politics, in ecology, in economy and in culture all the rest. I, God, have only
these only goals - and the rules of humanity can get lost."
This in fact is the God of our nature, or the nature of our God... or,
for more stupid beings, of the Gods that have slaughtered millions of
other-thinking beings in Latin America or Africa and burnt hecatombs of women
in fires and under falling stones in the name of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and
all the rest of legends having inventing personalized Gods, for the sake of
weak human beings in the last 2000 years. This is what Gods are doing through
all eternal times and all indefinite spaces. The only chance for human beings
the fundamental truth about the powers and the stupidities that govern our own
self-destruction of a dull species!
Think of this fact of ethical thinking by a living God and you will wake
up, even it is still middle of the night of your awareness, in your
casino-money-world - where humans can apparently purchase the whole nature for
a penny because its worth is nearly zero. Over 99 percent of human beings
believe that they know what reality is. In fact they live hollywoodesk life
dictated by animals with names as Bush, Blair, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pinochet,
Milosevic, Napoleon, and some other crazy brains like Sartre, Popper, Derrida,
Huntington, Fukuyama and all philosophers which have ever put the almighty
power of men OVER the fundamental laws of nature dictated by our life-platform,
our mother Earth.
That's all folks, for today. Think of these words. All stupids of this
world, such as Erich von Däniken with his E.T.-Spielberg-Extra-Terrestrians und
funny "Mystery Park", J.K. Rowling with her children-dulling
fantasies of a marginal "Harry Potter", Stanislaw Lem's fantasies on
a science-fictional future that humans never well see to become true, all
esoteric shit in all bookshops of the world including eternally revolving dull
novels of "Fräuleinwonders" and other hypes, the odd circle of ever
the same "human" feelings, edited only of self confident and
self-destructing Homo sapiens, all these folks don't grasp that it is
absolutely impossible to pass, as living body, distances of any light-years.
Only light itself can travel with that speed. There might be billions of beings
on other planets in the Universe. But only the one being living on Earth has
ever came near to the planet Earth. The belief to be able to get rid of his own
planet, is a terrible crime and this vanity is at the source of his poisoning
and scrapping the nature and biology of his unique platform of living, the
All think-tanks of all mafia organisations (USA , UNO, EU, NGOs etc.) are
together not worth one page of my writing. They all represent - without the
ability of any network thinking, the world's dictatorships of dull majorities
(=democracies), dictatorships at the service of powerful idiots like Bush,
Putin, Hitler or Mao and all other politicians. The dullest of our humanity
have taken over this planet, whereas all wise men have been arrested near Guantanamo - or made stop
writing the only reasonable intellectual books of the present, for the most
stupid feuilletonists ever. All these wise and powerful guys are poisoning us
with shitty brain stuff, all Murdoch's and other cynics' TV-channels, all
around the world (not to speak about most of the dynamite prize holders with
little brains, concentrating on just ONE object of interest, that will show to
have assisted in making explode growth and vanities) - are not capable to think
and analyse reality on a reasonably high level of abstractedness. They are just
full of greed and blindly running for more profits, growth and wealth. They
have emptied their brains of any complexity, long ago, in favour of some
amounts on Swiss bank accounts.
And now, we soon will fall in our own grave. Good God: it was about time
for this, before the slaughtering of everybody against everything that is
moving, has come to perfection in the years of the new valid formula
"Power x Stupidity = Self destruction", which has come to his climax
and final lap in the 20th century.
Author of "10 Maxims for continuation of life" and
"Democracy = dictatorship of dull majorities"
www.kaosverlag.com -
BLOG "Rene Delavy" (www.blogger.com)